weekly astrology forecast | September 30th to october 6th, 2024 - results, revelations, relationship drama, big final solar eclipse in libra closes a door and opens a window

This is another important week as the Eclipse cycle continues!

Mercury goes into the heart of the Sun to be reborn, bringing results and revelations from the middle of August, we have a BIG Solar Eclipse in the relationship/balance-focused sign of Libra, Mars starts walking the degrees he will repeat (so a repeating storyline begins, we will get back to this week in February 2025). We have multiple trines to keep things moving and multiple squares to trip us up.

So, let's unpack the week!


MONDAY - Mars trine Saturn, Mercury conjunct the Sun

WEDNESDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

THUIRSDAY - Mercury inconjunct Saturn, Venus trine Saturn

SUNDAY - Mercury square Mars, Sun inconjunct Saturn

On MONDAY, the Moon is in organized Virgo. We are nourished/feel safe when our t's are crossed and i's dotted, when we are helpful/healthful, when we are RIGHT :) which we will think we are.

Mars at 14 degrees Cancer trines Saturn (retrograde) at 14 degrees Pisces. Here is where our actions, in Cancer this may be about our comforting actions or our security-focused actions are lined up with the old RULES and limits. Commitments can be made. Keeping in mind any commitment made while Saturn is in Pisces is not totally rock-solid. 

This can also be about career/reputation endings or the ending of a responsibility that has been slow and dissolving. With Mars in Cancer, the energy will turn our attention toward improving home/family/mother and self-care situations. WE WANT TO TAKE ACTION WITH WHAT SHOWS UP. 

This is also the day Mercury catches up with the Sun (Mercury Cazimi), bringing a result/validation or revelation that will likely connect back to August 19th's BIG Aquarius Full Moon, so something here is LIBERATING/future- focused. 

We talked about Mercury/Sun in Part I of the Solar Eclipse post HERE

Happening conjunct the South Node brings a certain FATED QUALITY AND HISTORY TO events, news, communications, etc, and will be part of Wednesday's BIG Eclipse energies. 

TUESDAY - the Moon in Virgo trines Uranus - plans change, the information/idea changes - this change is good/smooth. Future-focused. THEN the Moon opposes Neptune - the details get fuzzy/we lose out focus/we need a nap. Something is out of our hands. We release/lose control. THEN the Moon goes void off a trine to Pluto. The Pluto trine brings empowerment/transformation, but notice it comes AFTER we release control. THEN the Moon is void from 5:39PM EDT to 6:20PM EDT (a time to chill out) and moves into Libra. The skies are dark. Her first aspect in Libra will be tomorrow's New Moon Solar Eclipse. 

On WEDNESDAY - we have the Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra. Our energy can be low here, so keep this in mind. A powerful and fated portal OPENS, a chapter ends, a chapter begins and will be in play until spring - most powerful over the next two weeks. 

We started talking about the aspects HERE. Part II will follow this post when we pull it all together. 

In general, the New Moon in Libra is about new relationships/other people and new ways to do relationship. With Black Moon Lilith conjunct the Eclipse EXACTLY we will be looking at/feeling CORE RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS. With the Mercury/Sun we are putting the imbalances - the good, the bad and the ugly into PERSPECTIVE, realizing that some things will likely have to be accepted as they are. With Mars squaring from Cancer, situations will conspire to bring into greater focus the ways we have - and have not - used relationships to establish security and safety and create home and family structures. With Venus in deep Scorpio we will be attracted to, and likely feel a need for, greater depth and intimacy, scandals and secrets will come out and merged finances/sex all will be part of the picture. 

On THURSDAY, Mercury, at 14 degrees Libra inconjuncts Saturn (retrograde) while Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn. 

Words and ideas can be blocked by rules/limits/authority. We can't say what we want to say. Mercury's need in Libra to be kind/cordial/diplomatic might be tested. Whatever this is - there is a damned if we do/damned if we don't - feeling to conversations. The way through this will be Venus in Scorpio's trine to Saturn. Honesty will be valued over 'nice'. Holding cards close to the vest/zipping a lip. Commit to go deeper and not speak superficially. The trine brings a path of least resistance, we won't have to force ourselves to be serious or follow the rules.

SUNDAY - Mercury squares Mars - bringing arguments and frustrating news and information. The Sun inconjunct to Saturn brings in a rock and a hard place energy between our ego/heart and authority/responsibilities or this could be between our closest relationships or balance and our dreams/escapes/addictions. The Moon in Scorpio will help after she gets through an uncomfortable square to Uranus in the afternoon, she will trine Neptune and go void off a sextile to Pluto. Remember with all these outer planets at the end of their signs, the Moon is continually interacting with them - every couple days - in different ways from the new sign she is in. So, we are dealing with this stuff again and again and the only change, because these outer planets are not changing, is US/our emotions/the Moon. 

THIS IS HUGE and I don't talk about this enough. All these outer planets are changing signs NEXT YEAR for the first time in such a tight little bundle since the 1500's. So, right now, we are looking at things and feeling things - in many ways the same old things - in different ways to get as much growth from these closures as we possibly can. And right now all the outer planets are retrograde, so these are very old stories - many with beginnings we didn't even experience in this lifetime - wrapping up. But, maybe not with big red bows ... just yet. 

OK, that's a quick overview of the week, back with Part II of the Eclipse.

xo all

Keep in mind by the end of this week Mars will reach the degrees he will be repeating during his retrograde, so whatever we have going on will be part of a longer story about the ways we take action to establish security and the ways 'the war comes home'. We talked about this HERE and I will continue that series after the election. 

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