mars in cancer until spring 2025 | the war comes home - part II - checking in on our own knee-jerk reactions so we don't burn ourselves or the house down trying to protect it

Let's continue our Mars in Cancer series by noting that today is the one year anniversary of the attack on Israel. We were in between two powerful Eclipses, one that spoke of imbalanced relationships/the relationship wound being the space where the light gets in and the other that said, 'sometimes we might have to fight'. Mars was in Libra conjunct Israel's Ascendent/self. 

Now, here we are one year later with Mars freshly minted in Cancer preparing for a very LONG STAY. Things are honestly looking pretty challenging.

With the planet of war and passion and masculine vigor situated in the sign of home, family, country and mother, now, and for the next few months, it can, collectively, evoke a kind of trigger-happy defense of our security, our family, THE HOMELAND.

We can all become more DEFENSIVE. 

And with Mars answering to the Moon, a planetary body that changes signs every couple days, more MOODY. 

One thing we can personally do to help the world because Mars is far from a 'lunar' type energy, and will be answering to the Moon for a LONG TIME, is learn about the dark side of OUR Moon and how this relates to our KNEE-JERK reactions (as well as our Black Moon Lilith wounds that we talked about a couple posts back). 

It can be important during this transit to be able to take a breath at times so we can respond and not react. The collective is nothing more than a 'collection' of our personal lives/stories and we can have an impact on collective energies by caring responsibly for our personal ones.

Think about your natal Moon and also the sign ruled by any planets in conjunction to your natal Moon. For example, if you have a Moon in Virgo conjunct Pluto, you will want to think about the knee-jerk reactions/habits of a Scorpio Moon as well as your Virgo Moon. Make sense?

ARIES MOON - and this will be the collective energy for all of us since Mars rules Aries - a knee-jerk reaction might be to respond with anger or fast action, so we don't have to feel what is happening 

TAURUS MOON - knee jerk reaction might be to dig in, become stubborn, refusing to change

GEMINI MOON - knee jerk reaction might be chattering, talking or thinking about things we should be feeling

CANCER MOON - knee jerk reaction might be being "hurt" when maybe we need to be angry, living in the past, being overly defensive, feeling sorry for yourself

LEO MOON - knee jerk reaction might be creating drama, being a diva or putting on a happy face or leader demeanor and not letting them "see you cry"

VIRGO MOON - knee jerk reaction might be being overly critical, overworking, getting sick

LIBRA MOON - knee jerk reaction might be 'peace at any cost', not rocking the boat, looking for love in all the wrong places, demanding things be fair

SCORPIO MOON - knee jerk reaction might be holding grudges, resentments, going over and over things, withdrawing and isolating or even retaliating, overcontrolling

SAGITTARIUS MOON - knee jerk reaction might be spiritual bypassing, moving past feelings without feeling them, overindulging, gambling

CAPRICORN MOON - knee jerk reaction might be being depressed instead of angry, overworking, overcontrolling

AQUARIUS MOON - knee jerk reaction might be thinking instead of feeling and then periodically exploding, being aloof or feeling superior

PISCES MOON - knee jerk reaction might be escaping or daydreaming/fantasizing, martyring, losing focus, getting high or drunk, feeling sorry for yourself

If we find ourselves going over to our Moon's 'dark side', and we might at times, because humans are naturally inclined toward what is familiar - we can take a breath. Maybe the knee jerk reaction makes sense and the breath can be one of those short, panting Golden Retriever type things. Or maybe the knee jerk reaction doesn't make any sense/won't get us what we want and we need to HOLD THAT BREATH FOR AWHILE. 

Thinking about our knee jerk reactions made me think about Achilles because the dark side of the Moon is kind of another Achilles heel (mother wound connected to his story, too) and I looked at the United States chart and, right now, as I am typing this Achilles in the United States chart is right back where it was on July 4th, 1776. So, I am taking this as a sign to write a bit about him today, too :)

Achilles was a student of Chiron whose mother Thetis tried to give him immortality by dipping him in the River Styx in Hades - the ankle she held during this "dip" left forever vulnerable and this would be exactly where Paris would later shoot him with an arrow (aided by Apollo) to avenge the death of his brother Hector. The term "Achilles heel" speaks of our weak spot/vulnerability (Chiron was also shot in the foot with an arrow, so maybe also something here about not shooting ourselves in the foot).  A lesson here for parents, too, about trying to take short-cuts to give our children some kind of 'teflon-coating' which, of course, will backfire. 

The United States has a 4 degree Virgo Achilles. The sabian symbol of which is Black and White Children Playing Happily Together. Donald Trump's natal Achilles is 24 Sagittarius which just happens to be EXACTLY opposing Kamala Harris's Ascendant on her descendent (open enemies). The sabian symbol for 24 Sagittarius is "A Chubby Little Rich Boy Rides Upon a Hobby Horse". Harris's is 1 degree Leo "An Epidemic of Mumps' and is tightly conjunct Biden's North Node/Chiron. Biden's Achilles is 1 degree Libra exactly conjunct his natal Neptune and the sabian is "The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh" - which, kind of blew my mind this morning. 

Achilles is asteroid 588. You can use to find him in your natal chart and to research the symbol. The definitions by Lynda Hill are quite rich and interesting and are not just the few word titles I have written above. Or take a look at the aspects Achilles is making. 

I can also find him, as well as your Moon, for you if you shoot me an email. 

With Mars in Cancer, some thought about our knee jerk reactions/immediate habits can be helpful. Also, we might want to track the Void Moons a bit better for things we have control of the timing with, so we can avoid the Voids when we can.

xo all - back with Mars into Cancer Part III next and we will look at the battle of the Gods

(also, did anyone catch the news stories with Black Moon Lilith conjunct the Sun in Libra  - married to the king - last week about Melania Trump's position on abortion - excerpts from her about-to-be-released book, also the way even the people who agree with her were unsupportive to her in the same articles, crazy astrology in action)

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