weekly astrology forecast | october 7th to 13th, 2024 | some goodies have been delivered but christmas does not come early, rocks and hard places, here is the ending/the death that was postponed, might be the week when all hell breaks loose for about 6 months but probably that is next week

With Jupiter and Pluto stationing at almost the same time - EXPECT (not totally unexpected) MAJOR CHANGES OF DIRECTION this week. 

Painful endings are possible, keep the faith folks. 

Let's dive right in!

TUESDAY - Venus trine Mars, Mercury trine Jupiter, Mercury opposes Chiron


THURSDAY - Venus inconjunct Jupiter and Chiron, First Quarter Moon in Cappy

FRIDAY - Mercury inconjunct Uranus, PLUTO STATIONS DIRECT 

SUNDAY - Mercury squares Pluto and enters Scorpio, Mars squares Chiron and the Sun opposes Chiron, Sun trines Jupiter

TUESDAY - A couple things are going on early in the week. Venus is in Scorpio, and answering to Mars, and is making a nice smooth trine - brakes off - with Mars in Cancer. This could be something as literal as spending merged money or big money to fix something in the home. Maybe something buried or that we have postponed. Maybe a water issue. Or this could be about 'going deep' with a home situation or with a man/woman relationship issue. The 'going deep'/getting to the bottom of things is making the situation more safe/secure.

Then we have Mercury making a nice trine to Jupiter. This is Jupiter's last aspect before going retrograde, and he makes the trine while in an opposition to Chiron. This is about a painful conversation or painful news. Oppositions are like Full Moons and can bring closure, so a painful situation could be being put to bed here via written or verbal words/news/conversations. Or maybe we try to say things kindly - Mercury in Libra - and we still hurt someone or it could be that some kind of 'good news' is bittersweet. 

Whatever this is, Mercury's trine to Jupiter is the way through the PAIN/vulnerability - FAITH in something bigger/better. There is a blessing/good news here somewhere. FIND IT. 


On WEDNESDAY - Jupiter stations retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini. The planet of expansion and luck (particularly when we stretch/go out on a limb), wisdom and justice - the planet that is one part wise guru and one part our celestial Santa Claus, changes direction. 

You thought he was coming to your house with some early holiday bounty, but he's waylaid until FEBRUARY. 

With Jupiter stationing retrograde in Gemini - information, contracts, ANSWERS AND FACTS can be DELAYED. Our big-picture beliefs are subject to change. But maybe with some things taken off the table, it can be easier to narrow our focus and see what we are really dealing with, especially once Mercury gets settled into Scorpio by next week. 

And don't forget there are treasures to be found when Jupiter backtracks, too, it is just more of an 'inside-job' to find them. And if you were born with Jupiter retrograde (like Kamala/Karma Harris and Donald Trump) your luck is in the past/the stuff that is BEHIND YOU anyway

The bad news with this - the stuff that is expanding in your life/your Gemini house will stop expanding - and, actually, this can be good news, too, can't it? The good news with this - and this is entirely good news is that we are backtracking over some opportunities we missed. Second chances. Doors that were previously open can close and doors that were previously closed can open. 

Bottom line - OUR LUCK CHANGES this week. 

THURSDAY - we have multiple inconjuncts - rocks and hard places/adjustments AND the Moon in sober Capricorn will be squaring the Libra Sun. This is tension and frustration and a need to take action between last week's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra and next week's Full Moon in fiery and independent Aries. Something about confronting power imbalances within relationships, career vs balance. If we have been bending over backward with the Sun in Libra, the Cappy Moon will come in and snap us out of that. Or maybe we are meeting authority or our responsibilities half-way here. If something feels unfair/imbalanced - what action do you need to take? With the Moon in Cappy - it will be serious/sober/adult.

On FRIDAY, Mercury inconjuncts Uranus and PLUTO STATIONS DIRECT

This is Pluto's LAST in our lifetime direct station in Capricorn and the start of his final few weeks at 29 degrees Capricorn (my South Node and I am feeling it!). HERE IS THE DEATH THAT WAS POSTPONED. Outdated goals and careers are being shown the door. Hierarchical structures dismantled. Secrets and what has been stuffed, can come up and out. Those skeletons in the closet will be dancing on the coffee table. We want to be OWNING OUR POWER here (and there is always some way to do this even if it seems like the power is with the other party), responding and not reacting over the next few weeks. 

With Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn - world leaders need to be careful. 

Trump needs one of those food tasters like Putin probably has and this is happening in Harris's 8th house squaring her natal Sun (which is also Netanyahu's natal Sun) and inconjunct her Saturn, ruler of that 8th house (death) and with Saturn on her mid-heaven, influencing her career/public reputation. This could be erratically empowering- she does have a natal Pluto/Venus/Uranus conjunction in Libra and we can see how fast she can RISE to the top - but if something unflattering about her has been clamped down, if, Saturn in Pisces plus Venus on her Neptune has 'glamoured' over or insulated it somehow, this might be where it could come out. She has been pretty teflon-coated so far. 

The last time Pluto (power, transformation, death) changed direction in the October of an election year was October 4th, 2020, the day (and we talked about it HEREfour years ago), the original 'teflon-coated' President, Donald Trump, left the hospital after covid. You might remember he rose from his sweaty death bed sheets almost as fast as a bed's sheets can be changed, but his career - ruler of Trump's 6th house of health, Uranus (and Trump in some ways quite literally IS Uranus), in his 10th of career and conjunct his Sun/North Node of Fate - did not do as well. We often say, "our health is our wealth", but in Trump's case "his health is his career". I hope he is taking care of his now. Health, I mean. As Jupiter stations EXACTLY at the mid-point of his natal North Node/Sun and tightly conjunct them both, Trump will have the Sun on his natal Jupiter and Venus on his IC. All good. But we still have transiting Uranus conjunct Algol on Trump's mid-heaven (career, public reputation), and again, Trump, kind of IS Uranus. 

On SUNDAY, Mercury leaves diplomatic Libra - I hope we took advantage of this (!) and falls into spicy hot Scorpio - which, hey, doesn't sound too bad either!

Mercury square Pluto as Pluto stations direct AND as Mercury leaves Libra is making me think of showing someone/something that has been a thorn in our side/maybe that we have had to be nice to - THE DOOR or the finger. Mercury, as us, then falls into Scorpio where niceties are not required or even encouraged and upright middle fingers are par for the course.

We will be getting to the bottom of things and will not be satisfied with Libra's conversational civilities. We'll want to know, and think/talk about, what is really happening. 

It won't always be comfortable.

The hard truths won't be blurted out spontaneously - we will have to dig for them. Decide first if you really want to know what is hiding underneath because Plutonian authenticity is not only transformational - it is permanent. There is no going back to "not knowing". Mysteries can be solved. The truth could come out. Secrets can be languaged and spoken out loud.

Difficult conversations will create deeper levels of intimacy now. If you are dating someone and you have sex (also Scorpio ruled) with them you can never go back to not having sex with them even if you never have sex with them again. The intimacy is still there. It will be like this with our words now. 

And once we know the information - we own it. It's our move (with Scorpio the move might be internal). It changes who we are and we ignore who we are at our own peril.

Careless language (disrespect for ourselves and others) and our careless treatment of other people's words (and their reaction to ours) will be karmic. Keep this in mind.

There could be battles for mental supremacy and mind games during this transit.

People prone to manipulation could be extremely effective (or someone will finally see right to the bottom of what we are doing - maybe that someone will be ourselves). This is a time to take a good, long look at what we are really seeking when we are trying to make a situation/person behave in a way that pleases us. 

Think about it. There are gold nuggets to be mined now. Even tiny specks can be used to create great fortunes. Scorpio rules our inheritance.

The fly in the ointment here is that we might think we are mining for gold when we are really just obsessing on the same old same old. Scorpio rules obsession and compulsion and our minds could easily go there now. Notice it. Don't judge it. Think about - "what does it mean that I keep thinking about this?". Scorpio rules death, too. It's not only what we dig up, but what we put into the ground that matters now.

Maybe some words/language/story needs to be put to rest. With Mercury in Scorpio and Pluto direct at the end of Cappy for the last time in our lives - it could be PERFECT TIMING. 

Mercury will be in Scorpio until November 2nd when he/she moves in Sagittarius - where Mercury is going to station retrograde on November 25th. 

SUNDAY is also the day that both Mars and the Sun make tense, frustrating, testing aspects with Chiron. This speaks of a light on very old/even ancestral wounds and vulnerabilities around home, family, partnership, career. We can feel scapegoated or 'singled out'. Our actions can hurt or what happens to us hurts, and maybe, and this is echoing Mercury/Chiron earlier in the week and could be part of the same thing - a PAINFUL CHAPTER ENDS. The Sun in Libra is also trining Jupiter now, but now he is retrograde. Remember we had a nice trine to Jupiter direct earlier in the week to take the edge off and we get one now, too - keep talking, especially to people you are connected with from the past, be out and about, especially to places you have been before, call your sister. 

Old luck, old assistance, old wisdom, all the good stuff you have ever done - has your back. 

HAVE FAITH. It's moved mountains. And maybe you have been given this mountain to show others it can be moved.  

This week might be challenging/frustrating. That's OK. 

All these things are handle-able and we are the ones with precisely the right hands for the job. Multiple inconjuncts are about letting go of tucked corners and those sheets we can bounce a quarter on (what is that all about? who does this?) and relaese the need for everything, or anything, coming together in a tidy little way. Compromise will be needed, sometimes, and things can still be messy. Messy isn't always a bad thing. 

Tight sheets are highly over-rated and cramp our toes.

xo all - back to continue the Mars series 'the war comes home' which is going to kick into high gear NEXT WEEK and continue for quite some time folks - when the Gods upstairs do battle, the ground shakes down here, so buckle up, Part I was HERE

please excuse any typos, etc - too tired to proofread tonight - xo

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