new moon in sagittarius | december 1st, 2024 - a fiery start that takes us backwards, obstacle right out of the gate, cultivating patience and faith, a need for confidence, genuine guidance available, maybe something about how far we are willing to go for our partner or for a partnership

I can't believe it is December. I mean, what the hell, it was Halloween yesterday, wasn't it?

December is bookended by two New Moons. 

The first is on December 1st, 2024 at 1:21AM EST when the Sagittarius Moon catches up with the Sagittarius Sun at 9 degrees, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in fiery and optimistic Sagittarius.

This is our 2nd of THREE New Moons at 9 degrees.

Sagittarius is a mutable signThe mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season and this Moon really has her work cut out for her! New Moons are the time to set new intentions and working with Sagittarius themes (and the themes of your Sagittarius natal house) NOW allow the natural energies to work with us. As the Moon waxes (grows) over the next two weeks, and really over the next 6 months, so does whatever our intentions set into motion.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign (ruled by Jupiter and ruler of our collective 9th house) that rules travel, freedom, adventure, the legal system, higher education, politics, publishing, good luck, faith, religion, weddings, optimism, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, THE QUEST  - it also rules, if these positives are taken too far - carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Besides the monthly lunar energy of "new beginnings" this particular Moon has its own relationship with the other players in the heavens based on its position. That is where the real juice of any particular New Moon can be found.

So, let's unpack the chart!

The skies are dark. The Moon and Sun meet at 9 degrees Sag. They are conjunct asteroid Urania EXACT. The Moon is semi-sextile Juno EXACT. The New Moon is squaring Saturn in Pisces - the block, the stop, the reality check THAT IS COMING. The New Moon is trining Mars - the wind at our back/the heart centered action that is FINISHING UP. Mars is strong, but about to reverse course - this 'finish' thing isn't going to be a straight line. The Moon is opposing Sag ruler Jupiter who is retrograde in Gemini. Jupiter is in a tight trine to Vesta and an EXACT trine to Black Moon Lilith - both in Libra. 

The Moon and Sun meet up at 9 degrees Sagittarius. Our New Moon last month was at 9 degrees Scorpio and the New Moon at the end of the month will be at 9 degrees Capricorn. 

So let's look at all these 9's. 

In the iChing, hexagram 9 is called 'Small Taming'. It follows Union and precedes Treading. So we are in the middle of a cycle of 'new' that comes after we have chosen "union" - where we belong and with whom. Maybe battle lines are drawn/being drawn if we have simply partnered against "the other"/the common enemy. At its most challenging this is something like the center that will not hold, the wheel that has lost its spokes, the partners who avert their eyes. There is more intensity, more strain, more TRUTH than the moment/the structure can hold. There can be a falling apart here. The union doesn't hold. 

At its best, 'Small Taming' (that, remember, follows union) is about doing the detailed work that must be done if the POTENTIAL of the union/what we were drawn to/what we are building through the union - is to be realized. The work of the 'Small Taming' can be quite solitary. 

Keep in mind this is the 9 degree New Moon with mutable fire energy, because, remember there are THREE - one in a fixed water sign, one in a mutable fire sign and one in a cardinal earth sign. In the mutable sign we are making adjustments. This is the lunar cycle with Mercury retrograde and meeting up with the Sun and Mars stationing retrograde. This is a time of ADJUSTMENT. 

The way through most things in Sagittarius is with CONFIDENCE (faith in ourselves). And FAITH - confidence in something bigger than ourselves. 

The New Moon/Sun are exactly conjunct asteroid Urania. Urania was one of the nine Muses. A daughter of Zeus, Urania was known for her connection to astrology and astronomy. There is a myth/story about Urania helping a sailor who had angered a God by opening a treacherous sky to one star bright enough for him to navigate his way home. 

Having Urania in such precise connection with the New Moon indicates there is some kind of GENUINE GUIDANCE available to all of us now. Maybe with Mars about to turn around in Leo and head back into Cancer - a way to COME HOME. 

The New Moon's separating trine to Mars speaks of the actions that have come BEFORE this new beginning. In Leo, again this can be about some way we have stood out, taken center stage, had courage/confidence. Followed our heart. Dealt with a heart-filled issue. 

The New Moon's applying square to Saturn shows some kind of road out up ahead. 

It won't be just smooth sailing and it is good to know this going in. 

What starts now will require both confidence/the archer aims his bow higher than the target he wants to hit AND grounding, patience - the reality of the whole thing will not be ignored. But, keep in mind Saturn isn't so strong in Pisces. This isn't about a brick wall.

This square is good news, tells us the new start isn't some bullsh*tty thing because with Sag we can never be quite sure what is real. 

Saturn, even in Pisces, is REAL. 

There will be some kind of obstacle almost right out of the gate with this thing. Don't give up. 

With Pisces involved, some kind of sacrifice might be required. There could be something we have to give up. For example - play time if you are building a business, time at work/ambition if you are serious about building a strong home, etc. 

The New Moon is widely opposing Sag ruler Jupiter, who is uncomfortable situated in Gemini (picture a big guy crammed into a small car) BUT able to get back to himself through Mercury, currently in Sagittarius. BUT, yes, there is an almost unprecedented double BUT here - they are both retrograde. Words, ideas, conversations, beliefs are TRICKY. At times when it is HARD TO KNOW, I find it is best to understand you are not supposed to. The knowing is too big and we are just at the kicking off point PLUS we are all connected, so what you do depends on what I do and we both depend on what that guy over there is doing. 

Jupiter is tightly trining Vesta - focused on balance and our RELATIONSHIPS/whatever is keeping us up at night - and exactly trining Black Moon Lilith (this powerfully uncomfortable feminine energy born of the shame of wanting what we are perfectly entitled to be wanting, born of our need to choose ourselves). There is a smooth flow with these Libra energies. Balance. Relationship. Women. Jupiter, who rules this whole thing, is in a smooth flow with these powerful Libran energies and pulls Libra themes into the New Moon's story.

The New Moon is in an EXACT semi-sextile to Juno. Juno, the marriage asteroid/the one next to power and what we will do to keep our comfy seating. I look at semi-sextiles like inconjuncts - rocks and hard places, but here because the energies are TOO CLOSE TO USE. Too close to see clearly what we have. Juno is Scorpio is uber powerful/can be manipulative. The New Moon in Sagittarius is ALWAYS about going big or going home - has no need of manipulation because she HAS CONFIDENCE. But maybe also is blind to the truth of the matter that Juno has to offer. Sag is always semi-sextile Scorpio - intimacy, merging, getting to the bottom of things DOESN'T help Sag who wants to, again, GO BIG OR GO HOME. But Juno's exact position now means something

Maybe something about how far we are willing to go for our partner ... or to remain close to power. With Black Moon Lilith maybe something about our rights within a partnership.

(this New Moon is happening conjunct the United States ascendent and tightly conjunct Kamala Harris's natal Juno and EXACT on Joe Biden's natal Juno. I would bet it is on his mind to step down and make it part of his legacy to give the United States its first woman President or maybe this could happen through events that are out-of-his-hands, but since Sag is alot about POTENTIAL and not so much about facts, it is not possible to say for sure if this will actually happen. If it does though, this is the New Moon lunar cycle that allows it/lines up with it ...)

So, to recap this whole thing - we get a BOLD bodacious fresh start where we need to AIM HIGH/higher than we actually want to go (think of that Sagittarius archer!) to hit our actual target. Prior heart-centered or attention/appreciation-seeking actions have gotten us to this place. The past is pulled into the present and making the future. What is behind us and what is in front of us can be CONFUSING. There are corners we can't see around maybe because NOTHING IS DEFINITIVELY THERE YET. There will be some kind of obstacle/reality check right out of the gate. This is actually good news giving the Sag potential LEGS/feet/structure. There is some kind of big-picture story now about the DETAILS of things/the small taming of energy. Genuine guidance, even through the darkest skies, is available. Be present. Act with confidence. The fear will go away by itself. 

Keep in mind Mercury (and Jupiter) are retrograde and Mars is about to be. We are going to have to go back to go forward. 

The way through is BEHIND US.

I hope something here is helpful.


As always, write your New Moon intentions down by hand in script. Use strong ink and a clean sheet of paper. Do this in a quiet, respectful manner in a clean space. Light a candle.

Trust the process. We have used our words to cast our S-P-E-L-L. People always say that affirmations "only work if we take action". And this is true, but not in the way some people think because the affirmation is action. It sets the energy in motion.

Words are not just words. If used properly, in the right frame of mind, they line us up energetically with the thing we are seeking. The New Moon is a time of darkness. 

Think seeds in the ground. Our words/our thoughts/our beliefs are our seeds.

Know what you seek is seeking you. It has no choice. Know these things are already yours. 

xo all 

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