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soft the skin by witchie miranda |
On MONDAY -we kick off the week with the Sun conjunct benevolent Jupiter in benevolent Libra. Astrologer Susan Miller called yesterday and today "the luckiest days of the year". And it is unquestionably an optimistic pairing, especially in Libra, offering us luck and expansion, within our natal Libra houses, and within our relationships.
This is an excellent time to make connections with other people - it's likely to be who we know and not what we know that opens doors now (and, with Jupiter in Libra, through October 10, 2017). This energy will move us into the New Moon in Libra on Saturday which is more good news for fresh beginnings to be lucky and fortunate.
The only real downside to Jupiter, especially when connecting with the Sun's spotlight, is to be cautious of anything that feelings too "over the top" since Jupiter, although larger than all the other planets combined, is also made entirely of gases - it's hard to know if there is solid ground underneath all the hoopla.
We want to avoid over-reaching, over-estimating, over-doing, over-indulging, over-dramatizing, over-confidence and over-spending. This doesn't mean we can't do these things without the 'over', of course - it is the luckiest time of the year according to some astrologers - just be wise and keep one foot on the ground!
Venus (ruler of Libra) is in Scorpio so intense and a bit moody. Jupiter and the Sun conjunct in Libra shines a light of us evaluating our relationships, tweaking things a little or a lot. A 12 year Jupiter cycle ends or changes. Partnerships adjust this week.
Also on MONDAY, Pluto, after five months retrograde, stations direct at 14 degrees Capricorn. We now have the next seven months to push forward with stuff in our Capricorn houses and with the stuff that Pluto rules - other people's money ie loans, debt, inheritance, spouse's income, joint finances, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, investments, commissions, our will, royalties, reproduction, sex, surgery, death, birth and re-birth.
With Pluto moving direct - the truth of a situation could be revealed or the truth about an authority figure. Take health issues that crop up now seriously.
Again this week (exact yesterday), we have Eris (angry feminine, angry underdog, revenge, discord, rivalry, goddess of war) conjunct Uranus (the unexpected, rebellion, genius) for the 2nd of 3 times (since her discovery is 2005).
Eris could be a planet, but instead of naming Ceres and Eris planets, astronomers decided to demote Pluto (Eris is larger than Pluto) and call all three of them 'dwarf planets' (and we now have two more - Haumea and Makemake).
It's interesting that after Ceres (mother, nurturing) was dissed for 200 years by not making the official classification of planet, we discovered Eris; the angry underdog.
The story of Eris always reminds me a bit of Angelina Jolie's vengeful fairy Maleficent, so it seems appropriate she would make an unexpected, rebellious (and probably pissed off) move with this energy. There are always archetypal things in the collective world when the outer planets make connections (the bigger things now are terrorism, anger at police shootings, Hillary Clinton's story). And there are spaces in our individual lives that this energy works through (this is happening in the last third of our Aries house).
Eris seduces us wherever we carry the energy of that girl who didn't get invited to the prom, the wounded underdog or where we need to win at any and all costs
(and yes, this is the stuff we heal the wound and the world by seeing, feeling and releasing - we'll talk about this again).
As astrologer Steven Forrest writes:
Would I fight to protect myself or those whom I love? Of course. You probably would too.
But would I poison the water in order to keep the price of gasoline down?
Would I live in a big house if it meant that someone else had to live in a packing crate?
And while we are at it, let’s add some urgency to that last point. Say that the person living in the packing crate held three more playing cards: hopelessness, hatred, and a gun.
Monday looks like more of a mixed bag to me than the luckiest day of the year, but certainly an optimistic focus will head us in an optimistic direction! This energy is totally helped along by the Moon in Leo - creativity, romance, children, getting lucky, games, sports and fun.
On TUESDAY, the Moon is void during work hours. This is great energy to get a lot of work done, but not so great to launch something unless you want 'nothing to come of it' (since the Moon is not making any aspects to any planets). The Moon moves into Virgo Tuesday night.
Mars finally leaves Sagittarius - do I hear a Hallelujah! and moves into Capricorn - a space he is uber focused and effective. Check your natal if you don't know your Capricorn house - with Pluto's direct station and Mars transit - it is waking up big time now. In addition to whatever your Capricorn house deals with we will be more focused on ambition, responsibility and dealing with authority figures and our own authority. Just like that mountain goat (Capricorn) we will be climbing that mountain! Much progress can happen here.
It won't be all smooth sailing, Mars is the God of war after all and challenges to authority will be more heated and passionate now. And he is 'out of bounds' until the end of October, so not playing by the rules. Still, I'm already feeling some renewed determination, maybe you are, too!
WEDNESDAY'S Virgo Moon will have us dealing with paperwork, organization, pets, health issues. Some information could be revealed now. Something is not going to happen. This doesn't mean it's not ever going to happen, but it's not going to happen with whoever we thought it would happen with - this will make sense to some people.
THURSDAY is another all day Void Moon - you know the drill.
All week, the Moon is waning and we are releasing. The Moon is balsamic - here is a post I wrote a couple years back about working with that energy.
On FRIDAY, we have the New Moon in Libra (Friday night) - I will do a post on this later in the week - Jupiter is tight with this Moon making it even bigger and better. After that it is all systems GO - especially if it involves love, other people, art, women, our values or our money. We can wait another week if we want Mercury out of his shadow period. Of course, if something needs to launch now - just avoid the void Moons if you need "something to come of" whatever you are beginning and realize you are launching in the Moon's balsamic phase (quieter, less energy).
The Jupiter/Sun conjunction plus Pluto direct and Mars transit through the sign.
Check your Sun and Rising Signs - if you know the house placements (Libra and Capricorn in your natal chart) even BETTER:
ARIES (7th house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through a new and positive business or romantic partnership or a new direction for your existing partnership that brings expansion - (10th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibility with your career or public life
TAURUS (6th house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through your work, your health, your day to day activities, your co-workers or employees or pets (9th house Capricorn) : stepping into different/more/new responsibility and making progress through education, travel, publishing, foreign ideas, places or people, a wedding, a legal matter, spirituality or a course of study
GEMINI (5th house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky with a romantic relationship or your relationship with a child or children or with something you have created (8th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with shared resources ie debt, taxes, spouse's income - maybe a debt is paid off or a new, and responsible, loan is taken on, financial issues are confronted and can make progress, this is also good energy for reproduction, intimacy and taking action with any taboo subjects, there could also be increased tension over these issues
CANCER (4th house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky within the home or with your home, home businesses get lucky now, things feel/become more spacious, there is increased security and improvements within the home and family (7th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities within partnerships, this next month is a great time to start a new business relationship, push partnerships forward and maybe a fight with a partner brings two people closer together or shifts the relationship and power dynamic so things can move forward
LEO (3rd house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through communications, contracts and ideas, great energy to sell or promote just remember to avoid the 'overs', good news could come in now (6th house Capricorn) stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with your work or day to day activities, with your health or with a pet, co-worker or employee. Changes at work or with a boss or authority figure affect your day to day. There could also be increased tension over these issues. Sticking to health and dietary changes will yield big rewards.
VIRGO (2nd house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky with your money or self worth. Maybe you receive a raise or raise your prices, there is opportunity here to make more money or get more of what you value (5th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with a creative project, a romance or with children. These are the areas where your work and focus can make tremendous progress. There could also be increased tension and power struggles here.
LIBRA (1st house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through a new and improved sense of yourself - optimism and opportunities for an improved future, this could be your physical self or any area of your life - your home, work, money, love (4th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities at home, a move?, making progress on something with your 'foundation', working toward more security for your family, home renovations, a home business focus will bring good progress.
SCORPIO (12 house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through something in the background or something/someone hidden that is working or falling into place (even if it looks like it is falling apart) to bring you a new and improved future (this could come fully to light in 2017 when Jupiter moves into Scorpio, but will begin somehow in the dark here), stuff that is going on 'behind the scenes' works in your favor, opportunities with those people and situations that have been 'put away' ie hospitals, distances, prisons, etc (3rd house Capricorn) stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with your communications, writing, teaching, siblings, neighbors, there could also be increased tension in these areas but honest work will yield progress.
SAGITTARIUS (11th house Libra) : an opportunity to get lucky through friends and groups, accept invitations to be with peers, good luck and an opportunity through them, excellent time to make a good impression, meet new people (2nd house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with your finances and your self esteem, a focus on your money (how you earn it, save it, spend it) can bring great progress now. What really matters here - what do you really value? Work for that.
CAPRICORN (10th house Libra) an opportunity to get lucky with your business, career or something you do in a public way, good energy to start a business or new career, authority figures are helpful, acting like a boss (not bossy) makes you lucky, a career opportunity could open up now (1st house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with your personal self. You are ambitious now. This is excellent energy to kick off a fitness plan or get healthy. Take care of your body.
AQUARIUS (9th house Libra) an opportunity to get lucky through education, travel, legal issues, publishing, weddings, something or someone foreign or at a distance, growth and luck through doing something new and different (12 house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities with things behind the scenes or people and situations that were 'put away', some buried ambition shifts over the next month. Trust your gut with how to proceed with issues if all the cards are not on the table, progress and even transformational progress can be made.
PISCES (8th house Libra) an opportunity to get lucky through intimate relationships, birth, death, taboo subjects or other people's money - loans, commissions, partner's money, inheritance, some type of financial assistance - just remember the 'overs' here, don't over-estimate or over-spend now (11th house Capricorn) : stepping into new/different/more responsibilities in groups or with friends, tension and clashes could occur now, competition heats up, this is good energy to work with big issues that you truly care about and your big bodacious dreams and move them forward.
(please excuse any typos - too pooped to reread right now - BIG XO EVERYONE!)