Today's Astrology Forecast | August 4, 2019 - something's gonna blow, focus like a laser beam, when push comes to shove, who's the boss

The Moon is void until 9:30AM EDT when she moves into "can't we all just get along" Libra focusing us on our relationships, balance, women and beauty for the next couple days.

Harmony could be hard to find with Mars (in Leo) inconjunct Pluto (in Capricorn).

Yesterday, we had Mars (passionate action) meet Juno (relationship contracts/agreements/commitments) at 20 degrees Leo. Today, he's between a rock and a hard place with a powerful, retrograde Pluto at 21 degrees.

This is compulsion/manipulation/power struggles - likely within relationships since he is coming off that connection with Juno (still in play). Mars/Pluto can be harsh. Even dangerous. Pluto's LONG transit through Capricorn is bringing death to power - our unbalanced and outdated relationship dynamics are changing and often uncomfortable.

Mars/Pluto can show up as an obsession with winning. Resistance to change. Anger and intimidation can become tools for asserting dominance. We could feel a need to prove our mettle making us easy prey to manipulation through challenge. It's not surprising at a time when Mercury has just stationed direct, Mars is interacting with Pluto, Jupiter is preparing to station direct and Uranus is strong and still and preparing to station retrograde - the United States sees another large scale shooting/massacre.

Save important encounters for another day. Stay safe. This one will be all about who has the bigger whatchamacallit. Give Mars something physical to do or something he can intensely focus on and he is less likely to want to blow something up.

We have alot of wonderful energy coming over the next couple weeks - let's get through today in one piece.

xo all

photo by the talented Christine Muraton

New Moon in Leo | July 31, 2019 - BLAST OFF!

On Wednesday, July 31, at 11:10PM EDT the Leo Moon meets the Leo Sun (8 degrees) giving us this month's NEW MOON.

The Leo New Moon is a time that IGNITES a new passion/confidence. Happening within minutes of Mercury's direct station in Leo will give it an even greater boost at take-off.

Turbo fuel in this baby!

Let's unpack the chart.

The Sun and Moon are just past (the Sun within a couple days, the Moon a couple hours) their square to Uranus - still in play. Surprises/disruptions are part of the process with this one. They are conjunct loving and generous (in Leo) Venus. They have moved past the trine to Chiron (the ego smackdown we talked about in the weekly, the hurting/healing around how we shine and show up in the world) - still in play - and are moving TOWARD a trine to expansive Jupiter (very positive) - the Moon will get there on Thursday morning, the Sun will get there on August 7th. The Sun/Moon are inconjunct (rock and hard place) 'the outsider energy - ignore at our peril' Black Moon Lilith.

The squares to Uranus suggest the fresh start from this fiery New Moon comes after a shock or surprise or disruption. With Uranus in Taurus it could change our values - what really matters to us, no longer really matters. What we were luke-warm to earlier is suddenly IMPORTANT. Our physical space/resources could be impacted somehow.

The trine to Chiron (in independent Aries) suggests what we have to do on our own, or the way we express passion/anger, our wounding/vulnerability will factor into what starts over the next couple weeks.

The trine to Jupiter - and we will get a glimpse of this on Thursday morning and then the direct hit around August 7th - speaks of expansion/growth. So what better than a New Moon in passionate Leo (conjunct Venus - we haven't talked about that yet!) that will move us into a smooth flow of expansion and growth. Uranus pushes us outside our comfort zone, but Jupiter tells us the way to the tastiest fruit is out on the limb AND that's where we are headed!

The connection to Venus (Sun/Venus will be exact on August 14th at 21 degrees, will inconjunct Pluto at the same time) reinforces the New Moon in Leo's mission - igniting a new passion and tells us our relationships. money and self-esteem are along for the ride!

With Mercury stationing direct within the hour - the home/family/home business/real estate/family business/mothering situation starts moving forward - our New Moon fresh start will gain even more momentum. And when Mercury gets back into Leo on August 11th - our Leo fresh start gets another push forward.

Mercury direct will bring clarity. Answers. Decisions.

So the Uranian chaos/surprise gets things started - this might have already happened. Mercury brings information and greater certainty. Communications/conversations energize us and clear things up. We know where we stand. The stuck stuff starts moving forward. Chiron gives us the courage to face the pain of whatever we are giving up/losing or the risk we are facing as we stand on our own two feet. The Sun/Moon/Venus are offering a fresh start toward our heart's desire and Jupiter will expand this fresh start beyond our current reach, maybe beyond our wildest dreams.

So what do we do now?

First, we survive the storm. Whatever is tossed at us and yes, it could poke our eye out (but likely won't), and yes, it will trigger other times our eyes have been poked out (how many eyes do we have anyway?) - the change is GOOD. Disruptive, but good. Maybe seeing with only one eye means we can't be looking backward all the time - GOOD. Maybe seeing with one eye means we get eyeglasses are half price for life - GOOD. You get the idea here. We can trust that the change is to our benefit.

We have to take action in the two weeks after this Moon as the Moon is waxing. Start quickly because this Moon is fast acting. SET YOUR NEW MOON INTENTIONS. Never miss a fire Moon - we only get three a year! Take physical action - maybe Thursday morning when the Moon trines Jupiter (keep in mind we still have Friday's Venus/Uranus square, so maybe more unexpected tension). Some things we will have to do on our own with this. We will have to have courage.

We need to keep a clear head because Mercury will be very strong at station. This isn't a Full Moon - no howling!

Keep in mind Venus (conjunct the Moon/Sun) is heading toward a square to Uranus at the end of the week, so some unexpected tension is likely still ahead of us. That's OK. Squares are uber useful. Nothing gets done without them.

Leo goes big and those trines to Jupiter will require some risk, so in some part of our life, in some way we will have to GO BIG.

August looks way better than July. And this eclipse closes out a stressful Eclipse season.

This New Moon is a GO. So what are we going to do with it?

If you need help figuring out what area of life this is activating for you just give me an email or leave a comment with your birth date, time and birthplace. Collective Leo themes include creative projects, children, games, romance, sport, hobbies, pleasure, our heart, our heart's desire, the space we are meant to shine, our center stage.

This is a fiery new beginning.


Let your heart guide you, forget logic with this one, clear your head, write what your heart wants not what you think you should write, write your intentions down by hand in script on a blank piece of paper, speak the words out loud, burn the paper - release your attention from these things knowing your intention is known.

Life has heard you. 

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 30, 2019 - emotional stress, getting some extra rest, going with the flow, lying low, miscommunications more likely, a devotion to the dream

Today the dark Moon in emotional Cancer is kind of stressed out and challenged as she (as us) faces that Cappy line-up.

She will have to oppose Saturn (external limits, authority) this morning and oppose Pluto this evening (power struggles. compulsions, manipulations). Both retrograde, so old storylines. Not great energy for important meetings or negotiations. She does get a nice trine to a retrograde Neptune (imagination, dreams, creativity, healing, spirituality) around lunchtime EDT and goes void after meeting up with a retrograde Mercury (strong and still and preparing to turn direct tomorrow night) at 11:32PM EDT. She will then be void until 9:18AM EDT tomorrow when she moves into Leo and heads toward our fiery Sun and tomorrow's New Moon.

So we have the Moon preparing the leave her home sign and meet the Sun and Mercury preparing to go direct. If you are tired/emotional/frazzled - this is why!

July was exhausting and challenging and she goes out with a bang.

The Moon is in her closing cycle.

The tide is out. We are going to have to go with the flow today.

The Sun square Uranus is still in play and Uranus is very active this week. Expect disruptions and wake-up calls. Comfort zones are not so comfortable.

The North Node is in Cancer (plus the Moon today) - prioritize self-care. Give yourself (and other people) a break. Current circumstances are not an indicator of future circumstances. We are evolving.

Keep in mind the Moon's trine to Neptune - strong in Pisces - pray, meditate, listen to music, paint, dance, get into some water.

Mars will be inconjunct Neptune at the same time, so our actions are kind of dissolved now. Or our ambitions need to adjust to our dreams and vice-versa. Neptune is sextile (opportunity) Vesta in Taurus at 18 degrees, so there is an opportunity here to ground (Taurus) the dream (Neptune/Pisces) with our devotion/focus (Vesta). Remember this is the year of Neptune sextile Saturn - the dream being made real.

Sometimes we might find these planetary interactions represented by specific people in our lives. A person with a strong Taurus energy or a particularly active Taurus energy stabilizing a Pisces person or the Pisces person (or strong Neptunian energy) elevating the Taurus now.

With yesterday's (still in play) Sun/Uranus square, I had tension (Aquarius Sun, Aquarius ruled by Uranus) with a strong Leo Moon person (Leo ruled by the Sun and the transiting Moon at home in Cancer activating everyone's natal Moon energy). It felt, to me, like she wanted me to "mother" her, my natal Moon is in Cancer and I'm sure to her my Aquarius energy felt detached and dispassionate since I wasn't giving her what she wanted.

Anyhoo, for today I would give my "lie low" advice again and with Neptune so active shore up your boundaries and bullshit detector. Avoid confrontations if possible. Sometimes we need a big blow up to clear the air, but things are going to look and feel very different, very soon anyway. The Moon is dark - there is stuff we can't see. Slow down, so you don't stub your toes (or something worse). Mars is rowing against the tide. Mercury is liable to mouth off and feel misunderstood. Nobody wins.

Focus on the dream/the healing. Double check before you hit "send". Use the energy around lunchtime/mid-day EDT for best results.

Take care of yourself.

xo all

photo by the talented empreinte

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 29, 2019 - shake, rattle and roll, disruption, changes, clarity and answers, changing our mind, no more looking backward we turn our attention to something new and innovative and near and dear to our heart

Some disruptions, shake-ups and surprises this week as change-maker/revolutionary Uranus squares the Sun, Moon and Venus!

We also have a BOLD New Moon in Leo - here's where we start moving toward what our heart wants (even as Uranus is shaking us these very things!) AND Mercury stations direct (YAY!) bringing CLARITY and ANSWERS. We know. We decide.

MONDAY - Sun squares Uranus and trines Chiron, Mercury squares Eris
WEDNESDAY - Super New Moon in Leo (8 degrees), Mercury stations direct
FRIDAY - Venus squares Uranus

On MONDAY - the Sun (in Leo) squares Uranus (in Taurus) and trines Chiron. Mars is inconjunct the South Node. Our ego/pride could take a sudden hit. This hit could touch on a very old, very sore spot and trigger other times our ego/pride has been walloped. The best way to use this energy is we adjust (the square) our ego AWAY from old choices toward something that offers greater freedom. The Mars/South Node inconjunct is a second indication the old ways are not working and we don't really want to go back there.

On WEDNESDAY - the Leo Moon meets the Leo Sun at 8 degrees giving us this month's fiery New Moon. There is alot of other action around this Moon. It is re-activating the July 16th eclipse, so issues now will connect to then. Maybe some unfinished business with that home/family situation. A Grand Fire Trine means mega-creativity. I will get the post up tomorrow. At the same time Mercury - strong and unstable right now - stations direct. Leo themes (and the theme of your natal Leo house) could dominate - children, creative projects, romance, recreation, heart issues, our heart's desire, our need for attention and with Mercury direct in Cancer that home/family/home business/family business/mothering situation will start moving forward. Sudden new beginnings. Fresh endeavors will start FAST.

We have the New Moon's fresh start coupled with Mercury's clarity. I will link to the post HERE when it is up. The Leo New Moon wraps up eclipse season - don't let the door hit ya' eclipse season!

On FRIDAY - Venus, following the Sun, will square Uranus and trine Chiron. This might all factor in with the energy earlier in the week and not be some other thing, but with Uranus you never know! The ego/pride/way we shine "hit" impacts our relationships, our wallet, our values, our self-esteem. Maybe our "security" is somehow disrupted. There is tension/frustration. Again there is a trine to Chiron (life will never let us down folks)  - something old and deep is being healed.

Back with the dailies - where we factor in the Moon (the Moon looks pretty good) and get into the juicy stuff! And check out the shooting stars this week - Mercury is the magician and very powerful at station - make that wish!

xo all

photo by the talented Metiu