The Moon is in her home sign of Cancer today - we are nurtured through home, family, mom and apple pie. By 4:37AM EDT she will have sextiled Venus, Mars and Uranus. She has her monthly opposition to Saturn (authority/boundary issue) at 5:45PM EDT and trines Neptune at 11:27PM EDT.
Venus (in Virgo) trines a retrograde Uranus (in Taurus) at 6 degrees. Mercury squares Vesta. Pallas moves into the deep, dark water of Scorpio (until early November).
Venus/Uranus indicates change with our money, love, self-esteem, resources, values, women or beauty. Expect the unexpected this week. Doing something differently pays off. We are leaning into the future. Be out and about. Meet new people.
Venus is in Virgo and wants organization and practicality. Uranus in Taurus (Venus's sign, but I see Taurus at least co-ruled by Ceres) is showing us the ways our self-esteem is connected to our pocketbook/to our resources/to the things we can attract based on how loved and valued WE feel.
Focus on the small things now. Small changes. Take action.
What isn't working within your relationships? With your finances? With your health or work? With your pets or daily activities? What change is needed? Small changes can move us quickly forward now.
Earth trines allow things (that are already lined up on another plane) to happen. The brakes are off. Impediments removed. Uranus speeds this whole thing up and adds innovation and liberation. Virgo makes small things into big things (which can be good, but not always, right?).
Small problems/mistakes can create big issues and then sometimes we just put up with them/learn to live with them. We think the thing that needs to be fixed is some big thing, and maybe it is, but some tiny step in a new direction makes big changes possible. The error (maybe in our thinking) that started the ball rolling was tiny.
The solution can start tiny, too.
(Think about when you put together an Ikea bookcase and maybe early on you notice some peg is not quite in there right or screw not exactly straight. Maybe it doesn't seem to matter so you keep working. Maybe you don't even notice it because you are so focused on all the things this bookcase will hold and how nice it will look next to your new red sofa. Then before you know it, you are stuck. Something isn't fitting. The whole thing is crooked. Or maybe you manage to get it put together, but it's not quite right and so you can never really trust it with the potted plants you bought it for in the first place. Sure it would have been easier if you had fixed that faulty peg or crooked screw three hours ago, or three years or thirty years but you didn't and here you are. We can only be here now. So what do we do now? Are we the kind of person who shrugs and puts up with it, and some things are not so important and a shrug is a good thing and maybe this bookcase is a shrug. But maybe it gives us a pit in your stomach every time we see our plants all scrunched up on that table and we need to fix this. One screw at a time.)
Pallas into complicated Scorpio changes our strategy. We can see the stuff that was covered up all pretty when she was in lovely Libra - like that crooked bookshelf, except the stuff that is unbalanced may be more important than a bookshelf. To solve problems we are going to need to look under the hood. We are going to have to delve into the details and get our hands dirty and know things more intimately.
With Pallas out of Libra there goes our air (thinking)! And with Mercury (at the end of fiery Leo and hurrying to get home to Virgo) at odds with Vesta (what we hold dear) - let's be careful we don't say the wrong thing and damage something we care about. Stay intentional. Less talk. More action.
Avoid over-thinking today.
The Moon opposing Saturn could add stress around a home, family, real estate, home business, mothering, career, goals, authority situation. Depending on what else we have going on this could overshadow the good energy, so let's not let that happen. Something is falling into place here for all of us. Know THAT.
Trust your instincts. The Moon is waning - what can you release? What needs to be finished up?
xo all
photo by the amazing anyaanti