OK, here we go. Another week of life on planet Earth. Are we still on planet Earth?! Are you wondering about that, too :)
This week looks challenging - we can see those oppositions and squares BUT we will have some good stuff, via the Moons, we'll pull in and talk about those in the dailies.
Let's jump right into it -
TUESDAY - Mars conjuncts Chiron, Sun opposes Jupiter
WEDNESDAY - Sun opposes Pluto
THURSDAY - Sun squares Eris, Venus squares Ceres
On TUESDAY, Mars (in Aries) meets up with Chiron (retrograde) at 9 degrees.
Action/anger spark old wounds/pain/insecurities/vulnerabilities. We are TRIGGERED. We might need to step into our own authority/overcome self-doubt/stand up for ourselves or even fight for what we need.
However this shows up - DON'T EXPECT IT NOT TO HURT.
Don't expect it not to touch you this week. Maybe make some room for it. If you feel old fears pressing on all sides of you, open the door, and find out what they came for. Have some compassion for yourself and your situation - yes, even if it is in some ways a self-created mess. It will shorten the lifespan of every internal argument and let you get straight to work. Thoughts are things and being a "fear" is really hard.
Know that things can get out of control quickly with Mars in Aries - this is about being assertive and brave NOT aggressive or impulsive.
We need to be conscious of what we are doing. Responding and not reacting. Let's think before we act. Let's think before we speak.
Life can become a sh*t-show quickly if we go unconscious and let this stuff run unchecked. We need to be careful with our physical bodies now, too. Some people will be more accident prone.
Luckily for us, despite Mars upcoming retrograde, this meeting with Chiron is a one shot deal! We are learning something deeply personal, unique to ourselves and our life/choices, but at the same time it's a piece of our collective's universal story. We owe it to life, to ourselves, to our ancestors and maybe especially to our children and their children to do our level best with this.
On October 1, 2020 we are going to have the Full Moon in Libra that will exactly oppose this point, so it could be something that Mars triggers now, will culminate or connect to something then.
Stay strong. Act responsibly. It's OK to get angry if anger is appropriate, but it's not OK to act like an asshole. Big girl/boy pants on. We can use this Mars push to take action. We don't have to be perfect. We will try to be our best, brave self. We will do the next right thing. That will be enough. It will have to be.
Physical activity and exercise will greatly help - give Mars something to do!
On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - the Sun (in Cancer) is opposing a retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn (22 degrees) and then a retrograde Pluto (23 degrees).
Now keep in mind the Sun opposes these powerful energies once every year, it's just this year we get them all together! That's OK, we'll just say to ourselves, "OK, let's get this OVER WITH!".
Oppositions can bring endings/culminations.
They can also bring exactly what they sound like they bring - people or situations that will feel like they oppose us. Things could come to light now. Since these planets are retrograde they won't be totally new things.
The Sun opposed Jupiter - maybe something about GOING OVERBOARD - if we are doing something that we could put the word "over" in front of - overspend, over-promise, overstep, overwhelm, over-indulge - maybe 'check yourself before you wreck yourself' this week. With the Sun what we do will be visible.
The Sun opposed Pluto - power struggles, something that feels like LIFE AND DEATH. Maybe our ego/pride gets bruised because Pluto don't play. We could be dealing with manipulation. Compulsion. Jealousy. If we have been stubbornly resisting some change - things can break down. Keep in mind since an opposition is culminating energy - this is the RESULT of the build up of the Cappy energy in our chart/life.
Collectively all this stuff is Cancer/Capricorn - our emotional needs vs our physical needs, home vs career/ambition, mother vs father. Yes, this same stuff we have been dealing with. AND Pluto, Jupiter and Pallas are all retrograde, so these are not totally new situations.
The themes of the house Cancer/Capricorn rule in your natal chart will make this more personal for you. Expect intensity. If things/people feel like they are working against you/coming at you. Know you are projecting this stuff. Stop and take a closer look at it.
Keep a cool head. Be a grown-up. Where is the Sun in your chart? Do your Sun. Let's be gentle with each other we are living through unprecedented times. This stuff ain't for sissies.
Finally on THURSDAY, the Sun will square Eris. And at the same time Venus will be squaring a retrograde Ceres.
Venus/Ceres is a repeating aspect. They squared back on June 8th when Venus was retrograde and Ceres was direct and now the ladies have changed positions. We have been working out nurturing issues within our relationships. Who gives what and how much? What do we need to give/to get? What feels like too much? Venus in Gemini can be flexible. What needs to be adjusted? What needs to change? Venus also rules our money/resources and the square to Ceres (which triggers fears/anger/grief about losses we can't control) could also show up as stressful financial issues.
With the Sun opposing the energy that brought us 2020's "time runs out" radically powerful Cappy dismantling of our lives and particularly the ramifications of the virus - expect our attention to go there. Maybe things will come to light about the virus's origins. The statistics will surely be illuminated and what they mean re-hashed. Don't allow yourself to go back into that fear. We know ALOT more now. We are figuring this thing out and moving through it.
The main themes this week could be our triggered vulnerability, dealing with anger issues/arguments, those solar oppositions that can bring challenges/endings. If we are still carrying around that dead Cappy baggage this week will be more challenging.
Time to let go or be dragged folks!
Alot of this oppositional energy, because it opposes the January "virus" degrees - could be us/our will (the Sun) wanting to do something we cannot do or have a life we cannot have because of the virus/restrictions.
We'll unpack this all in greater detail in the dailies when we add in the Moons.
xo all
photo by the amazing firebomb