This is a sad/strange story, and although I know I said "no more kids", I guess I'm not sticking with that
This is a situation out of Philadelphia just this week, so about an hour from where I live. There is not much information out there about it yet and it seems the police investigation is in its earliest stages.
King Hill is a totally adorable two year old boy who lives back and forth between the homes of his mother and stepfather.
According to the police statement his mother left King with his stepfather a few weeks ago and hasn't seen King since (
it sounded like this is a regular thing they do and I should add here they both live in the same city, so this in itself seems pretty strange). The stepfather left him with a "babysitter" at some point that isn't specified. We don't know if this was for a few hours/a few days, etc. The mother does not know the babysitter. According to police she was a friend of the stepfather, but how good a friend wasn't stated.
The babysitter claims that on Tuesday, July 7th at 9:50AM EDT she met the mother on a corner in Philadelphia and gave King back to her. The mother says the babysitter did not give King to her - that she doesn't know what the sitter is talking about. The stepfather called police (
I believe the next day, but we have no 911 call yet to chart a time for that) when he discovered King's mother did not have him.
The police say, "someone is lying". Yes. Right. But also, more importantly where is this poor little boy?
I am not sure why this can't be somewhat ironed out through phone records/texts or surveillance cameras and I am sure it will be and the police are investigating, but I thought we would look at a chart for the time the babysitter reports handing King over to his mother.
Let's unpack the chart!
Immediately I can see we have a couple problems with this chart - it's very early (
4 degrees), neither significator for King (
the missing person) is really interacting with the significator for the perpetrator as closely as I would like to see and the 1st and 7th houses are intercepted, but there are some things about the chart that look correct - they seem to reflect the situation - so we are just going to run through it and see.
Keep in mind this is the chart for the time the babysitter claims to have returned King to his mother. Which we don't know actually happened and maybe this is the reason the chart has multiple indicators for being unreadable, but it also seems readable (
tells the tale) - so will our questions be answered or only lead to more questions?
The chart has Virgo rising at 4 degrees. Remember the first house rules the missing person/their personality/appearance/behavior. It can also show us what they are doing or where they are. Virgo is the natural ruler of our 6th house that rules people we hire/our employees ie babysitters, so this could be said to show King is with someone hired - a babysitter. A textbook Virgo appearance would be (
and this is from William Lilly's work in the 1600's) - a well composed body, lovely brown complexion, thick black hair, pretty eyes with long lashes. This all seems to fit what we know.
The ruler of Virgo is Mercury (
so Mercury stands in for King and Mercury often represents children/young people), shown here in the 11th house in Cancer. Of course, Cancer
is the sign of the mother, but the 11th house is Aquarius's house (
a friendship house and also a house of eccentricity) - so the strange/detached/different mother or maybe the different mother means not
really his mother ie the babysitter. So, are we looking at King being given to his mother (
Cancer) or in the possession of that strange/maybe detached/different mother (
11th house friend) ie babysitter
or is the strange/detached mother his actual mother because why hasn't she seen him in over a month and he is two years old, but maybe there is some kind of explanation we will hear later, although I can't imagine what it would be.
Also in that house we have the Sun conjunct Vesta - maybe showing authority focused on this timeline and/or the stepfather handing what he holds sacred over to his friend (
11th house) for mothering (
Mercury is not so strong in Cancer and his most exact aspect is a square to Mars, strong in his home sign of Aries in the 8th house and sandwiched between Chiron and the Part of Fortune (
which can sometimes show an outcome). A square from that deadly 8th house to King coupled with the Part of Fortune in the 8th house looks dangerous and isn't good news.
The other significator (
stand in) for King is the Moon. Here is Aquarius, so, Moon in Aquarius kind of repeating what Mercury is telling us - different mother/detached/not real mother. And now in the 6th house of the 'people we hire'. In Aquarius she is answering to Saturn at the critical 29th degree of Capricorn in the 5th house of children. Remember in astrology when we find different things that mean the same
thing we know we are looking at something that is accurate.
Let's look at the perpetrator. For this we move to the cusp of the 7th house - Pisces. Pisces modern ruler Neptune is in the 7th house. Neptune in Pisces is going to be stronger than the Moon in Aquarius or Mercury in Cancer, so we can see the perpetrator has the upper hand here. Pisces ancient ruler is Jupiter, here exactly conjunct Pluto (
death) in the house of children. Again, dangerous/not good and now a repeating pattern.
Pisces on the 7th house cusp might mean the person is an alcoholic or drug addict, maybe not mentally well, a liar (
there are other things, but based on the situation this is coming to mind).
We know someone is lying - either the mother or the babysitter.
But, is this Neptunian liar the mother or the babysitter? I should add, that unlike the Casey Anthony case, there actually is a babysitter who the police have interviewed.
We see not only Neptune in that 7th house, but also Ceres in a close conjunction with asteroid Nessus.
Ceres is another strong mother energy (
so is this the mother or the stand-in mother??). And Nessus, a centaur we talked about in another mystery and I tossed him in to see where he would land and there he is in the perpetrator's house conjunct Ceres!
I will link to the Nessus full myth at the end of this post, but basically it is the story of Hercules trusting the centaur to carry his wife safely across the river and instead the centaur (
Nessus) attacks her - a story of the dangers of third party situations, trusting precious cargo to untrustworthy people.
Since the chart looks to be too early to judge - if we move the chart ahead an hour (
which isn't really what we should be doing), we still have Virgo rising, Mercury in Cancer. Pisces descendant, Neptune in the 7th. The Moon moves into the 5th, but is still in Aquarius. The changes are - Mars moves into that 7th house, making the perpetrator angry/impulsive, (Neptune stays in the 7th , so she is still drugged/drunk or mentally imbalanced/a liar), Uranus (
the modern ruler of Aquarius and that Moon, ie King) moves into the 8th house (
not good news) and the Nessus/Ceres conjunction moves into the 6th house of hired help.
We will have to see what happens. And maybe another "time" will come out and we can check another chart.
Is the mother lying? Is the babysitter lying? I am not going to say what I think might have happened to King and, of course, I cannot possibly know for sure anyway. The chart is the same puzzle the police are dealing with. I do think
multiple things indicate we cannot trust the babysitter, but there is still a tiny bit of hope here and I will not be the one to squash it. The early chart's Moon is answering to a 9th house Uranus and the end of the story is in Sagittarius - ruler of the 9th house. Maybe there is some chance we will get some unexpected good luck ..
The chart certainly tells the babysitter's story, although maybe more than she would want told ....
Also, although I checked after printing the chart, asteroid "King" is in the first house (
King's house) of both charts.
xo all
In the Nessus myth, Hercules, and, his then wife Deianira, are fleeing a
war where Hercules has just single handedly killed hundreds of centaurs
this part is kind of important because although Hercules had been
tutored by the gentle centaur Chiron, it would be impossible to believe
that after a war where he had killed hundreds of dangerous centaurs he
was not by now aware of their animal nature and reputation as rapists and murderers).
They come to the river Evenus needing to cross and they meet Nessus; the
centaur "ferryman" who carries people across this river.
Here's where the myth has some different variations, but all tend to
agree that, Hercules gets himself, and his weapons, across the river and
negotiates with Nessus (
the centaur) to carry his wife across.
Nessus, rapes or attempts to rape Deianira, and from across the river
Hercules fires off a poisoned arrow to kill him. He wanders off in pain
to die unburied, but not before he lies to Deianira that his blood will
ensure Hercules future fidelity and she collects some and takes it with
Years later as Hercules heads to a tournament without her, a suspicious
and jealous Deianira pours some of the "fidelity potion" on a cloak for
Hercules to take on his journey. Later, she accidentally spills some of
the potion on the floor and, as it eats through her linoleum I suppose,
she realizes it is a poison (
um, duh) and she tries to get word
to Hercules, but the message doesn't reach our hero in time and he dies -
done in precisely as the Delphic Oracle had predicted years before "by a
dead enemy" and, of course, aided by his wife's jealousy.
Nessus was a savage, but Hercules certainly knew better than to hand his
wife over to him - and with his super-human strength surely could have
carried her himself. He passed her off to Nessus (
you might wonder if subconsciously he wanted to be rid of her, and their marriage is a whole other interesting story) leading to the demise by poison of both Nessus and Hercules.
Some themes here include abuse, rape, revenge,
jealousy, some kind of set up for a rape or murder (
babysitter setting up mother or less likely I think mother setting up babysitter), implied consent, trusting untrustworthy people with precious cargo (
father trusting King to babysitter, maybe mother trusting King to stepfather), betrayal, poison, third party situations, things coming back around, very old karma.