The Moon finishes up in Gemini today - she met Venus at 2:40AM EDT and later (5:15PM EDT) will go void off a square to a retrograde Neptune. She will be void until tomorrow morning (10:24AM EDT) when she comes home to Cancer and starts setting up this year's rare second New Moon in Cancer on Monday.
The Moon/Venus (exact late last night, but will unwind today) shows a need to chat/socialize. Share information/our feelings - keep things light. With both the Moon and Venus answering to a newly direct Mercury in Cancer maybe home/family situations are on our mind/lips. The Moon is waning - finishing up - as she heads into her dark phase this weekend. A time of rest.
The square to a retrograde Neptune could have some wistfully looking backward - at what we used to have or thought we would/the way it's supposed to be? Words/promises could feel empty. Keep in mind our life has always been more about what we "notice" than about what is actually happening. We can choose to change/soften our focus. Neptune is like anesthesia. We don't want to sleepwalk through life, but we don't want to have surgery wide awake either. Everything has its time and place. If we are feeling drained/anxious get some extra rest/sleep. Get into the water. Listen to music.
Know everything you hear/see, maybe especially in the late afternoon and then during that Void Moon will likely be somewhat delusional and can unwind quickly.
This would not be the day to make any important long-term decisions.
Just roll with what happens.
Chat. Do errands. Write. Communicate. Call your sibling. Keep things light.
Get small things done.
This weekend will be all about home and family stuff (a Cancer weekend Moon is the stuff working men and women's dreams are made of, but things could feel a bit 'empty' due to her balsamic phase if we push, so just let things move at their own pace).
Keep in mind always we are all in this together ....
xo all
photo by the talented Ceecore