This is the case I was going to put up last weekend for our Saturday Night Mystery, but got sidetracked with the Pandora/Wuhan research. It's a very recent/ongoing story, so we are going to use first names only for the privacy of her family.
Leila C. is a beautiful and vivacious 21 year old single mother of an adorable two year old boy named Kamdyn living in Georgia with her grandmother and uncle. She has apparently been pretty rootless for some time living for brief periods with different family members between Georgia and Alabama.
At some point toward the end of July she told her uncle she was "thinking of going to Florida", but because he knew she had no job and no money (
plus, of course, the little thing called a - pandemic), he did not take her seriously.
It appears she meant it though - because she quickly proceeds to sell a few things on Facebook Marketplace (
it looks like she also attempted to sell her truck and also was looking for a place to have a yard sale), gather $60 from Kamdyn's father for Kamdyn's dental visit (
which isn't clear ever happened), $40 from her uncle and drives her son, in her big white truck, to Florida (12 hours!) without telling her family or friends anything about her trip.
No one knew she was going, why she was going, if she was going alone, meeting anyone there, etc.
Within just a couple days of Leila's arrival in Florida, Kamdyn is found by a local woman. He is wandering
alone in a parking lot. He's wearing a black t-shirt and diaper; no shoes or pants. As she approaches him, she realizes he is crying. She proceeds to walk him around the apartment complex asking people if they know him or have seen him before. Finally, when she isn't able to locate his family, she calls the police.
A few hours later the police department put out what they called an "urgent blast" asking people if they recognized the beautiful little boy and eventually his picture, having gone somewhat viral through Facebook shares, miraculously reached his aunt in Georgia.
Kamdyn was identified, but where the heck was Leila?
Family members grew more worried with each passing day. They think (
because she was single) she might have met a man online and driven to meet him. They admitted she has had some prior drug issues, but are confident those issues are in the past and they don't believe drugs have any bearing on whatever has happened to her.
They all agreed she would never, ever leave her precious son.
Let's see if the astrology of a chart set up for the last time Leila was seen - a store surveillance video taken of Leila and Kamdyn in a convenience store at a gas station the night before Kamdyn is found and the chart for the time Kamdyn is found in the parking lot offer any clues.
Let's unpack the charts.
CHART 1 - the convenience store surveillance camera of Leila and Kamdyn, wearing masks, but clearly identifiable, shopping in Hollywood, Florida.
OK, we will start with the Ascendant, sign rising/first house ruler, which represents Leila in this chart. The chart is Pisces rising with Pisces modern ruler Neptune in the first house conjunct the Ascendant. This shows Leila as Piscean which can mean not only creative/imaginative, maybe spiritual, but it could also show illusion or deception - either on her part or she is being deceived by someone else. It might indicate self-sabotaging actions. Pisces can also show escape (
like a literal escape from her daily life to Florida) or addiction; alcohol or drug use. With Neptune retrograde the addiction could be in her past, but whatever this is, she isn't acting/thinking logically/clearly at the time of the video. Pisces physicality can be thin, dark hair with light or deep-set, piercing eyes, so this fits her appearance.
The ancient ruler of Neptune is Jupiter. Here in the 11th house, conjunct dangerous Pluto in Cappy and answering to serious as-a-heart-attack Saturn. The 11th house rules friendships; maybe unusual friendships. Sometimes goals that bring us into connection with other people. Answering to Saturn this could be showing us she is in the company of an older male friend or someone who has, or once had, because all three of these planets are retrograde, some kind of authority over her or maybe showing an old friendship, someone from the past.
Leila's other significator (
stand in for Leila in the chart) is the Moon.
Here in the 7th house (
of the perpetrator) in Libra.
Libra represents a young, pretty woman - which she is. The Moon is closing in on an opposition (
very quickly) and the Ascendant inconjuncts fiery Aries, the 8th house ruler, who is located in Leila's house; the first house. This shows the possibility of danger ahead, things going badly. The Moon in Libra is answering to Venus, in the 3rd house in Gemini (
so she is active, moving about doing things, driving around), Venus is answering to Mercury in the 5th house in Cancer (
mother on a road-trip vacation with a child would fit here) and answering back to the Moon.
So, a loop between the 3rd, 5th and 7th houses. This is showing us what is happening on the video - a young, pretty woman (
Venus) is shopping at a gas station convenience store (
Gemini, 3rd house) with her child/on vacation (
5th house) with maybe a partner/the perpetrator (
7th house) waiting outside in the car and/or maybe they are heading to his home because Mercury is about to move into that 4th house in Cancer.
Let's take a look at the perpetrator.
We have Virgo on the descendant. A typical Virgo appearance could mean a tall stature, black hair, long face, high forehead, someone who is full of talk, maybe a teacher/service person/healer type. Sometimes too neat, obsessive compulsive. Organized. With Virgo's ruler Mercury conjunct asteroid Hygeia it makes me wonder if he could be a germophobe or maybe just extremely health conscious.
Ruled by Mercury in the 5th (
almost in the 4th) answering to that Moon in the 7th and then Venus in the 3rd, so basically the same loop.
Somehow the story is right in there!
Having him represented by Virgo makes me think she knew him and he was part of her life on a daily basis (
I know the family/police are working on the theory she visited someone she met online, and I guess it's possible she was talking to this guy everyday online and making him a part of her day-to-day life that way). Maybe she used to work with him or for him or maybe with Mercury in Cancer, someone in her family did. Some connection between him and home/family?
Her family said she doesn't know anyone in Florida, but maybe he once lived/worked near her or a family member. There is alot of Gemini/Mercury and we know this is a road-trip, so that fits, but we also know she was looking to sell her truck, so maybe that will tie in somehow. The third house can also indicate an
argument. With the 11th house ruler in the 2nd, there could also be a connection to money.
CHART 2 - Let's flip ahead to Kamdyn's chart and see if we can tie anything together.
The chart for when he is found in the parking lot has Leo Rising. Leo is Kamdyn, ruled by the Sun in the 12th - he is what is lost, somehow put away/left behind. Just looking at Kamdyn's picture and his beautiful and memorable hair (
very Leo rising) and we know this chart is likely accurate and usable.
Kamdyn is also the Moon in Libra in the 3rd house - found by a woman (
Libra) in a parking lot (
third house rules cars, the community). The Moon is exactly squaring Jupiter in the 6th house - again that day-to-day, people we know house, but Jupiter also a blustery/know-it-all/preacher type, probably not a local and conjunct Pluto (
danger) and answering to Saturn (
maybe an older man and ruler of the significator for the perpetrator). Jupiter rules the 5th house of this chart (
children) - Kamdyn in his control.
The perpetrator is Aquarius rising - remember Leila's ruler Jupiter in the first chart was in the 11th house (
Aqua's house) so again making me think of a strange friendship, which could mean online, maybe, but it also feels very day-to-day, so should be traceable by authorities, but they probably need to look in the past.
Aqua's modern ruler is Uranus at the top of this chart, so an erratic act (
leaving the child in the parking lot) that gets public attention - this also shows, because remember this is Kamdyn's chart - his trauma at the loss of his mother. :(
In Taurus, so answering to Venus in Gemini in the 11th, answering to Mercury in the 11th, answering to the Moon in the 3rd. The 3rd is Gemini's house so again, the story is reminiscent of the day's before. It's alot of the same stuff over and over.
Aquarius's other ruling planet is Saturn, here in Cappy in the 6th. Again the older man involved in her daily life/work/health/pets? With all planets retrograde this could have been in the past - someone she used to know.
With Leila's significator in the last chart, Neptune, in the 8th house (
death) of this chart, there is the possibility she is no longer living by the time Kamdyn is abandoned. This is alluded to in the chart, but I don't think absolutely shown.
Venus in the first chart, who is connected to Leila, Kamdyn and the perpetrator and exactly conjunct the IC (
Leila's physical body and home) is also exactly conjunct asteroid MEDUSA. I see the asteroids as fragments of culture, held within our DNA/blueprint/chart. I am not sure how the myth would connect (
I know she has three sisters, but wouldn't call them Gorgons!) and am sadly out of time tonight if I want to call this a "Saturday Night Mystery"!
Maybe I should start writing Sunday Morning Mysteries ....
We will revisit this story when it gets solved - and it will - see the Part of Fortune (
outcome) at the top of the first chart showing the final result becoming known.
We'll see how any of this fits together then.
xo all