Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - doing what is right in front of us, revising our plans, when nothing is certain then anything is possible

The Moon in Sagittarius squared Mercury at 5:46AM EDT (something like truth spoken in jest or finding out things we don't want to know, saying too much, overthinking something) and then squares a retrograde Neptune at 7:42PM EDT (expansion, too much, lack of boundaries). Both aspects speak of tension today between the facts/details and our rose-colored glasses.

In the meantime Mercury is trining a retrograde Pallas in Capricorn (12 degrees). This is excellent energy to be "re"vising and "re"working our plans/strategies. Small changes to our "go-to" solutions can make a big difference. This won't be something that has to be pushed. Smooth integration.

Mars is trining (and this is going to be repeated two more times due to Mars upcoming retrograde) the South Node in Sag. More Sag! The South Node is where we are right now (and the past), so this is brave action we can take right now to either smoothly release something that is past its expiration date (maybe a belief about what we can have or what we have to do to get what we want) or push something that is already happening/has been happening further along. What do we need to do that takes action/courage?

There is a strong energetic right now - as we head into a whole new world - that will make things we don't want anymore feel like they are eating us alive. Life/God/the Universe is saying something like, "I don't want you to do anymore of this thing you don't want to do." And we are like, "but this is what I have to do, this is what I do". And then we keep doing it. And then the pressure gets kicked up another level to make us not do the thing we don't want to do.

There is also a strong energetic right now - as we head into a whole new world - a need to uproot any lack of appreciation of where we are now/this kind of greed for more, that used to push us forward/fuel our ambitions, but isn't going to work in the new world. Jupiter in Capricorn is putting the stakes through the heart of this - which is why this kind of stuff feels so meaningless/bottomless anymore. We can't have it all. And as a trade-off we are released from receiving any satisfaction from our attempts to.

There is a divine reason for the necessary fuzziness/inability to see what lies ahead.

There is a reason the South Node must be in Sag (knowledge, beliefs) for this transition. The last thing any of us need right now is certainty. Imagine yourself a quarterback in the most important game of the season. The crowds are on their feet. Your teammates eyes are on you. Your hands are on the ball. Imagine the tension/the power of that moment. Now imagine one more thing. Imagine you already know the outcome of the game. Wouldn't that change everything? So, you don't get to know that.

For today, because one day at a time is what we get here - think about re-vising old plans/strategies through facts/details and smallish tweaks (maybe to your schedule, routine, etc), taking action/initiative with something on your plate right now. Just instead of focusing on having more/or something overly ambitious, keep the focus on what you know you need to be doing right now/what feels right.

The Moon is in Sag connecting us to benevolent Jupiter, offering us hope and faith (and, yes, making us a wee bit or maybe alot restless) - let's allow ourselves some of that, too, now. Hope, faith and restlessness - everyone gets a seat at the table. Keep this in mind.

xo all

photo by the talented Art-Of

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - a wide angle lens, the forest and the trees, innovative solutions, good news, exaggerated needs

The Moon in deep Scorpio went void at 2:27AM EDT off a sextile to a retrograde Saturn. She will be void until 8:49AM EDT when she moves into fiery Sagittarius. Her only aspect today a square to the Virgo Sun at 1:57PM EDT.

In Sagittarius she turns our attention to our beliefs, the big-picture, optimism, weddings/celebrations, travel, education, foreign people/ideas/places, the stuff outside our local environment.

Today's First Quarter Square (opening square) is a crisis point in our monthly lunar cycle and asks us to look beyond/work with last week's fiery Leo New Moon fresh beginning.

This is Sag/Virgo. We look up from the details we are mired in (the critiques, the edits, the corrections) and bring our attention to the BIG PICTURE.  This is a square so tense and uncomfortable - we probably won't really want to do this/look at this/go there (and with Sag ruler Jupiter in a tangle with Venus, this could pull our money, values, relationships as well as that home, family situation into the mix). But we skip this step at our own peril - or better said, at the cost of being unprepared for the next step. So now we go further. We learn more. Maybe we apply faith, optimism, enthusiasm. Stay flexible. Think wide angle lens.

At 11:17AM EDT Mercury trines Uranus. Uranus in Taurus has been busy updating (via chaos and sudden change) our resources, our values, our habits. Now, here is a smooth connecting aspect with mental Mercury in practical Virgo. A new idea we can use. Innovation that solves problems. Time to talk about something else. Unexpected news/information. With Uranus retrograde something here could have its roots in the past even as it impacts the future.

This is also the day Venus reaches 17 degrees Cancer and moves into her opposition to a retrograde Jupiter in Cappy. Now, even though this is an opposition these are still our two most benevolent planets. They want to help us feel good.

This could bring us an exaggerated feeling of what we want (and keep in mind she will oppose Pluto at the end of the week to kick this obsession up a notch then finally Saturn next week with the reality check). This could, because oppositions can bring peaks/culminations in the way Full Moons can - bring us to a RESULT. Here is what we have attracted. And, remember, this is a process because she has the whole Cappy pile-up to deal with over the next few days. Also, remember the Cappy planets are all RETROGRADE, so we are asked to re-view what comes up here AND remember, that the Moon (in Sag) is answering to Jupiter and squaring the practical Virgo Sun, so pulling in a need (that we skip at the cost of being unprepared for our next step) to keep at least one foot on the ground with anything that is too exuberant/too tempting.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch or count on your lucky rabbit's foot to pull you through (the foot was only intended to help the rabbit and I suppose that didn't end well for her). Work the square - apply a wide angle lens. Bring in more knowledge/more faith. Work the trine. Open your mind to new ideas. Think practical innovations. We will feel the opposition (the wanting more or result process in action), but let's not allow it to go too far unless we will benefit more from the INSPIRATION of the exaggerated feeling (and this could certainly be true because we certainly need HOPE now) than we might be hurt from any let-down later.

If your memory is less swiss-chessy than mine these days - something here might connect back to late November 2019 (sometime around last Thanksgiving).

xo all

photo by the talented Econita

Weekly Astrology Forecast | Week of August 24th - August 30th, 2020 | frustration, choosing our battles, getting past the block, moving forward, unexpected news and opportunities, results, keeping our feet on the ground

There is alot going on this week and next. Alot of ups and downs. All three of our personal planets are active with the outer planets - chickens being brought home to roost. Mercury, Venus and Mars all have challenges and opportunities.

MONDAY - Mars squares Saturn (retro) 19 degrees
TUESDAY - Mercury trines Uranus (retro) 10 degrees, Venus opposes Jupiter (retro) 17 degrees
WEDNESDAY - Mars sextiles North Node 26 degrees
THURSDAY - Venus trines Neptune (retro) 19 degrees
SATURDAY - Mercury trines Jupiter (retro) 17 degrees
SUNDAY - Venus opposes Pluto (retro) 22 degrees, Mercury opposes Neptune (retro) 19 degrees

We begin the week with the Sun having just left his home sign of Leo (this could make us feel a little let down maybe, a little like that end of summer feeling, maybe a little tired) and moved into practical Virgo - that back to work/back to school vibe will be starting to kick in now.

Right out of the gate, Mars - our passion, our actions, our anger - moves into his first (of three, over the rest of the year) squares with "line-n-the-sand" karmic Saturn. So whatever we are trying to do/push forward is meeting resistance in terms of rules, limits, timing problems, etc.

(now this is his third Cappy square because he has faced off with Jupiter and Pluto for a first pass already, so we should feel a let-up for awhile once we get past this one)

We want to do this, whatever this is, and we can't. Or we don't want to do this and our feet are held to the fire. Our focus could be on what we can't do/can't have. Saturn is karmic energy. Cause and effect. Mars is our courage/initiative, without which we might never do anything new or challenging, and then once we do those things (or don't do them) Saturn holds us accountable for our actions/in-actions. They can work well together, but here we get the 'butting heads' part.

Patience is needed. Endurance is needed. Work can be demanding. We are playing a long game - keep this in mind. 

Mars is strong in his home sign of Aries. Saturn (authority, limits) is strong in his home sign of Capricorn (and he's got his posse with him and Mars has already moved past them), but he is retrograde. These limits/responsibilities are probably not brand new. We are really feeling them now because Mars is lighting a fire under us via some situation/emotional tension. We have to be smart and focused and continue taking the actions we can take. We can't get all wrapped up in having something exactly a certain way. But we all know this by now.

Squares with Saturn can be exhausting/can burn us out if we keep pushing or fighting. So, we better be sure this is all worth it! We better be picking our battles! Because, yes, with Mars in Aries for the rest of the year - there will be battles. Also keep in mind on a whole other level these Capricorn blockages are unwinding hundreds of years of collective karma and will surely trigger uncomfortable emotions as old ideas about who we are are broken down.

Normally Mars squares Saturn, the energy lasts a couple days because Mars moves fast - we hit an obstacle/hear a "no", then we re-group, we move on. But this year, although yes, we re-group and we move on - because of Mars' upcoming retrograde, and because Jupiter and Pluto are with Saturn in Capricorn, too - we get to do this multiple times with multiple powerful energies (all answering to Saturn). These are major, major karmic release points - so much karma that has been holding us stuck is being shaken loose - there is just no way to know where this is all going. We can't see there from here, BUT it will be the things we do now that set up what happens later/what we have to deal with later.

With so much uncertainty, there is no easy road, but there is a road. Make your life as simple as you can. Think small. Think local. Think about what you can do with what is right in front of you. Collectively, we are in the thick of the most challenging energies of our lifetime. Winter is here. Bad decisions are biting us in the ass. So are good ones that don't work anymore/line up with the future.

After Mars gets past Saturn (he, as we, moves from 19 Aries to 26 Aries in TWO DAYS) his next aspect/portal is an opportunistic sextile to the North Node (our collective way forward) and trine to the South Node. There ARE ways to move forward after we get past this square! So although these blockages create tension/frustration - they also have the effect of making sure we’ve divested ourselves of everything old and worn out before we move on again. So, after Monday and until Mars stations retrograde on September 9th - WE ARE FULL STEAM AHEAD.

Mercury is trining Uranus (unexpected good news, new ideas being considered and Uranus is retrograde, so this will have its roots in the past) and then Mercury is trining Jupiter (again with roots in the past, now broadening our view, making us more optimistic, more hopeful) - we would have a Grand Earth Trine here - and we will in a couple weeks actually - if Mercury wasn't moving this fast, but this is still good news which could present itself  as actual good news.

Mercury rules the post office, a much needed service, and here in the United States hopefully we get some good news for them!

At the same time, Venus (feeling her way through emotional Cancer) is moving through her own challenging oppositions to these Cappy planets - this week and next!

Our relationships, our values, our money. In Cancer this can be about a home/family/mothering/home business/family business situation. She has a nice trine to spiritual/imaginative (and retrograde) Neptune, so we need to hold onto our dreams, even as we release our grip and expectations about how we are going to get to them. It’s time to make sure we can stand the life we have built, and not only, and not simply that, it’s time to make sure we are building our life into a journey that taps into, that relates to, our deepest desires. These are water signs - Cancer/Pisces - so this is more about how we want to FEEL anyway. What we need to feel safe/secure.

At the very end of the week though Venus will oppose powerful Pluto just as Mercury is opposing powerful Neptune.

Venus can get kind of needy in Cancer and Pluto can intensify this feeling of "must-have". Oppositions are well, oppositions, yes, but also projections, so we are probably assigning too much value to something outside of ourselves. If we don't actually need what we think we do, Pluto is just the fellow to yank the rug right out from under us. On the other hand, oppositions are like Full Moons and can deliver results - here is what we have attracted. Maybe we do get more.

With Mercury opposite Neptune at the same time it will be hard to know what is real. Some things that seemed too good to be true earlier in the week, might flip around on us at the end of this week or into next week, so although we want to allow ourselves to dream and hope and feel good, yes, please, just let's keep our feet on the ground at the same time. The realistic Virgo Sun will help with this.

This is alot to have happening in one week and since all these aspects involve our personal planets, this stuff will impact us personally as well as collectively.

Basically we are all dealing with an underlying intense frustration, some with mind bending anxiety and it’s all below the surface (until it isn't), and happening while we attempt to maintain a facade of OK-ness, so we don’t lose everything and plummet off the face of the earth.

That about sums it up I think. Or is this just me? 😜

Back with some dailies where we factor in the uber important Moon and I have a big picture just about ready to post as we continue the Wuhan/Pandora series.

xo all

photo by the talented Milan Vopalensky

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, August 21, 2020 - shifting beliefs, rabbit holes, painful encounters, let's give each other a break

The Moon is void until 5:16AM EDT when she moves into Libra.

During last night's void in Virgo, she squared the North Node (in Gemini) and the South Node (in Sagittarius). A road diverges in the woods. We could find ourselves changing our mind now about what we believe to be true. That is OK. This is what the North Node in Gemini is designed to do.

Stay curious. Versatile. Focus on facts and not what we believe about the facts. If we are too wedded to beliefs that are no longer serving us, are hurting us/beliefs that are too fantastical, these kind of celestial road markers can bring us back to Earth.

Older and wiser with maybe a greater understanding of the other side. 

Keep in mind Neptune is back to the degrees he traveled during the 'witch hunts', and he is retrograde now, which is a good time to go inside and get a grip on what really makes sense here! Keep in mind also the axiom of both quantum physicists and magical thinkers - reality is what we make of it.

What are your thoughts (North Node in Gemini) making of yours?!

Asteroid Hygeia is in Gemini now - we are only as healthy as our choices/our thinking. Self-care is about more than hand washing and Vitamin D.

The Moon in Libra will have us feeling nurtured (or not) through balance, through our relationships, through beauty.

Her only aspect today a painful opposition to wounded healer Chiron in Aries, so old wounds could be stirred.

Issues around self-doubt and self-worthiness could surface.

Chiron in Aries forms a natural opposition to Libra (and this is part of the Aries/Libra polarity dance), so this could be a time when the other people in our lives, and the people we meet, who have the energetic frequencies that can easily re-wound us (trigger our early wounding/past life wounds/familial karma), will do just that. 

It can be painful, but this is the path to SELF- LOVE. 

And yes, it is strewn with roses and thorns. 
Tomorrow, our Libra Moon (above and through us below) has all her squares to the Cappy planets, plus will square her ruler (through disposition) Venus, in Cancer, and oppose Mars in Aries.

So today and especially tomorrow look quite dicey.

Rough waters. And the Libra Moon likes things smooth and balanced, so we will feel them. 

Go gentle with yourself and other people over the next couple days. We are all fighting a hard battle and none of us really know what the hell we are doing ...

xo all

Heads up - there is some wonderful energy coming our way during the first two weeks of September - we will talk big picture in the next post!

photo by the talented Hart-Worx