The Moon is in productive and ambitious Capricorn today.
She sextiles the Sun at 5:14AM EST, Neptune at 9:40AM EST and goes void off her meeting with Pluto at 7:42PM EST. Lots of opportunity today if we put on those big girl/boy pants and SHOW UP.
Her sextile with the Sun is this month's Waning Sextile - this time Cappy/Pisces. Making the dream real. Coming down to reality. From their separating position this 'making the dream real' thing is likely to entail the release/letting go of dead outcomes (realized or otherwise), ambitions, responsibilities. This 'coming down to reality' thing is likely to entail some kind of reality check.
Cappy/Pisces carries the potent MAGIC of new beginnings, but can sometimes be felt as a kind of nothingness, abandonment, lack of inspiration - because it is from the very starkness of the long Cappy winter's vulnerability that the dream of Pisces (that this year will come through the chaotic Uranus/Saturn squares) is first attracted. So, what is calling to you? If you can't hear it yet, get rid of something. Still can't hear it? Get rid of something else. Make the space for this new dream to find you and it will. You truly don't have to go looking for it.
What will this 'making space' thing look like?
It might look like taking better care of yourself. Physically/mentally. Cleaning up a mess. It might look like de-cluttering your home, studio, closets, in-boxes. It might look like releasing your attention from something that is sucking your time/energy. It might look like spending time in larger places/spaces to create a feeling of spaciousness/room to move in your psyche. It might look like meditation/prayer/writing/singing/screaming. It might look like eliminating self-sacrificing crap, raising your prices, releasing responsibilities/commitments that have ended.
This 'making space' thing isn't about being passive and doing nothing. It isn't about walking away from responsibilities/commitments because they are challenging/hard.
In 2021 we are here, alive in these moments, to participate in CHANGE.
We do this by choosing/noticing what we are paying attention to (that Gemini North Node, being squared by multiple Piscean energies right now and we might have to seriously de-plug at times) and by arranging our life in order to take RESPONSIBILITY for what is seeking to move through us NOW. We don't have to move mountains because the mountains aren't our problem/responsibility. We only have to grow through the space we are in - fabricating our new visions (they are coming! stay open! not only new dreams, but new Cappy responsibilities are calling to us!) into reality; both individually and in collaboration (and sometimes through rebellion) with other people.
This stuff isn't easy because radical change (redistribution of power) isn't easy.
For today - think about combining the power of Capricorn ie our ambitions, career, public life, responsibilities, goals, reality, authority figures with Pisces ie our dreams, imaginings, magic, music, peace, compassion, connection. Our dreams need structure. Our structures need inspiration.
We imagine what we want to become and then go about the business of becoming it.
Also contemplate the waning/unwinding nature of today's Cappy/Pisces connections.
And keep in mind the universal LOVE of Pisces.
Keep your heart open, and yes, it'll get all leaky and sentimental and Cappy doesn't like to feel vulnerable - being the sign of WINTER, let's not forget (not because Cappy is mean, but because vulnerability is not Cappy's thing or she/he won't make it through the season!). The space between Cappy's stoicism and Pisces imaginings is Aquarius - the radical change that is coming/that is here. The space after is Aries - the birth of the NEW.
Today we receive the great gift of a productive and creative/compassionate Monday - what will we do with this?
xo all
painting by the amazing Francis Criss