the meaning of the New Moon in Capricorn | January 2, 2022 - a fresh start, new ideas, new choices, starting from the future and coming back to the present, what do you want to build

On Sunday, January 2, 2022, at 1:33PM EST, the Capricorn Moon meets the Capricorn Sun at 12 degrees, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Capricorn. 

I don't want to jinx 2022, but - it looks like a good one to me! 


Let's dive right in. Let's unpack the chart.

The Moon meets the Sun at 12 degrees Cappy. The Moon is semi-sextile Saturn EXACT by degree and is trining Uranus and squaring Chiron - both these aspects are separating. The ruler of this lunation is Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) sitting all comfy/cozy at 12 degrees Aquarius - is Saturn ever comfy/cozy? he's pretty straight-laced and buttoned-up, so maybe not. As the ancient ruler of Aqua he is strong and stabilizing here. Saturn is squaring Uranus and sextiling Chiron - also both separating. He is sextiling (opportunity) Mars, who is conjunct the Great Attractor - this aspect is applying/building/stronger. We have a boatload of planets in Cappy right now, but Mercury has just made his exit - TODAY, moving into innovative Aquarius (he will be back in Cappy in a couple weeks during his retrograde).

The Moon's tightest aspect is her semi-sextile to ruler Saturn. A semi-sextile is a 30 degree aspect we often overlook, but being exact here, let's not. With Saturn ruling this lunation and the Saturn/Uranus square (2021's biggest aspect) still in play AND with the semi-sextile playing out through Cappy (Saturn) and Aquarius (Uranus) - this feels like a repeating energetic which is something we always want to be paying attention to. Cappy/Aquarius. Saturn/Uranus. Similar to the square we've been dealing with - that old vs new, rules vs liberation dynamic, but without the "vs" part- something more straightforward than the square, or maybe I should say, in addition to the square, at play here.


An innovative fresh start grounded in reality or maybe with something connected to the past anchoring it and/or Saturn speaking of the required commitment/patience.


With the Moon trining Uranus and that semi-sextile, instead of Saturn's usual process of presenting us with a reality check/bringing us down to Earth through practical considerations/responsibilities, maybe here we are starting with our feet planted on the ground first and as we lean into the future we find, instead of Saturn's usual obstacles, the wind at our back. 

Is there still such a thing?! Yes, I think there might be!

TAKE ACTION and things fall in line folks!

Something to keep in mind now is Venus is retrograde in Cappy and Mercury will be making his own retrograde in a couple weeks, so both will be re-walking the degrees they occupy at this New Moon - indications that some things will have to be re-worked, re-viewed, re-thought, etc, as we proceed.


Mercury has just moved into Aquarius today and is trining the North Node in Gemini which he/she rules. New ideas/conversations/information/facts - maybe more than one - will get things moving/point us in the right direction. There could be a choice/an answer. Maybe we now know and can start to move forward. 

This trine is one of the final aspects of the North Node in Gemini we have been working for the last 18 months, so what have we learned?! Keep in mind the North Node is an area whose exploration will BENEFIT us and the trine removes brakes/obstacles. 

Also keep in mind we get the trine through Mercury being in individualistic, innovative, future-focused AQUARIUS, not Cappy, but Mercury (as us) is going to move back into Cappy in the weeks ahead so we can re-think/re-work whatever this is now and see what sticks. 

At this New Moon we are sort of STARTING FROM THE FUTURE. From an older/wiser/more detached position - as if we already have what we want or are somehow past the struggle for it. We will go back and struggle for it later, ie figure out how to make it work, struggle not being a bad thing here, but see how this kind of thinking can free us up to innovate/change?!

Saturn is sextiling Mars - always a good thing, and another GREEN light - Aquarius/Sagittarius. Our responsibilities to the future/the group/our independence creating opportunities through action. With Mars in Sag, think - QUEST. We want to be bringing our "A" game, what we have learned, our courage/confidence/optimism to the task at hand. Mars conjunct the Great Attractor is another indicator of the 'newness' of what is starting - note, it is through Aquarius and Sagittarius we get to this mind-blowing/time-bending download.


Between now and the middle of February when the Cappy retrogrades are finally finished we will be starting/re-working this new chapter. Cappy isn't fast moving energy, but that trine to Uranus and Mars sextile could encourage speed. The Mercury/North Node will bring in - NOW and over the next two weeks as this New Moon storyline plays out - fresh information/ideas and choices.

Some things to keep in mind - with Venus retrograde in Cappy, ALOT of people are re-thinking their careers/their money/their values, the ways we feel we need to earn our relationships or over-work or the way we keep relationships at a distance by wanting something unrealistic. This re-examining is exactly where we should be. Having our Capricorn house all figured out in the middle of multiple retrogrades is unlikely/premature/ASKING FOR TROUBLE. 


With Mercury's upcoming retrograde taking us from Aquarius (new ideas) back to Capricorn (what will work/what will last), this won't be a straight path from A that takes us to Z. We are going to need to zig and we are going to need to zag.

BUT right now, with this New Moon, we want to be getting some seeds into the ground. 


Make a space for what you need to find you. Something as simple as re-arranging the furniture can create big energetic shifts. We are dealing with an Earth sign - so make whatever you do something you can see, touch, taste or smell.

This is a new Moon in Cappy with a stellium in Cappy. Capricorn is restrained/serious energy. New Moon stuff is happening in the dark so we have to trust that there is stuff going on, good stuff, we can't see yet - we just have to line up our energy with this field by doing the work - getting some seeds into the ground. 

Don't clutter up your life with loose ends now. The North Node is soon to move into Taurus and we will want things to be more simple and less complicated. Take care of your physical body. 


The Moon and Saturn interacting with hurting/healing Chiron speak of the fact that much of what is starting will likely have its feet in some old wounds/vulnerabilities, maybe fears about being able to take care of ourselves or masculine injuries. This could be what is motivating us now to get started and that is OK. 

Saturn is more of a stick guy than a carrot coaxer anyway.


Some Capricorn New Moon affirmation ideas to think about: security, time, self-discipline, your brand and image, career, ambition, opportunity, goals, delegation, releasing control, father figures, reputation, your bones, knees, skin and joints, your natal Cappy house theme

Get grounded - we're in an earth sign now, so this should be easier. Meditate. Take your shoes off and walk around outdoors. Work in a clean, quiet space. Always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in cursive. We want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak them out loud. Consider speaking/texting, etc less on New Moon days to give your words added oomph.


I used to write my affirmations on strips of paper and put them into a bowl of rice so I could mix them around every now and then with my fingers if things got stagnant - do what feels right to you.

Then release your attention knowing your intention is know. 


Know these things are already yours.

xo all


(if you have planets/points in your own chart near 12 degrees Virgo you are starting the calendar year with a powerful Grand Earth Trine, so you REALLY want to be starting something. Is there a better aspect? There might not be!)

Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, December 29th, 2021 - something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue


The Moon is in deep/dark Scorpio now. We are nourished by power/collective resources/merging/purging/diving deep. Looking under the hood/the covers. During the two days every month the Moon journeys through her sister sign of Scorpio, our emotions can become more intense. Situations can feel more "life and death". 


She sextiles the Sun at 5:42AM EST, opposes a retrograde Uranus at 10:51AM EST and squares Saturn at 11:57AM EST. Her Uranus/Saturn aspects pull Luna into the struggles of the powerful Saturn/Uranus square. The old vs the new. Responsibility vs liberation. 


Pressure! Are we being made into diamonds? I think maybe we are.


The Moon's sextile to the Sun is this month's Waning Sextile. Capricorn/Scorpio. This is ambition. Movement. Opportunity. Power. Whatever we are building/earning, maybe those goals that have been sidelined/gathering dust, the Scorpio Moon adds passion/intensity. 


The sextile comes just before the Sun perfects his square to Chiron (in Aries). A light shines on a wound/vulnerability. Our ego/reputation/authority/confidence might take a hit. Fears older than we are around being able to take care of ourselves/stand up for ourselves/be ourselves are triggered. Also, this is Cappy/Aries, so again, more old vs young, traditional vs new, rules/limits vs freedom/impulsivity.

At the same time Mercury meets Venus (retrograde) and Mars sextiles Saturn.

Mercury comes in and gives Venus's retrograde journey through Capricorn a voice. News comes in. Maybe we are talking about what we want/need now. Information, communication, conversations might be focused on Venus themes - finances, relationships, our values, our self-esteem. Old stories are re-activated, old players might re-appear. Yes, we've been here before. Say it again. 

(Keep in mind, Mercury's next stop - tomorrow, but these things build and unwind, so timing is not always so exact - is his own conjunction with powerful Pluto - it's likely whatever conversation Venus is stirring up will become more intense/focused in the hours and days ahead. Could lead to a merging/purging. Powerful commitments. Financial dealings. Twisted bed sheets. Truth/secrets can come out.)

Mars, on his/our quest through Sagittarius moves into an opportunistic/stabilizing sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. Here is where our wisdom/faith/confidence/optimism can pay off. Saturn reins in/stabilizes Mars in Sag's desire to go too far/need for unlimited adventure. Our actions are smarter/less over-the-top. At the same time, Mars in Sagittarius adds fire/optimism to Saturn in Aquarius's cool/detached logic. Our sober actions/passionate practicalities open doors. Win/win. 

A mixed bag, with oodles of opportunity here. What can we do with this?


xo all


artwork by the talented Silvio Porzionato

applying the weekly mundane forecasts to your own life | astro tip of the week

This is quick, but rather than add this to a post where it could get lost in the sauce, I will make this its own post. 


Maybe we will have a weekly tip in 2022.

When reading the weekly forecasts, because they will have a collective bent, it can pay off to give special attention to what your CHART RULER is doing. For this you will need to know your rising sign and which planet rules your rising sign (if you do not know email me and I will check for you).

Looking at this week's forecast (and I skipped inconjuncts and smaller aspects this week because we have so much going on) you will see:


TUESDAY - Jupiter enters Pisces

WEDNESDAY - Mercury conjunct Venus, Sun square Chiron, Mars sextile Saturn

THURSDAY - Mercury conjunct Pluto

SATURDAY - Sun trine Uranus

SUNDAY - Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury trine North Node, New Moon Capricorn


Here are a couple examples.


If you are a Virgo rising, you look for Mercury. 


He is VERY active and you probably will be, too. First note he is direct and in serious Capricorn. Your actions should be straight forward and sober. He meets Venus (now remember YOU are Mercury here), so this could be about a meeting with a Venusian person, a woman, a situation about a financial matter, a relationship situation or self-esteem/beauty issue. Venus is in Cappy, too, and she is retrograde so pulling in career/goal situations and you have 'been here before' in some way or dealing with 'unfinished business'. Then Mercury meets Pluto - this is YOU/Mercury stepping into power/responsibility (this is still stable Capricorn) or dealing with powerful people (maybe manipulative people, so stay practical/balanced), third party situations, other people's money, mergers, intimacies, reproduction, sex. Pluto reveals deep truth, so you, of all signs, especially need to be looking under the hood, asking important questions. Finally Mercury is going to change signs - you move into air - your intellect comes into the situation, you can detach a bit from whatever is going on. Remember, one way to think about this is that you ARE Mercury here. So you move out of serious-as-a-heart-attack Cappy and rise above that situation. Just as you detach/apply "air" you move into a smooth trine with the North Node - your future. In Gemini, so this will be about a decision, choice, commercial interaction, sibling interaction, something within your local community, etc. Whatever this is will have multiple moving parts.

If you are a Taurus rising, you look for Venus. 


Venus is retrograde, and she is retrograde less frequently than any other energy, so you are not as used to this backward dance as some other people. She is in serious Capricorn, too, the sign of winter, so you need to be taking care of your physical self. Her only aspect this week is her meeting with Mercury. Now remember YOU are Venus, so this isn't necessary about a "Venusian matter" for you. This will be about the information, conversation, communication, sibling situation, transportation/local community/tech issue that Mercury is activating. And, in some way, because you are repeating these degrees YOU HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE. 

To make the most accurate use of looking at your chart this way, you need to factor in the Moons, but it can still be helpful to add extra emphasis to your chart ruler's story-line as you read the weekly forecast.

I hope something here is helpful.

xo all

we are going to make this easier and just use the modern rulers, if you want to go 'old school' also check Mars for Scorpio, Saturn for Aquarius and Jupiter for Pisces:

ARIES Rising - Mars

TAURUS Rising - Venus

GEMINI Rising - Mercury

CANCER Rising - Moon (the Moon makes alot of aspects, so don't try to calculate each one, just look at the signs the Moon is in for the week ahead and they will give you the general feel of what you need to feel nourished/nurtured and whether you are dealing with mostly challenging or smooth aspects on any given day)

LEO Rising - Sun

VIRGO Rising - Mercury

LIBRA Rising - Venus

SCORPIO Rising - Pluto

SAGITTARIUS Rising - Jupiter

CAPRICORN Rising - Saturn

AQUARIUS Rising - Uranus

PISCES Rising - Neptune

Weekly astrology forecast for creatives | December 27, 2021- January 2, 2022 - a big week to end 2021 and launch 2022

Huge week folks. 

There looks like a little breathing room the first couple days to unclutter, etc, (although Tuesday's Moon in Libra is making some testy squares, so relationship energies will be tricky) and then we are IN IT. 


TUESDAY - Jupiter enters Pisces

WEDNESDAY - Mercury conjunct Venus, Sun square Chiron, Mars sextile Saturn

THURSDAY - Mercury conjunct Pluto

SATURDAY - Sun trine Uranus

SUNDAY - Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury trine North Node, New Moon Capricorn

On TUESDAY, Jupiter re-enters Pisces, the sign of his ancient rulership, so he is plenty powerful here. Jupiter first entered Pisces last May 13th, then stationed retrograde and moved back into Aquarius on July 28th. So, in some way we are getting a second chance/re-do with whatever we had going last May, June and July. This is an opportunity to apply what we have learned and expand in a better way. Jupiter's transit of Pisces is going to be VERY FAST. 

He will be in Aries by May 10, 2022 and then return to Pisces at the end of the year during his retrograde for a two month squat on the final degrees of Pisces (which are also the final degrees of the entire zodiac, so October/November 2022 are going to be a very spiritual and important wrap-up/gift of some kind, heads up).  

Jupiter brings expansion and luck via confidence, faith and risk. 

In Pisces, this energy will be expanding the collective Piscean themes of connection, compassion, gratitude, creativity, imagination, art, music, spirituality, rest, healing. As always the things to look out for - the shadow energies - are these themes taken too far. Things like - escapism, addiction, self-sabotage, self-sacrifice, lack of boundaries (viral spread including thought viruses), delusion, etc.  

The entirety of Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent time for creative projects (that feel guided by a higher power) - poetry, writing, art, music, photography, films, meditation, prayer, etc. Our Pisces natal house, a space we are already not totally rational, expands. This is good news until we take something too far, so stay frosty with this. If you have planets/points in Pisces you will want to be aware of what days in 2022 Jupiter is meeting up with those planets because with such a fast-moving transit the luck/expansion that comes through confidence/faith/risk will be fast-moving, too. 

On WEDNESDAY, we have all our inner planets uber active with each other, so by mid-week things will really start to heat up. Mercury meets up with a retrograde Venus, Mars sextiles Saturn and the Sun squares Chiron.

The Sun's square to Chiron is a light on a vulnerability/wound. We might feel less than up to handling whatever situation this is stirring up. With Mercury (communication, conversations, information) connecting with a retrograde Venus in Cappy - this could bring up a similar situation to something we have faced before especially regarding career, work in the world, reputation or goal or a Venusian theme involving finances, relationships or self-esteem. Maybe what we want is put into words. Supply chain issues might be talked about. It's Cappy season and Uranus is in Taurus - stock up without hoarding. The way through is today's Mars sextile to Saturn. Mars is in Sagittarius - think action/QUEST/courage/bringing our "A' game/staying optimistic. Saturn is in Aquarius, so think about stability with a future-focus, new rules, security within a like-minded tribe or through our own individuality/freak flag. 

The Moon is waning - what needs to go?

On THURSDAY - Mercury, fresh off his/her meeting with a backtracking Venus, meets up with powerful Pluto. Words are powerful (can cut like a knife, so be strong AND kind). Important conversations are happening. Truth can come out. Look under the hood. Ask hard questions. Power is cemented through language/information. This is happening where Venus stationed retrograde pulling Venusian themes into the mix 

(and maybe collective omicron information - keep in mind with Jupiter in Pisces, there is likely to be talk about more spread, maybe, with any luck, here is where we are also hearing the spread isn't producing correlating serious disease/hospitalizations or maybe we get some information about treatments/vitamins, etc that is important- notice which side of the equation you are giving your attention to/choose what feels most empowering).

On SATURDAY - what better aspect for the first day of a new calendar year! - the Sun trines Uranus. 

Uranus is still retrograde until January 18th, so this isn't totally new/new, but here is a WAY FORWARD. A powerful portal is opened between our Capricorn and Taurus houses. We won't have to push for whatever we have lined up here, if something is intending to come in, it will. These are earth signs. Take practical action. Keep in mind one of these energies is Uranus - chaos - something might feel shaky/uncertain, but trust whatever flows/grows here. This is about NEW authority/new status. New rules. This is great energy for making physical changes to structures/kicking off 2022.

SUNDAY - needs its own post. 

The New Moon in Cappy on January 2nd will really get 2022 started! 

With Mercury switching signs and trining the North Node on the same day - we know our thinking/the conversation/information is CHANGING, too. The end of the week into next week is BIG.

xo all - back with the New Moon post and the nodal shift!

artwork by the talented BisBiswas