new moon in pisces | march 2, 2022 - a lucky and liberating beginning, real changes to the order of things, reality checks, karmic endings, the new dream, watering our own roots


What a chart! Look at all the planets/energies TOGETHER (no wonder life on planet Earth is so intense!) - all the inner/personal planets are in conjunctions, connected tightly with other planets/energies and three are EXACT TODAY. 


Have I seen this before? NO. Conjunctions bring results and also start new cycles, so although today is a New Moon monthly cycle (Moon/Sun) it ALSO kicks off other new cycles - a Mars/Pluto cycle, a Venus/Pluto cycle, a Mercury/Saturn cycle and we have a Sun/Jupiter new cycle starting on Saturday and Venus/Mars on Sunday! What magic is this, folks?!


On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - the Pisces Moon meets the Pisces Sun at 12 degrees giving us this month's New Moon, the final New Moon of our astrological year - our annual New Moon in Pisces.

Pisces is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season and this Moon really has her work cut out for her! New Moons are the time to set new intentions and working with Pisces themes (and the theme of your Pisces natal house) NOW allow the natural energies to flow with us.
All beginnings are endings, too, and since Pisces collectively rules our 12th house of endings, Pisces new beginnings sometimes have more to do with the ending. Maybe something needs to be forgiven/dissolved/discarded/fully grieved. And something wants to START. Think seeds into the ground. A new chapter.  
Time to dream BIG!
As the Moon naturally waxes (grows) over the next two weeks, and over the next 6 months until the Pisces Full Moon, so does whatever our intentions have set into motion - thoughts becoming things/our words energetically lining us up with what we are seeking, which is, of course, as Rumi said, "seeking us right back".
Besides the monthly lunar energy of "new beginnings" this particular Moon has its own relationship with the other players in the heavens based on its position. That is where the real juice of any particular New Moon can be found. 
Now let's unpack the chart!
The Moon is conjunct the Sun at 12 degrees Pisces. The Moon/Sun conjuncts Jupiter (who is conjunct asteroid Nessus) - this aspect is applying and STRONG. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces making this aspect even stronger/more Piscean. Pisces modern ruler Neptune is also in Pisces - so Pisces is where the buck stops for this one. The New Moon is sextile (opportunity) Uranus in Taurus. 

At the same Mercury is conjunct Saturn EXACT and we can see that powerful EXACT lineup in powerful Capricorn - Mars, Venus, Pluto and asteroid Amycus. Uranus is squaring Juno and Juno is sextiling Chiron. 

The sextile to Uranus speaks of liberating opportunities through change. The future is reaching back to meet us.

The conjunction to Jupiter speaks of expansion, hope, luck. What makes Jupiter lucky? Well, believing we are lucky for one thing. Optimism. Confidence. Believing in something bigger than ourselves. Having faith. Taking something further. Going out on a limb. Jupiter tells us we can't be playing small with whatever we are starting here. We need to be playing a bigger game to get the most from this energy. We need to RISE to the occasion.


The fly in the ointment with Jupiter, and this is amplified in Pisces, is taking things too far, thinking things are too good/too big. What's the difference between 'big' and 'too big' - well, that's the part we need to figure out! Delusions, exaggerations are possible, so we need to keep one foot on the ground now. Asteroid Nessus on Jupiter might also bring a warning of relying on or trusting untrustworthy people/situations.


Luckily for us, and this isn't usually what we would call a 'lucky' aspect, we have Mercury's annual powwow with Saturn going on RIGHT NOW. 

Foot to the ground needed? Well here is that nail through our sneaker (I hope you are wearing some old shoes for this one). 


After Mercury's back and forth through Cappy, here he is with daddy Saturn, ready to 'seal the deal'. This is a REALITY CHECK. Limit. Responsibility. Commitment. Maybe we have to say "no" or hear a "no". News can be challenging. Saturn conjunctions can bring endings/results - we talked about how Pisces New Moons can be more about the 'ending' and this is kind of doubling down on this. So, maybe this is speaking of something that has gotten too big or elusive/escapist and at this Mercury/Saturn there is a need to face reality/trim it back. 

Or maybe we are taking on a new responsibility/making a commitment we are ready for. In this case, the Jupertarian New Moon can really bring in luck/expansion. 


Juno has just sextiled Chiron - a healing through giving our relationships/contracts a little more space and now she squares Uranus EXACT. This speaks of a curve ball tossed into our relationships/contracts. The Moon's sextile to Uranus will help integrate changes, show us the opportunity here.


FOR EXAMPLE - let's say you are a SCORPIO RISING with a 5th house Pisces - the NEW is coming into your house of creativity, self-expression, children, romance, fun. The change, that will likely connect to this new beginning is coming through your 7th house - other people, a partner. The reality check is coming to your 4th house of home and family, this is likely connected in some way to the changes with/through a partner, open enemy or contract, but may not be. Or let's say you are a VIRGO RISING with a 7th house Pisces - the NEW is coming into your house of partners, partnerships, contract - something here is starting. The change, that will likely connect to this new beginning is coming through your 9th house - growth, expansion, stepping outside your comfort zone, foreign people/situations, travel, education, legal issues, religion. The reality check is coming to your 6th house of your daily routine/obligations, your health, your work. This is likely all connected, but sometimes speaks of different things.


The lineup in Capricorn is bringing intensity to our relationships and finances and our careers. Maybe our attention to authority, father figures, world events. Our actions are sober/serious/goal oriented. With Venus/Mars on Pluto, and Pluto not only being Pluto, but also ruling the South Node now (what we are releasing) there is the opportunity through this New Moon energy to UNLOAD very old ancestral/past life/childhood karmic baggage regarding the way we value ourselves and other people. The way we do relationships/mirror. The way we work with resources and money. The way we show up in the world. 

At the same time this Cappy stellium is bringing real changes to the order of things collectively and personally. This is all part of our progress into the Age of Aquarius/the unraveling of the Age of Pisces.
Avoid intoxicants because life will be intoxicating enough this week. Get enough rest. Our nighttime dreams can be intense, too. A Pisces New Moon will often be tinged with release/nostalgia. 
The Moon's most  important and tight aspect is that conjunction to expansive Jupiter. Something is wanting to GROW. Someone is going to get lucky. And with Pisces, this can all work backwards too. Change we set into motion now impacts our past, past lives and previous generations.
Can we water our own roots with a little Jupiter/Neptune magic? Damn right, we can!

This is an excellent time for energetic support to make changes with things ruled by Pisces (and our Pisces natal house theme!) including our imagination, art, music, the past, compassion, releasing our victim stories, releasing self-sabotage, healing our ancestral wounds, healing addictions, spiritual healing, spirituality, meditation, sensitivity, trust, escapism, our lymphatic system, colds, our feet, toxicity.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - meaning both happy and certain - a quiet, clean space where you can be alone - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then let's release our attention from these things knowing that your intention is known. 

Know these things are already yours.
xo all

For the first time in a long time, I am not going to set any intentions this month. Time to shut up for me I think. I am just going to do my normal clean my space/not use too many words the day of the New Moon/burn a white candle and just ask life/my higher self/my ancestors/God to guide my journey this cycle. It's my Jupiter return, too, so we'll see where all this goes ....

weekly astrology forecast | February 28th - March 6th, 2022 - intense week, changes, endings, beginnings, have faith, take action, pray for peace


HUGE week on tap folks. 


BIG New Moon, multiple planets changing signs, multiple conjunctions - conjunctions kick off new chapters - multiple interactions with the Nodes of Fate and karmic Pluto! Whatever we have going on WILL MATTER, we will certainly not be sleeping through this one. 


Great time to START.

MONDAY - Mars/Venus trine North Node

WEDNESDAY - New Moon in Pisces, Sun Sextiles Uranus, Mercury conjuncts Saturn

THURSDAY - Mars conjuncts Pluto, Venus conjuncts Pluto

SATURDAY - Sun conjuncts Jupiter

SUNDAY - Mars and Venus enter Aquarius, Venus conjuncts Mars, Mercury squares Nodes


MONDAY - Mars/Venus trine North Node  (25 degrees Cappy/Taurus) - the month closes out with this combining of the masculine and feminine energies in a beautiful/productive trine to our North North (how we are going to get where we are going) and sextile (opportunity) with the South Node (what is holding us back). 


Something forward-leaning can fall right into place here


Losses/letting go of fears and complications also create opportunity. We are moving into the future from a less fractured/more balanced position. SUCCESS. Keep in mind this is Taurus success (fixed earth). Think practical. Think patience will be required. Think REAL progress.


This is also the day Chiron, in Aries, sextiles Juno at 10 degrees Aquarius. This is a healing relationship vibe that gives partners/contracts some needed space and independence. Whew!

WEDNESDAY - New Moon in Pisces (conjunct beneficial/lucky Jupiter!) - expect a BIG post. 


At the same time Mercury conjuncts Saturn - REALITY CHECK time. Boundaries are defined, heads clear, commitments are made, deals are signed. Sometimes we hear/say NO. Because Mercury rules tech devices and transportation - the movement of ideas and things - and Saturn rules endings, when Mercury meets Saturn sometimes techie things, cars, etc, will go kaput. The Sun sextiles Uranus bringing opportunities through change/something new and unusual. It could be time to buy that new techie thing. I like this Moon ALOT, New Moon post coming.

THURSDAY - Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto (27 degrees Capricorn) - this is Venus's third pass under Pluto and Mars first time in two years and his last time with Pluto in Capricorn. If this is hitting your chart you will be feeling this one. This is power/intensity. Secrets can come out. Mergings/purgings. Situations can feel like 'life and death'. Sometimes they actually are. Powerful endings/rebirths. Pluto is very 'all of nothing' and all this Cappy energy is ambitious/authoritative. Venus first met Pluto back in the middle of December 2021 - how has your relationship to love, money, your values and self-esteem changed since then? What did you want then and what do you want now?  

Mars on Pluto is a DANGEROUS energy - take care of yourself.

SATURDAY - the Sun, at 14 degrees Pisces meets ancient ruler Jupiter - this is the BEST aspect of the week, one of the best aspects of the year. 

Luck, expansion, faith - this is a big part of the New Moon story and we'll talk much about this in that post. This is optimism and prosperity. The only fly in the ointment here is taking something too far. So go big/stretch yourself, but don't go so big you blow it/yourself up - if you see what I mean.

A good day/week to PRAY FOR PEACE. With Venus/Mars/Pluto tied up in a potentially suffocating bear hug at the power-hungry end of Capricorn, here is the Sun in Pisces giving us hope, giving us Jupiter. Here is a reminder this is all in bigger hands than ours folks.

SUNDAY - Mars and Venus TOGETHER, move into airy/logical Aquarius. Mars hasn't been in Aquarius in two years - are you ready for some increased motivation and energy Aquarius/Aquarius rising?! Our Aquarius house themes WAKE UP and begin a new two year chapter on STEROIDS. 

With all this serious Cappy energy for months and months I think this is good news. Now we have our warrior energy in the sign of the future instead of the past. Fresh interactions with other people/new ideas/new projects. Our actions become more innovative/more outside the box. We lean into what is modern/future focused. We just need to be cautious of us or someone else using the future/the group/our smarts/the internet/astrology/detachment as a weapon/ammunition in a fight.

Mars moving into Aquarius WITH VENUS - means what we want and what we have to do to get what we want are on the SAME PAGE. 


Venus moves into Aquarius until April 5th. Aquarius Suns and Aquarius rising (Aquarius ruler of first house of your natal chart) get more attractive. Both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want (Venus). All of our natal Aquarius houses become more attractive, too!


 Our Aquarius house is a space we experience and evolve through Aquarian energies. Maybe by experiencing unexpected situations and unusual experiences. Maybe by being able to detach and get enough distance from something to be able to see it clearly. Maybe through flashes of genius or rebelliousness. Maybe through chaos. Our natal Uranus placement (co-ruler of Aquarius) and its contacts will tell us a more complete story. Keep in mind with Saturn in Aquarius, both Mars and Venus (like Mercury on Wednesday) have penciled in (um, no, maybe more like permanent ink) an upcoming meeting with the big guy. More reality checks, commitments, new rules coming.


This is also the day, Mercury squares the Nodes - here is something else Mars and Venus in Aquarius have on their agenda for later in the month, so we know there will be alot of decisions and pivot points in March. This is a CROSSROADS. Choices. Decisions. Have we changed our mind? Has new information come in? Are we still invested in this complicated drama/death or can we turn our attention to something more simple/sustaining/alive?


xo all - hope something here is helpful - the Moon is looking good until next Saturday (long void on Tuesday), and I will pop in with some dailies for us to stay on track with her. 


Back with the New Moon post next!

artwork by the amazing Tomasz-Mro

the astrology of the invasion of ukraine | echoes of february 2014, the west's self-created mess? ceres lays waste to the land to get her daughter back pitching a dying world off her axis



At 5:07AM EET on February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded their neighboring country of Ukraine. We've talked briefly about connections to the charts of Russia, Putin, the United States, Biden and Ukraine HERE and HERE.


Let's look at the event chart for the moment the invasion began and see if we can get any ideas for where this might go.


This invasion started with Pluto within one second of the United States natal Pluto, which is rather insanely EXACT. The U.S. Pluto return - Pluto returning to his natal position for the first time since the Declaration of Independence was signed - is a BIG deal. And not just for the United States. Note we have two more exact dates in 2022, one in July with Pluto retrograde and the final exact date in late December. Both dates could relate to this conflict among other things. This doesn't mean, as some people worry, that the Russia/Ukraine conflict is bringing the world to a World War, but it is an ominous starting point. 


The previous two World Wars (also the Vietnam War, the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, the Falklands War) started with Saturn/Pluto aspects. Although 2020's exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction is no longer in play (thank God), this invasion started just as Mars reached 22 degrees Capricorn, which is where Saturn met Pluto (and the Sun and Mercury and Ceres) back in January 2020. I call this the "time runs out, power is cemented" degree (this is also the degree of China's natal Jupiter, so we'll keep that in mind, too). 


Mars often acts as a TRIGGER when he reaches HOT degrees, triggering activations of old energetic signatures. He kind of pulls that Saturn/Pluto back into play. Not a good thing.


On February 24th, Mars had just barely eked past Venus (she was at 21 degrees Capricorn at the time of the invasion, Mars at 22) and was conjunct Vesta (sacred focus/what keeps us up at night) and asteroid Lachesis (one of the three "fates" and daughters of Zeus whose name means 'to obtain by fate, lot or divine will'). Note Zeus sits between Jupiter and the Sun in the invasion chart.

Venus will meet up with Mars again and pass Mars in early March - this might indicate peace talks/cooperative dealings coming pretty quickly (this might happen after we get past the Venus/Uranus on March 22nd or when she meets Saturn on the 28th). Mars and Venus will move into Aquarius TOGETHER and meet Ukraine's natal Saturn, at 1 degree Aquarius. The President of Ukraine, Zelenskyy, has a natal Sun/Venus conjunction at 5 degrees Aquarius and a natal Sun/Venus to Mars in Leo (showing courage) opposition being equally triggered. His chart is on fire/strongly challenged over the next couple weeks. 

(the Full Moon in Leo, we talked about HERE "how kings fall" was tightly conjunct Zelenskyy's natal Saturn/authority and rules his 8th - death, 9th - foreign affairs and 10th - career houses)


Symbolizing the Aquarian fate playing out, the future/chaos/trauma/new leadership and also that whatever is 'put together' now, if something is - some kind of neutral status/non NATO being firmly established for Ukraine? some leadership of some part of Ukraine switching to Russia/Putin? - might once again 'die/transform' when Pluto moves into Aquarius in March 2023 and/or when Pluto reaches 1 degree Aquarius in March 2024. 


Either way, I am sorry to say :( upcoming transits to their natal chart for 2023 look like it might be pretty challenging for Ukraine to remain Ukraine.


(Venus/Mars move into Aquarius could also indicate the battle moves into cyber warfare, but hopefully it speaks of cooler heads and new ideas.)

With Mars as a trigger rather than this happening on the Saturn/Pluto itself, maybe we are looking at something - the actual fighting/bombing/guns - of a short duration. The first few days of March when Mars is applying to and then hits Pluto - look especially dangerous.


This event chart, looks like the aggressor/starter has the advantage, although we know Putin's personal chart does not look satisfied, so what winning means here is uncertain. 

The North Node on Algol (malevolent fixed star) speaks of leadership changes 'off with their head' among other things. The North Node's conjunction to Ceres (Mother Earth) - the North Node was also conjunct Ceres when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 - speaks of land issues, the opportunity to make complicated concessions/to work out challenging compromises, maybe 'Mother Russia' herself with her natal Sun conjunct Ceres. In the myth, the Ceres/Pluto compromise deal was brokered by Jupiter - maybe China with that 22 degree Cappy Jupiter or the U.S. since she is a Sag rising country (ruled by Jupiter) can broker a compromise here.


Biden's North Node is exactly conjunct Ukraine's Sun, so this could somehow shine a light on his 'purpose' or indicate his fate is tied to Ukraine. Happening as the U.S. Pluto's clock strikes twelve, might indicate whatever is happening could further align Russia with China - maybe strengthening them and weakening the U.S. and allies. Surely what is happening is one result of America's changing power on the world stage, and at home, which is fated through the U.S. Pluto return. We'll talk more about some possibilities for this in part ll this week.


Putin certainly seized the moment.

Although keep in mind this whole 'who looks stronger/who looks weaker' hierarchy thing is part of the dying Cappy/old world order paradigm and thinking like this just keeps us mired in this dead zone. 

(note China also has a big Pluto transit with transiting Pluto bearing down on their Ascendant and eventually their Moon - the people. Like the United States they also have an Aquarian Moon, China's Moon is an early degree, will be impacted years before the U.S. Moon. These Pluto transits will change the way they express in the world, their relationship with power, their relationships with allies and enemies and the status of those allies and enemies. Aspects within and secrets they have tried to suppress will come out. They could become more powerful or less, etc.)


The chart's activated Pluto speaks of everything from Plutocracies to Plutonium (Chernobyl is back in the news as well as European countries speaking of the need to maintain nuclear power plants. Pluto, ruler of 'everything buried' also rules oil, natural gas). Pluto is conjunct asteroid Amycus. Amycus connects to two characters in mythology. He was a brutal ruler with huge strength who left his enemies 'at the absolute disposal of the winner'. And he was a centaur of a similar ilk. In Asteroid Amycus's discovery chart he was in Aries opposed to the Libra Sun, so kind of a martial and likely dangerous lone wolf. Pluto/Amycus sounds very Putin-like.

The ruler of the event chart is Saturn (ruler of Capricorn and 'authority') - Saturn, the aggressor, is Russia here. Strong in the Aquarius 1st house, a sign he co-rules/ancient ruler with the Cappy planets - and Aquarius planets - answering to him. 


The ruler of Ukraine is the Moon (ruler of Cancer and 'the people'). The Moon in the 10th (Saturn's natural house) is not so strong, is alone there in Sag - the house of foreigners, maybe put in this situation by foreigners or (Sag being a fire sign) armed by foreigners or even ending up as foreigners as some flee/emigrate. She trines Mercury - aided by press/communication/tech/the local environment. The Moon in fiery and hopeful Sag is answering to Jupiter, strong in Pisces. Ukraine gets some foreign (Jupiter) or legal help and strength from other countries. This will also be about compassion, charity, prayer, universal love, Piscean help - all will be important now. The Moon near the mid-heaven gives Ukraine strength, brings her situation to the world's attention. People around the world will feel what Ukraine (that 10th house Sag Moon) is feeling.


But Russia here, as Saturn, with all those Cappy planets answering to him looks hard to beat. Russia's natal Sun/Ceres making them a kind of 'Ceres' country (think of Mother Russia - that mama bear with a sickle) with transiting Ceres on the North Node also helps them here with timing.

The reason for the invasion can be seen through both the ascendant and MC. The ascendant in Capricorn speaks of tradition, things that are old (Ukraine was Russia), power, authority, things that are planned over time, property and land, the desire to leave a legacy, certainly the NATO/control issue for Putin, likely his desire for Russia to remain a 'super-power'. The MC is Scorpio - ruled by powerful Pluto - speaks of power, secrets, money, shared resources like oil/natural gas. Cappy and Scorpio are powerful signs - arguably the most powerful signs. 

The question with Ukraine as the Moon (Ukraine in Sag and Sag ruler Jupiter in Pisces) is - how does how much the world cares about Ukraine compare to how much Russia/Putin cares about Ukraine?

That pile-up in the first house supports Russia, BUT Saturn being blown out by the Sun (widely conjunct Sun) speaks of Russia's leader's weakness (Putin) or maybe his invisibility (this is also repeating Russia's natal Sun/Saturn, so probably not so bad for them). Putin has a lonely 12th house natal stellium in Libra - the isolation from the Saturn/Pluto (virus) would contribute to his actions here. 


And Putin has a natal 22 degree Pluto conjunct his South Node in Leo - an old life as a king/tsar/emporer, probably in Russia maybe in China, that he is powerfully re-enacting, possibly to his own detriment (the 22 degree master number is very powerful but has a self-sabotage possibility and we are in a lunar cycle connected to self-undoing), but almost certainly he would feel this as his destiny/fate.  And keep in mind that 22 is a master number and Pluto is arguably the strongest planet - it doesn't have to self-destruct.

Putin's natal Pluto is conjunct his own South Node, China's Pluto and Russia's Mars. When I say Putin is playing Pluto I am not kidding!


Asteroid Gonggong (the Chinese monster/hero God conjunct the event chart's Sun and Ukraine's natal Moon) also pulls China into the mix. Gonggong's myth speaks of a kind of emotionally driven combativeness - Gonggong was ashamed to lose a fight and then pitched a fit that threatened to toss the world off her axis. Sounds a bit like an echo of the Ceres/Russia energy and all repeating patterns are what we need to be paying attention to. 

This is a quick look. We would really need to dive into the natal charts and progressed charts and transits and solar arcs to see everything we need to see. 

Maybe when Venus passes Mars in early March or after whatever blow-ups Mars/Venus/Uranus bring mid-month, so after the 22nd - some kind of peace/agreements can be reached. All the inner planets are on a direct path to Saturn over the next few weeks (Saturn here being Russia, but also stability, sobriety, authority, rules, boundaries) which could help things stabilize, too, although likely at a cost - because in this chart, Saturn is Russia.


After Saturn, 'the cement is poured', events/deals will not be so easily undone. We are married to the future. Uranus squares will provide some twists and turns mid-March, but hopefully after Venus pulls ahead of Mars for in March, this will bring some kind of truce/peace/easing (Venus ruling the 4th house - end of the matter).


The U.S. Pluto return, and this invasion is clearly part of that, plays out throughout 2022, is designed to transform the United State's (AND THE WORLD'S) relationship with power and isn't so quickly wrapped up.

Russia will have the upper hand, but monetary sanctions, etc, will hurt them, note the charts 2nd house (money house) Chiron -  wounding, and Neptune - dissolving funds and resources.


Looking back at the Crimea invasion chart on February 22, 2014, when Russia began their piece-meal take-back of Ukraine - ALMOST EXACTLY 8 years to the day of this invasion - we see MANY similarities. 


Back then we had the Pluto/Uranus square of 2012-2015. On the day of the Crimea invasion we had Jupiter forming a tight T-Square (exact with Uranus) with the open leg filled in with Putin's Sun. We had Ceres/North Node on the MC just like we have now. In 2014 they were joined by Vesta and Mars. Asteroid Gonggong was once again tightly conjunct the chart's Sun. Venus was again at 21 degrees Capricorn - an uber powerful degree in history. She was squaring Mars and Mars was squaring EXACT the U.S. Pluto (so this event in 2014 would be connected to the U.S. Pluto return/likely loss of power, too). Jupiter, during the Ukraine invasion was conjunct Chiron in the Crimea chart. Chiron, during the Ukraine invasion was conjunct Uranus in the Crimea chart. We had a Pluto/Uranus then, we have a Saturn/Uranus now. Saturn was on the Moon in the Crimea chart. He is on the Ukraine natal Moon in this week's chart. Lots of connections.


The 2014 Crimea/Russia conflict ended with Russia annexing Crimea about a month after the invasion. Something like this is possible now, too.


But Putin doesn't have his Grand Cross this time and the karmic U.S. Pluto return is exact ... 


(the extent to which this mess has been created by the U.S, in particular, but also her allies in the west/NATO will have a role in the outcome, too, as fate, via the Pluto return of the U.S. plays its hand).

xo all

Keep in mind this is my look at the archetypes/patterns of the event chart through my own lens, nothing more or less than that. Event charts like this are probably not as reliable as some other charts - birth charts for example - because it can be hard to know when an event actually started .. but they can be a useful tool. (post edited 3/4 for a date correction)

the united states pluto return | february 22, 2022 | part I - the narcissistic wound is where the light gets in, Putin plays Pluto


I wanted to write about 2/22/22's, 22 degree Neptune sextile a 22 degree Vesta (the dream being made real through our sacred FOCUS and commitment or maybe our focus lightens up a bit and that's a good thing) and also our high-minded Mercury making his third of three meetings with Juno (partnership agreements, successful/future-focused conversations with partners, negotiating without taking things too personally) and I guess, there, I just did write about it :) but am pulled to finally look at the U.S. Pluto return, a repeating aspect with its first of three exact hits TODAY. 


And, of course, the Neptune/Vesta and the Mercury/Juno, coupled with a Pluto ruling Scorpio Moon whose closing aspect tomorrow is an opportunistic sextile to Pluto himself adds some good and interesting insights into today's Pluto return event chart.

Let's dig in!


On February 22, 2022 Pluto will, for the first time, return to its natal position in the United States birth chart. He will be back here again on July 11th during his summer retrograde and then for a final pass, moving direct, on December 28th. I think with the United States playing such a powerful role in the world, this will have a global significance.


The U.S. birth chart, also known as the Sibley chart, was charted by Ebeneezer Sibley (with a name like Ebeneezer Sibley I somehow have a hard time doubting his thoroughness), a British astrologer and Freemason back in 1776 when word of the signing of the Declaration of Independence reached Britain. It is set for July 4, 1776 at 5:10PM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is universally used and I have used it for research on multiple important events in United States history and it hasn't let me down.


Astrological knowledge almost certainly went into the time the document was signed. The U.S. forefathers crafted a beautiful chart (with interesting connections to editor Benjamin Franklin's own chart, including the U.S. Pluto - which they couldn't see - exact on Ben Franklin's natal Sun). Since Pluto returns to his natal position about every 247 years (one orbit around the Sun), we won't live to see our own Pluto returns, although I would suspect strong ancestral connections/past life story-lines that connect now to our lives/familial lines in the 1700's, 1500's etc. 

A planet's return to his natal position resets/triggers the role that planet plays in the blueprint of the event chart or birth chart. For example every year every person has a Solar Return, when the Sun returns to the position (degree/second of the zodiac) he occupied when we were born - this will be within a day or so of our birthday. This resets/triggers/influences our new year. Sometimes people familiar with astrology and not liking their Solar Return chart will travel on their birthday into a different time zone to get something they see as more favorable 


(I am not such a fan of this idea, but was strongly tested this year with a Sun/Saturn exact conjunction in the 12th house in my solar return chart (!) - I think better to work with what we have, since it's nearly certain the energies that created our blueprints know more than we do and we might avoid something that mucks up the future .. you get the idea).


Usually with a triple hit - like this one in the United States, because Pluto due to his retrograde will walk this degree multiple times - the first pass is the big whammy, although when we look at the transits for these specific days, that summer hit with Mars on the U.S. natal Uranus, looks pretty explosive. Another near date to watch for is when Mars (always a trigger) crosses 27 degrees Capricorn (with Venus - she is undoubtedly helping) on March 4th. 


Pluto rules Scorpio, our collective 8th house and such themes as life/death, power, big finances, nuclear energy, Plutocrats, sex, fertility, our sexual organs, bowels, elimination, third party situations, secrets, things that are hidden, the stuff we don't want to look at/talk about in polite company. Pluto transits bring transformational changes, death and rebirth and situations that activate 'before and after' life altering circumstances. Even if we want to go back to the way things were before the Pluto transit, we can't, the 'back there' isn't back there anymore.


You can understand why, unlike astronomers, astrologers can see there is no 'demoting' Pluto. 


Power and how we deal with power is a MAJOR Plutonian issue for us at both an individual and a group level. 

Pluto, God of the underworld, rules the stuff we have stuffed. The shadow self - the real self we buried to survive. His themes include guilt, resentment, control, revenge, manipulation, jealousy, etc. There is often a kind of 'horror story' connected to our personal natal Pluto placement AND the stuff we carry in our 8th house. It's a childhood story, yes, but the reason we magnetized it to us in childhood in the first place is because of an even deeper ancestral/past life horror story. The same energy of a 'horror story', which might sound too harsh, but I'm thinking maybe it isn't, applies to the birth charts of countries, too. 


Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 - a somber decade that began with the Great Depression and ended with World War II. Pluto speaks of karma and his return speaks of the death/birth of karmic cycles. With a second house 27 degree Pluto in Capricorn answering to Saturn in the 10th, we would most likely be looking at major changes in government structure, U.S. power in the world, finances, resources, values and self-esteem.

Although we are taking about specific dates, transits are tricky to time and impossible with such a slow moving planet as Pluto. There is probably no exact 'date' the United States Pluto return starts/happens (that's not to say something very important cannot happen near or on the exact dates, they likely will). 


We could say this started when the Declaration of Independence was signed. We could say this got moving when Pluto was discovered in 1930. We could say this clicked into gear in 2008 when Pluto moved into Capricorn. We could say this kicked into HIGH gear in 2020 when Pluto moved within orb of the United States natal Pluto.


Pluto is in the United States second house which rules - money, our values, our self-esteem. In Capricorn, he is answering to Saturn in the United States 10th house and Saturn in Libra is answering to Venus in the 7th in Cancer, pulling in the United States Aquarius Moon/Uranus on the descendant. Pluto opposes the U.S. natal Mercury who rules that Uranus in Gemini and is answering to the Moon. So, we've got the 2nd house (money, values, self-esteem), 10th house (career, public life, reputation), 7th house (partners, open enemies), 8th house (death, big money, power, transformation), 6th house (health, work) all connected via these dispositors. I think with Libra/Venus ruling the U.S. prominent 10th house and both Venus's (collectively ruled) houses activated - the 2nd and 7th - a general theme of women/feminine energy and balance is also pulled into the mix.


The United States is also having a natal Neptune opposition at the same time. 


Transiting Neptune at 22 Pisces is opposing the United States natal Neptune at 22 degrees Virgo AND this makes a T-Square with the U.S. natal Mars in Gemini. Transiting asteroid Narcissus is at 22 degrees Libra exactly squaring the U.S. natal Narcissus at 22 Capricorn right now (yes, of the time runs out/power is cemented' January 2020 astro infamy). 22 is a powerful master number/THE powerful number of mastery and the Neptune opposition is an 82 year cycle and brings us back to the United States Civil War (and a time when people were saying the telegraph was "too fast for the truth").


This Neptune opposition was always going to be a HUGE deal and happening at the same time as the U.S. Pluto return really amps things up!


We have to start somewhere, so we'll go back to the end of 2008, when Pluto moved into Capricorn for the first time since the 1700's 'waking up' the U.S. natal Pluto. It was November, we had just elected Obama to his first term here in the United States. The world economy was collapsing under the weight of the housing crisis. Obama's 27 degree Capricorn natal Narcissus starts triggering the U.S. natal Pluto, which remember is also at 27 degrees Capricorn (this is also the degree of Abraham Lincoln's Moon).

We will talk about this in Part II along with Obama, Trump, covid, Biden, the asteroids including Narcissus and Icarus  - all part of the U.S. Pluto return. And the U.S. Pluto return is part of our collective journey into the Age of Aquarius. It is hard to separate these things from each other right now. The U.S. has a 27 degree Moon in Aquarius (the people - exactly semi-sextile Pluto). Before Biden, we had 28 years in a row of Presidents with tight natal North Node (fate)/Uranus (Aquarius) conjunctions (Biden has a tight North Node/Chiron - wounded healer - conjunction).

Based on the current news - keep in mind the U.S. Mercury opposes the U.S. Pluto - someone else who appears to be playing a major role in at least this first leg of the U.S. Pluto return is Vladimir Putin. 


(It wouldn't be hard to imagine Putin releasing an incorrect public birth-date, maybe to throw off astrologers, maybe to make himself younger than he actually is and I used to wonder about his Scorpio rising chart, which seemed off for someone with such an unchanging face - Scorpio risings, and the other water signs to some degree, often look quite different from one photo to the next - although it's very early degree, the invention of Botox and how scrupulously he maintains his image of invincibility could be impacting this. He does seem like a Pluto/Mars ruled kind of guy. Comparing his chart and events in his life it does seem possible to me that it is accurate and it's all we have, so we'll take a look.)


Putin (a close-ish anagram for Pluto with a similar pronunciation) has a chart-ruling Pluto, tightly conjunct his South Node (past life/strong affiliation with Plutonian/forceful power) with the conjunction situated on his mid-heaven in Leo. He comes off as quite a Plutonian character with a secretive/deadly serious/'king of the underworld' kind of vibe. In Leo, Pluto is answering to his Libra Sun which, along with his Saturn, bookends the U.S. natal 10th house Saturn (world authority). His Sun is answering to his first house Libra Venus conjunct asteroid Icarus and trines his Uranus (his chaos/trauma planet conjunct the U.S. Sun). Putin's powerful Mars is conjunct the Galactic Center and trines his natal Pluto. His Pluto is at master number 22 degrees and inconjunct the U.S. natal Narcissus and transiting Neptune and sextiles the U.S. natal Neptune. 


Maybe making Putin a kind of human linchpin pulling the U.S. Pluto return and Neptune opposition together. But with Neptune (and Putin) it's hard to know what is real here. We talked about the Russia, Ukraine, Biden charts in the Full Moon in Leo/how kings fall post HERE.


Back with Part II on Friday and we'll pull in the other pivotal characters and see where all this might be heading. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Valentina Remenar