today's astrology forecast | Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 - stay flexible, communicate, split one big or complicated thing into two smaller things, here's more choices



The Moon is in versatile/communicative Gemini now. We are nourished/nurtured through conversation, information, having lots of irons in the fire/balls in the air. We might be focused on writing/reading/learning, children's school issues, sibling/local community/transportation situations. 


The Moon is uber busy today, we probably will be, too. She sextiles the Sun at 8:31AM EDT, sextiles Mercury at 5:56PM EDT, trines Saturn at 8:25PM EDT, squares Jupiter at 8:41M EDT, squares Neptune at 10:53PM EDT and finally goes void at 11:14PM EDT off a trine to Mars. 


Whew! Not sure if I've seen this many lunar aspects in a day before - how appropriate for multi-tasking Gemini.


The sextile to the Sun is this month's waxing sextiles - Aries/Gemini at 16 degrees. This is an excellent energetic portal - we take the Aries vibrancy/ambition/courage/need for action and, through that Gemini Moon get an opportunity to bring our New Moon story forward. 


The best use of today's opportunistic sextile - communicate, ask questions, keep your mind open, try new ideas, split one thing into two separate things, give people/yourself more choices, add humor/lighten things up.


We will all need some mental stimulation. The rest of the day's energies will all fall in line around this. Notice how the Moon steps into the Mars/Saturn challenges and through the versatile energies of Gemini - pulls in some fresh choices/words/ideas, lightens things up. Stay flexible. 


The squares in the P.M. (EDT) might make us prone to making a mountain out of a molehill/taking on too much or just drifting off course - here is where you give yourself a break. That final trine to Mars, Aries ruler and so ruler of this lunation, is a very good sign what we started under this Gemini Moon will have some wind at its back, maybe particularly Aquarian fueled situations - friends, groups, goals, tech, and anything where we are stepping into our individuality/responsibility.


Notice on Wednesday night (check your time zone), when the Moon in Gemini squares Jupiter and then Neptune - how you are feeling, what might feel stuck/clogged, if something feels overwhelming - because, this is where next week, Jupiter is going to meet Neptune and a tidal wave is going to move through all of us. We could get a cosmic heads up, maybe via tension/frustration, that gives us some information about that.


Note - the weekly forecast is in the April monthly part I HERE

xo all

artwork by the talented Joanna Johnen

Today's astrology forecast | Monday, April 4th, 2022 - do we want to fight or do we want to succeed, thanking the stars in the sky and the ones in california



On Monday, the Moon is in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation. We are nourished/nurtured by what is simple/soothing/comfortable - a warm bed, a soft touch, good food, security, time spent in nature, time spent with what/who we value/love, all the good stuff money can buy and all the good stuff money can't.


The Moon's aspects are all over the place, so emotionally we could be, too. 


With Mars perfecting his conjunction with Saturn TODAY, disagreements/entanglements/"no's" could seem to come out of nowhere. We've been talking about this energy for over a week. It's already in play, but exact now. 

Do we want to fight - maybe win/maybe lose - or do we want to SUCCEED? 


There is a difference between winning and being successful. And Mars beating Saturn in Aquarius, well, I'm not going to say, "this is impossible", well, yes, maybe I am, it's not going to happen. THE COOL HEAD SUCCEEDS. The one who can work WITH authority/rules and not against them succeeds. The fast, the passionate, the impulsive, the angry, the first, even the RIGHT (because 'right' is a subjective/personal thing almost always) - isn't who gets the brass ring. 


The brass ring goes to whoever is already holding it. 


Take responsibility for your actions, don't pass any bucks, because yes, we will be held accountable if we are not wearing our big girl pants or for prior times we left them at home in the laundry. 


Be prepared. Get there early. The Moon will sextile Neptune at some point, but don't get all Pisces lazy. We have to do what we have to do now. I know I sound like a Nike commercial, but Nike was the daughter of Pallas (likely the wise co-ruler of Aquarius where all this is going down) and the Goddess of VICTORY.


If we are - Mars in Aquarius - fighting for a group/cause/liberation - we need to work within the rules of engagement. We can use the Moon/Neptune to make dreams/visions more practical or more compassionate. In a couple days the Moon will be in Gemini and more choices will present themselves. There is a way to stay true to yourself/your beliefs and not fail. Find it. When Mars meets Saturn, the important thing for Mars is to live to fight another day.


The humbling, the wound, yes, the narcissistic wound, which we all think someone else has and we don't (WE ALL DO), is where the light gets in, keep this in mind.

So, please don't screw this week up, OK 


(and if we've already lived this and we've screwed this up, then we will face the consequences of that screwing up by standing on our feet, by doing better next time - this is a long game we are playing people, the battle is not the war).


We saw how this can all go down at last week's Oscars. Like every movie we've ever been to - we got a PREVIEW. 

We had a teachable moment/a life lesson. Let's use it to our benefit. NO snide comments. Snide comments have started wars folks. NO passive aggressive eye rolls designed (even unconsciously) to light someone else's fire. NO, running off half-cocked, and destroying IN AN INSTANT what we have been building for a very long time. 

Just do the work/do your job/take responsibility for your prior actions. This is Aquarius - DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. 

Keep in mind, Mars and Saturn are together - we are all really wanting the same thing anyway.

We also have Venus (in Aquarius) trining (brakes off) Black Moon Lilith today. 


This might be a way through the Mars/Saturn, but feels dangerous to me, too, because BML, especially at the end of Gemini, is tricky stuff. But, since Venus rules the North Node (our best path forward) let's unpack this trine a little. 

Venus is in Aquarius, has been in a Saturn sign/under his thumb since NOVEMBER, and is heading into Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, and joining Jupiter and Neptune in just DAYS. In Aquarius, Venus is attracting/is attracted to - the future, the new, the unusual. BML in Gemini is all about controversial female energy expressed through new choices/multiple outlets at the same time. These energies create an open portal/smooth trine. Fighting 'the man' - Mars/Saturn - isn't going to work. But Venus/BML pulls in unconventional allies, smart women, an ability to access energy that can keep things light/friendly/humorous (Gemini), that can take the edge off things/dial things down to a productive level. Allow new choices. Allow unusual things to be attractive. Since both Venus and BML are nearing the ends of their respective signs - there can be a kind of 'hail mary' play, THAT WORKS. 


Think about Chris Rock post-slap. 


Right back to business, but also keeping things light "well, this is the best night of television ever". 

Such rich astrology to be part of people. 


Thank the stars - the ones in the sky and the ones in California - for that.

xo all

I covered the week ahead in the monthly HERE

artwork by the amazing Valentina Remenar

the astrology of Will, Jada, Chris and Oscar | the impulsive New Moon, the Sea Goddess out of water, the wounded masculine, more than sticks and stones can break our bones, a zeitgeist teachable moment

We might all be a bit tired of talking/thinking about this story, or maybe we didn't give it  a second thought in the first place, either way, the astrology is truly fascinating.


At the time of the 'slap heard round the world' - and remember this was all applying to the New Moon in Aries/New Lunar Year, so the energies will be in play for a good, long time - the astrology, as it is apt to do with zeitgeist moments/things that resonate with us collectively is incredibly RICH and revealing.


Let's take a look!


We will start with Will and Jada's natal charts and their transits last week. 


Will Smith's birthchart has a packed 6th house, a powerful and not always predictable 'performing/royalty/talented' 5th house Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus/Sun. He has a natal 11th house Chiron at 0 degrees Aries opposing his Libra Sun 


(so this charismatic, beautiful shine challenged by this very old, very deep wound around his masculinity and not fitting in within groups/not getting the rewards). 


0 degrees Aries is an Aries point (zero degrees of a cardinal sign). A natal planet or angle on an Aries point indicates something significant to contribute to the world - because here is where the inner becomes outer - in terms of the planet and house at the Aries point. Will's Chiron (wound) and in Aries we are looking at the 'wounded masculine' here, opposes his Sun and plays out in an 11th house realm, the 11th house being about groups and goals and achievements that bring us into connection with other people, so this Academy Award ceremony with Will Smith at the top of his game fits in rather nicely - and this Aries point Chiron shows up as for all of us as a COLLECTIVE LESSON/GIFT in this pivotal year on this pivotal New Moon. With an Aries point - our collective attention goes HERE.

The New Moon in Aries was tight on his natal Eris/North Node  - the stuff that is hidden/not talked about in polite society somehow connecting Will to his destiny/fate (and ours!) - and remember our New Moon this week was conjunct both Chiron (wounded masculine) and Mercury (words, news, information, hands) and answering to Mars (impulsivity, anger, arguments, violence). This was all very tight on his North Node/Eris. 


He has also had transiting Saturn squaring his natal Moon for a few weeks which doesn't feel good (this is also where Mars will meet Saturn because remember we talked about this New Moon's actions bringing reality checks/report cards). 


Exact on his North Node on award night was dwarf planet Salacia (also conjunct our Aries New Moon and collectively bringing a salacious story to our collective attention, but here is where we don't get the total story like we would at the bright Full Moon, because this is a New Moon/dark moon, so things are hidden).

Salacia (Chris Rock's natal Salacia is at 22 degrees Cappy - the degree of the falling patriarchy/time runs out/power is cemented) was a Sea Goddess (wife of Neptune) who started life as a beautiful nymph known for her gorgeous seaweed braids. When Neptune pursued her, she ran away, overwhelmed by the fact he was a "God" and also wanting to maintain her virginity - keep in mind, virginity in mythology speaks of a female's freedom to not be owned by a man. Finally, Neptune convinces Salacia she could maintain her freedom within their marriage and they marry. Their most famous offspring was their son Triton - the first half man/half fish (merman).


And speaking of Sea Goddess, Jada Pinkett Smith has an uber interesting natal chart. She has a packed 10th house (career/voice in the world/public attention/reputation). She has an EXACT - and I am about to write EXACT over and over again - natal Chiron/Eris at 12 degrees Aries, so the New Moon in Aries was EXACT on her painful conjunction/fresh start this week. So, Will has the natal Eris/North Node and she has the natal Eris/Chiron and he has Chiron on that zeitgeist Aries point! 


She also has an EXACT Juno/Mercury (Juno being about contracts and marriage and our power that comes through our relationships to powerful people and Mercury ruling her 7th house of partners and Will's chart) and an EXACT Jupiter/Neptune. 


Yes, Jupiter/Neptune, THE big conjunction of 2022 is reactivating her natal Jupiter/Neptune. She doesn't have this conjunction in Pisces, of course, since she wasn't born in 1856 - although now that I am writing this, I am thinking there might be an 1856 connection to this story via their past lives or ancestors. Jada's Jupiter/Neptune is in Sagittarius so answering to Jupiter in her 12th house of THE PAST and what is done behind closed doors. AND her Jupiter/Neptune (ancient and modern rulers of Pisces, almost exact RIGHT NOW) is also tightly conjunct her Ascendant - likely enabling her to see/feel a higher purpose with events/people she interacts with. We might say, along with the Salacia connection, Jada IS kind of/sort of literally (does that all cancel itself out, I hope not) an embodied GODDESS OF THE SEA. No wonder she always looks so graceful/noble/royal, kind of float-y, am I right?!

Jada also has an EXACT Black Moon Lilith (the first "Eve" ejected from paradise for demanding equal status with Adam and then demonized. "Liliths" are often vilified as 'evil'/wrathful women who need to be exiled when what is really happening here is that the patriarchy has no intention of sharing power) conjunct her natal Uranus, double freedom-lovers/chaos in partnership focused Libra and her Libra Venus is conjunct Will Smith's Sun. 

So, they are kind of reflecting all this back and forth with each other. She also has a very tight Mars/North Node conjunct Chris Rock's Sun. Her Sun is conjunct Pluto and Venus. Her Saturn on the descendant (partner) tightly conjunct Will Smith's ascendant, so they could almost switch places/energies at times. A very powerful chart. A very powerful/unusual partnership. I mean you can't make this stuff up. 


The crazy thing is Jada has NO water in her chart and this is still true when we add in a bundle of dwarf planets/asteroids! This is VERY unusual, might feel like living in an emotional vacuum, make it hard to connect emotionally with people. Sometimes people without water turn to religion/spirituality for connection. This can also attract overly-emotional people to her, to mellow them out, and make her attracted to overly-emotional people, to kind of de-mellow her. She also has an enormous amount of mutable planets, so is likely very changeable/restless/maybe moody. 


Her Moon is conjunct her Midheaven which will help a little with this no water thing, but a Goddess of the Sea with no water! 


Makes me think of Salacia without her gorgeous seaweed braids (and Pluto/death is conjunct Jada's natal Salacia right now, applying). Sounds painful. 

We won't go into Chris Rock's chart, because this would just get too long, but he has MANY connections to their charts, the current transits and also, interestingly, to their marriage chart. When Will and Jada married there was a stellium/pile-up of planets in Aquarius on Jada's Mars/North Node, with transiting Saturn on Jada's natal Chiron/Eris (and remember her natal Saturn is conjunct her descendant/partner), with the North Node conjunct her natal Moon/Juno/Mercury and transiting Neptune on her natal Salacia and transiting Jupiter (remember Jada is a Jupiter/Neptune Sea Goddess) at 22 degrees Aquarius which is right where Saturn is now and where Mars will meet Saturn - when the accountability/results of what happened will show up (for all of us). Will's chart was equally activated when they married (Chris Rock's was also, and he has many connections to their charts, especially Jada's, including his Sun conjunct Jada's North Node of Fate - I think this would get too long if were to pull in his chart, too, but he is definitely connected here at least historically and more than just a trigger for this). 

We also have Juno conjunct Saturn in Aquarius this week and Mars will meet Juno after he meets Saturn - unusual relationships/contracts, freedoms within relationships and the future of relationships (collectively speaking) is a big part of this story, too. 

This is a dark Moon, so alot we don't know here. 


I went looking for asteroid Narcissus because this whole thing had a narcisstic signature to me, maybe because of Will's speech and the times we live in, and the character he played in the movie and the whole triggering scene including the Oscar crowd's surreal standing ovation after his win. Transiting Jupiter was tightly conjunct Jada's natal Narcissus - and remember Jupiter rules her chart and is part of her Jupiter/Neptune, Sea Goddess energy. Transiting Narcissus was conjunct Chris Rock's natal descendant (other people, open enemies) and Chris Rock's natal Narcissus is conjunct Jada's natal descendant. Alot about her here. Transiting Narcissus was conjunct Will's natal Cupido - maybe, he wasn't so far out in left field when he spoke of 'love making him do crazy things'. Well, love touched by narcissism maybe. Was he defending Jada's honor or his own masculinity here? Probably both, but not that simple in any case. It would have been a whole different story if Jada had risen up and smacked Chris, wouldn't it? Or would it? 


What would have been a whole other story was if Will had spoken out about his wife's Chiron (wound) and connected us to her vulnerability (see the rich/the 1% are just people, too, with their wounded spaces and broken-places, we are all going through hard things, so maybe even our jokes should be kinder right now) through the kind of loving language he used in his acceptance speech instead of lashing out with vulgar language that felt (to me at least) as violent/shocking as the slap itself. Although maybe the angry words said the same thing if we listen closely (see the rich/the 1% are just people, too, with their wounded spaces and broken-places).


And, keep in mind, whatever we 'think this is about' is something we should think about. And I mean more in terms of "why do I think it means this?" and not "what do I think is really happening?" because Will's Chiron on the Aries point makes this public story/zeitgeist moment somehow a very personal lesson/gift for all of us. 

My hub's immediate reaction, and honestly I was surprised with his lack of pop-culture reference points he even knew who the main characters are (he wasn't familiar with Jada, I am not really either, but know who she is), was that Chris Rock caused this because his jokes can be mean and Will seems like a nice guy. Then I rolled the tape for him and he was like, "hmm, that was weird, I didn't think Will Smith could go off like that. Chris Rock really kept it together". Although a couple days later he was back to his, "Chris Rock is mean" thing. 

My gut reaction was to feel the 'class' implications of the whole thing. Chris Rock was the hired help/doing a job he was paid to do and Will and Jada are Hollywood royalty. It made me think of the waitresses/service people wearing masks while the patrons didn't. The standing ovation for Will's win just a few minutes later made me feel a little/lot sick, like we'd collectively lost the thread of something ... that mattered. I felt more empathy for Jada and Will as the days moved on. Some friends immediate reaction was to feel for Jada, for Will, her wound/the 'hair thing'/the pain of a Black man defending a Black woman which has not always been historically possible. It's a VERY rich/very old story. So connected with our times. Such a teachable moment.


And the way it speaks to us, WHAT WE SEE, and the way we re-language it - says more about us than them. 

That's how these zeitgeist moments work. THIS is where we are. THIS is who we are. Here's a window as the inside comes outside.

It also made my think about the future of marriage/this Aquarius style marriage of theirs (and the collective future of marriage which could look like something alot like theirs) and some of the potential pitfalls/cliffs like maybe the fine line between equality/freedom and becoming so unattached we are detached or maybe one partner is detached and the other has to kind of play the role of unattached/independent when they are actually very lonely/in need of attachment and then genuine emotions/spousal support/love comes out all wonky. Or maybe since Aqua is fixed air, and so logic driven, if the relationship dies emotionally it will be hard to even tell, and then we are wearing something dead and calling it a mink coat. I am not saying this relationship is dead, but Aquarius is such a sticky/fixed sign, things can drag on too long with stuck emotions that will sometimes come out in unexpected/chaotic ways. 


(here's another MIND BLOWER - Chris Rock produced a documentary about Black hair (!) called Good Hair released 10/9/2009, he even interviewed a woman with alopecia. When the movie came out Uranus/Juno/Salacia were EXACTLY where Neptune and Jupiter are RIGHT NOW - Jada the Goddess of the Sea! - and the Sun, then, right where Narcissus is now and transiting Narcissus, then, EXACT on Jada's ascendant and conjunct her Jupiter/Neptune and Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune THEN piled up in Aquarius just as Mars/Venus/Juno/Saturn were at the New Moon.)


I admit I watched as little as possible of the whole thing. Enough to see Will's quick/easy laugh at Chris's joke, maybe before he caught the implications, Jada's eye roll. Enough to hear a bit about her alopecia, their marriage, her affair, their joint feeling of being previously dissed by both the Academy and Chris. The charts showing a very old story and a rather perfect astrological storm. 

With Mars ruling the New Moon and headed to Saturn, there will be consequences.


Keep in mind where we are tonight - one day after the New Moon in Aries made her first aspect which was her connection to wounded-healer Chiron - allowing the wound to humble us is what allows us to step onto this new path, our personal fresh start in Aries. The story of Jada and Will and Chris and Oscar is a perfectly, imperfect narrative that brings this New Moon to life. A gift to all of us and to them.


And, once again, in these rocking and rolling 2020's the narcissistic wound, which we all carry, some of us more visibly than others right now, is where the light gets in ....

xo all

please excuse any typos, too tired to re-read tonight :)

the meaning of the astrology of the new moon in aries | April 1, 2022 - an important and imperfect beginning motivated by what hurts, time to start

On Friday, April 1, 2022, at 2:24AM EDT the Aries Moon meets the Aries Sun giving us this month's New Moon; our annual New Moon in Aries - kicking off the lunar year.


We think of Aries as the warrior/competitor, but Aries energy isn't really about winning or losing (maybe don't tell this to an Aries Sun sign, because Aries WANTS to win) - Aries is really about having the COURAGE to start that race/face the battle in the first place. Aries supports jumping in and taking action. He doesn't promise us that we will come out a winner or even come out alive (yes, he's ruled by Mars and he's totally bad-ass), but he does promise us we will have evolved from the experience. And that's what we're here for. We didn't come for the outcome, the outcome has already been decided. We all win in the end. We came for the experience. Aries knows this. 

A New Moon in Aries gives us energy, confidence, initiative, courage. It's a time to step up and be ourselves. A flame is lit (cardinal fire).     IT'S TIME TO START!

Let's unpack the chart.

The New Moon is just coming off her meeting with Mercury and sextile to Vesta. So, in the lead-up to Friday's New Moon some information comes in/a conversation happens/maybe a decision is made (this could show up as an argument, but it doesn't have to, words can also be painful with Chiron nearby). This is happening in fiery Aries, so it will likely be short and to the point/could happen quickly. 


This will be the START of a continuing conversation or idea and is creating an opportunity in our Aquarius house thru Vesta as we dedicate ourselves to words/choices/plans and follow-up with actions that reflect our true values/what is sacred to us. Vesta speaks of something that needs a steady focus/can keep us up at night (sometimes Vesta pulls in a home situation and actually with this Aries Moon being about physical self/maybe especially our head - Vesta/Mercury/Chiron/Mars we probably want to be a little extra careful around the house - for example watch out for - food poisoning, accidents, painful arguments, viruses, etc). The Vestal Virgins in ancient Rome were the priestesses of Goddess Vesta and charged with maintaining the sacred fire that was never allowed to go out. They were also 'virgins' meaning un-owned by men and since this sextile is Aries/Aquarius, both freedom-loving/individualistic signs, there might be something here that creates freedom through responsibility or speaks of our need to be 'un-owned' somehow. This might also speak of the opportunity coming through a group situation or, again, our responsibility to a group even as the Aries New Moon's primary focus is on ourselves.


With Vesta here, this New Moon feels like a chance to walk our talk with something. We say this something-or-other really, really matters to us and here is a chance to prove, via our New Moon actions/starts/situations, that it actually does. What we give our time and attention to IS what matters to us. So what are we giving our time and attention to?

The New Moon's first aspect after meeting the Sun is a conjunction to wounded healer Chiron. 


A health situation or a vulnerability/weakness, maybe an embarrassment, is triggered. This could be a very old fear around being able to take care of ourselves or be ourselves. With the Sun here, whatever this is will be VISIBLE. We might feel like we haven't succeeded or we blew it, that maybe we weren't brave enough or fast enough or new enough. We might be saying the words no one wants to hear or be the one hearing them. We might be dealing with a health problem.

The challenge here, and an Aries New Moon, believe me, IS UP FOR A CHALLENGE - and we all have access to this - is to allow the loss/setback/wound/fear to MOTIVATE us. 


Yes, we are starting from kind of an uncomfortable place/not at our strongest at this New Moon, BUT maybe that is our super-power here. The wound being, quite literally right now, the place where the light comes in (to paraphrase Rumi).

The ruler of this Aries New Moon is Mars. He is making his way though Aquarius, not his favorite sign, but high off his days in Capricorn, he is still pretty high functioning here - smart, logical, focused on the future. Mars is applying to his conjunction to Saturn/Juno. He will meet Saturn on April 5th and Juno on the 10th. 


(today is the day Juno makes her own square to the Nodes of Fate - a decision point/crossroad regarding a contract, relationship. Will we stay mired in the collective obsessive drama, the secrets, the death or turn a page toward something that is more solid and simple - something that is growing and that gives both parties, this is happening in Aquarius keep in mind, room to BREATHE)

In a few days, Mars will meet Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius - this is where Jupiter stationed direct back on October 18th, and at the master number of 22. In terms of our New Moon story, this can bring a delay, road block, no, ending, reality check, report card. Seeing this coming NOW is something we can keep in mind. Here is where, most likely, our progress is blocked. 


Now, this is not a reason to avoid starting - we want to move through the process of whatever we are doing. But this IS a reason to take things seriously, to have patience, to think LONG-TERM. We want to be aware of this and NOT jump impulsively into something foolish, because the Aries New Moon can feel like we MUST DO IT NOW. And maybe we must do something now, but we don't have to do everything all at once or move too fast. There is alot of Pisces energy, we should be able to intuitively feel what we need to do, if we slow down a bit and breathe.


People ask me, with situations like these, "can't I just wait until after April 5th to start and avoid the Saturn conjunction altogether?". But, it doesn't work like this. Whatever we start in this New Moon 30 day cycle (and because this is the beginning of our new lunar year, this really applies to the next 12 months) will hit this early Saturnian wall. And this is really about our inner authority/sense of AGENCY - which we heal by stepping into - Chiron! - but often will be projected outside of ourselves and show up as real-world limits, etc. Meetings with Saturn are report card time/can also bring rewards we have EARNED.


This isn't something we need to fear, we just have to keep in mind we will be held accountable for what we are doing/starting.


At the same time they are meeting each other, Mars and Saturn are squaring the Nodes of Fate, which is a karmic cross-roads. Mars and Saturn together here is a VERY RARE THING. There are opportunities now, maybe with our back against the wall, maybe by taking baby steps, to dis-entangle ourselves from something that is no longer life-affirming. Keep in mind, Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and that South Node, so whatever we are needing to turn away from will probably be quite active now. The North Node - our best path forward - in Taurus is ruled by Venus, and, as Mars is meeting Saturn and squaring the Nodes, Venus is FINALLY entering her exalted/beloved sign of Pisces just in time for our 'April miracles' - we are tilling the ground within us to receive GREAT things, even if we aren't sure what those things are yet! We will talk about our 'April miracles' in the next post!


We've talked about the Scorpio South Node/Taurus North Node many times, including HERE. This New Moon cycle is asking us to make a MOVE/CHOICE, because remember the next New Moon is an eclipse (also the Full Moon in two weeks), so what we do NOW and how we respond/react to what is happening, is pulled, with us, into the Eclipse spin cycle.


We don't want to pull in some big complicated mess that requires 37 things to go right in order to work. We want to be turning toward something NEW, stabilizing, practical.

After Mars gets past Saturn and his squares to the Nodes, he is going to meet up with Juno. Juno has already met Saturn - we sealed the deal, came to a liberating understanding - and, so, now here is where we are taking action with this. Then Mars will make some adjusting aspects, but no big aspects until he gets into Pisces. Mars is less effective in Pisces, so we want to be doing what we can do now.


The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon, which I rarely write, but often take into consideration, is about a "Triangle of Flying Geese". This is very Aries/Aquarius and speaks of having the courage to TRUST OURSELVES AND EACH OTHER. It also speaks of something 'taking off' and this 'taking off' moving all of us in a new direction. So, although this is an Aries New Moon which is very much about ME (meaning you/each of us!) - the moves we make, the starts we take, the energies we allow to go to waste - impact all of us in very real ways. 


Look to the house Mars rules in your natal chart (Aries on the cusp) for the place to START. If you want to know what area of life this is, shoot me an email with your birth-date, place and time and I will let you know.


In short, this Moon is about taking action/starting what YOU want AND realizing this isn't going to be perfect or totally comfortable and you are going to have to deal with some LIMITS or unusual situations, and that's OK, you need to start/move forward ANYWAY. Just keep going. This won't be perfect and never will be. That's life.


New Moon Affirmations 


This New Moon is an excellent time for energetic support to make changes with things ruled by Aries (and your natal/progressed Aries house themes) - the head (headaches, acne, eyes, brain), the overall physical self, exploration, initiative, courage, leadership, strength, stubbornness, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, anger, stress from inaction/worry - what do we need more of in our lives, what are we needing to release.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a calm, centered frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive space (meaning certain)  - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud. With a fire New Moon maybe write your affirmations on strips of paper and burn them - now release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known.  

Know these things are already yours
xo all