On Saturday, April 16th at 2:56PM EDT, the Libra Moon opposes the Aries Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Libra.
Full Moons are always a time of PEAK energy. There is a culmination, a completion. Something comes TO LIGHT. In general during a Libra Moon we might notice the ways our life/relationships have moved out of balance. Who/what are we attracted to now? Who/what we are withdrawing from or is withdrawing from us comes to our attention via Full Moon events/situations.
This is the Aries/Libra polarity. Too much Aries and we get selfishness or we are rebelling just to be rebelling. Too much Libra and we get boundary issues and codependency. Together they represent wholeness of the me vs. we paradigm.
Libra also rules fairness and beauty and justice. The reason Libras can sometimes
seem so indecisive is because they can see both sides of an issue, so
maybe that is what is illuminated now - another point of view.
We have had the planets mostly all jammed together for quite a while, so maybe the Full Moon - which is an opposition - is just what is needed. And, of course, we know it is just what is needed because it is just what is happening.
Too much certainty assures we are shown the very things that will make us question ourselves and others.
Although, Full Moons are about endings, happening in the cardinal sign of Libra (cardinal signs usher in the new seasons) - there is a beginning here, too.
Let's unpack the chart!
The Moon opposes the Sun - 26 degrees, Libra/Aries. The Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn and trines Juno and Saturn in Aquarius. The Libra Moon is ruled by Venus, exalted in Pisces and sextiling Uranus and Mercury. Note - Mars has just moved into Pisces, Black Moon Lilith into Cancer and Jupiter has managed to pull Neptune to the 24th degree of Pisces.
So, the Moon moved into Libra and she trined Saturn and then Juno (they are widely conjunct now, having met a few days ago). Then she opposes the Aries Sun, then goes void off that challenging square to Pluto. Note all the water in this chart - we will be leading with our feelings during this Full Moon cycle and THEN the information/what we do/maybe sometimes how we fix the mess our feelings have led us into - will follow that.
The Moon's square to Pluto in serious, goal-oriented Cappy is applying/strong. Squares are tension/frustration, require us to DO something. Plutonian stuff is uncomfortable. So, maybe a secret comes out. Maybe a Plutonian situation is creating tension within a relationship - power struggles, taxes, inheritance, merged resources, large financial transactions, life/death, reproduction, third party situations, sex, divorce, intimacy issues, debts, other people's money.
The Full Moon is a kind of release point after a bottle neck, so what comes out now could be explosive/challenging. There can feel like a life and death kind of intensity - people can WAY over-react. In serious Cappy, there is something here that asks to be taken seriously (this square will carry through the weekend and into Monday when the Sun squares Pluto and then start to unwind).
The trine to Juno/Saturn will help/is a smooth flow. This is already unwinding, but still in play. Here is the serious partnership/commitment - this is us doing what we have to do, but also giving the other person, and so ourselves, some freedom/wiggle-room/ability to be ourselves - this helps with the Plutonian square - provides a way through somehow. Maybe it is the rules/commitments, the unusual relationship that is BRINGING something back into balance.
Pluto (which with all this Pisces, might just look something like the 'truth') tosses the monkey wrench, but there is an Aqua outlet - sober/unusual partnerships, sober/unusual group commitments, a sober/future-focused commitment. Not being too traditional. Not being too sentimental. Everyone gets to BREATHE.
Pluto rules all the 'dirty' stuff we stuff/don't want to deal with. A Pluto square at a relationship and balance seeking Libra Full Moon - especially RIGHT NOW with the added Pisces magic - is an excellent time for declaring/accepting the truth of this sludge within us. A time to let go of the hypocrisy of trying to fix ourselves through blaming others.
A Full Moon is like the point in our breathing when we have taken in as much air as we possibly can and need to EXHALE. Maybe it's time to release the comfortable padding, the toxic overload of connecting to each other and ourselves in this shame/blame way, and to trust in our own beauty, gentleness and purity (Venus in Pisces!).
When we give ourselves the gift of acceptance/forgiveness we release others to do the same.
Another helpful thing now is the Moon's ruler, Venus, is in an EXCELLENT position and provides another way through the intensity/challenge of the Pluto square.
Venus is exalted in Pisces/loves being in Pisces - can be her most attractive/benevolent self here. She is in an opportunistic/creative sextile with both Mercury and Uranus in Taurus. So, new and practical conversations focused on the future AND grounded in reality are helpful. Being a kind and patient listener is helpful. Venus in Pisces is a compassionate/loving vibe.
The Mercury/Uranus (also exact on Monday, so Monday looks dicey already) speaks of news that is maybe unexpected, but likely brings chaos/disorder/change. In the Full Moon chart they are sextiling benevolent Venus, so provide an OPPORTUNITY, maybe for greater CONNECTION. Collectively this will be about money, resources, our values, self-esteem. Personally we can also factor in our natal Taurus house theme. And, keep in mind, Pluto in Cappy (the monkey wrench) is answering to Saturn in Aquarius who is answering to Uranus and here are Venus and Uranus working together.
Change is good.
Mars has just entered Pisces - think spiritual warrior here. Think going with the flow, think movement, but also think NO PUSHING. Mars rules Aries and the Sun is answering to him. So now, Venus, after months of captivity, is stronger than Mars. Peace. Balance. Love. What's the expression - we attract more flies with honey than vinegar? That T-Square with Pluto won't allow 'peace at any cost' though. The dead won't stay buried and we don't want a zombie apocalypse in our living-room.
The Pluto square and the Saturn/Juno bringing things back into balance makes me think of things like - the way 'an affair' although painful in the short term might revive a stale marriage or an 'acute' health situation revive our long term health, something about bringing us to a certain appreciation/gratitude, a willingness to change after a life/death kind of struggle, which, obviously doesn't have to be anything quite so dire.
Although I am not really loving my use of the word 'revive' here, because although this Full Moon in Libra is all about balance, it's not about coming 'back' into balance because Plutonian changes are permanent/transforming and Juno/Saturn are in Aquarius which is about the future and moving forward.
It's a NEW kind of balance altogether. It's what works NOW.
There is alot of energy in Pisces, including Venus. the ruler of this lunation. Take some time now to consider your strategies, your direction, your alliances. Plutonian squares, especially during Full Moons, bring the potential for great destruction and great empowerment.
Keep this in mind.
Proceed gently.
Don't forget to get out and walk in the Full Moon. See what it stirs in you. We are in a once-in-a-generation Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces portal - the most magical of the magical - to make use of this, to move toward a better timeline/future, keep in mind this is a here and now thing - choose better in each moment.
xo all
For the astro buffs, let's take a quick look at the asteroids/dwarf planets and see what they bring to this story - the Moon is sandwiched between Elatus and Haumea.
Haumea is a dwarf planet about 1/3 the size of Pluto, oddly shaped with a thin coating of ice. Her Moons are icy, too, maybe indicating they split from her surface at some point. The only way for ice to get free is to melt. Maybe with all this water in the chart - something about melting/needing to not be too hard. In astrology, water is generally associated with emotions and we have the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction (note the Ukrainian missile that just sunk the Russian ship was named Neptune?!) and a Full Moon ruled by Venus in watery Pisces. Haumea was a Hawaiian creator God and was discovered in 2004, tightly conjunct asteroid Tsunemi and 2 days before a devastating Indian tsunami.
Elatus was a centaur killed during the battle with Hercules that wounded Chiron (the arrow that killed him was the same arrow that continued on to hit Chiron's knee), so he is certainly connected to Chiron - wounded healer. The Latin word for Elatus meaning something like 'puffed up/arrogant'. See what you make of that.
The Aries Sun is conjunct Eris/Pallas, so although Mars is swimming with the fishies in Pisces, Eris/Pallas is powering up the Sun, bringing wisdom/strategy/courage/terrrorism through initiative/passion/maybe anger. So, the Moon in Libra answering to that strong Venus isn't just going up against a Sun answering to a watery Mars, there is Eris/Pallas behind the opposition.
Venus, ruler of the Full Moon, is sandwiched between Diana and Nessus. Nessus often being something about trusting precious cargoes to untrustworthy people or situations. Diana could represent something here about our wild nature. She was also the protector of young women and Libra could be said to rule young women. Maybe an important story comes to light now (#metoo). A Full Moon in Libra might be pushing us to finalize - in some sense, whether this means an ending or a commitment - certain relationships and experiences.
Maybe something here about 'getting free'. Something about 'shared' wounds. Something about melting/softening. Also with the Eris/Pallas/Sun the need to take care of ourselves/be ourselves/to know our own strength. To understand that tossed apples (the Eris mythology) can start wars.
And, finally, if we look closely the empty leg of the Moon/Sun/Pluto T-square isn't empty after all - here is asteroid Iris. She is a rainbow messenger Goddess. Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a rainbow after a storm, an optical illusion .... I guess what we see here/what we get is probably up to us.