Today's astrology forecast | Thursday, May 19th, 2022 - empowering ourselves, noticing the gold we missed the first time through, the things that are about to change



The Moon is in sober and winter-ruled Capricorn now - we are nurtured by rules and boundaries and how many cans of peas we have lined up in our cupboard. She trines Uranus (change is good) at 9:16AM EDT and squares Venus (in Aries) at 4:01PM EDT. The Venus square is uncomfortable, might make us feel our losses/what we don't have/who we don't have.

This is also the day the Sun, on his way out of Taurus trines powerful Pluto. This is us getting control of ourselves. An earth trine enables stability/fertility. We are empowered by simplicity/by what we ALREADY HAVE. Time to take stock. At the same time the Sun is squaring Vesta in Aquarius. At odds with the Aquarius energy/groups/tech/maybe a teenager. The way through the square is that trine to Cappy - it's smooth, not about us beating our head against the wall. 


On a practical level this might speak of focusing on work/our goals. That solar trine to Pluto is a PERSONAL activation- focus on your own life/your own stuff - shoring that up.

At the same time, Mercury, still backing through his home sign of Gemini, moves into a creative opportunity (sextile) with expansive/beneficial Jupiter (in Aries). Good news. Something could be WORTH ANOTHER LOOK. Maybe there are some gold nuggets we missed the first time through here. Say it again. Listen again. Information/ideas can increase our confidence, offers us faith/HOPE.

The intense Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio followed by Mars meeting with Neptune has drained alot of batteries/bank accounts/immune systems. An entire age, the Age of Pisces/age of deception, is ending!


Take care of yourself. Let's be gentle/loving with each other. Know we are supported. Gemini season is about to start - our perspective will change. The conversation will change. Things will lighten up.

xo all

artwork by the talented Karentenita

weekly astrology forecast | May 16th - 22nd, 2022 - Scorpio total lunar eclipse, intensity, necessary dis-entanglements, recuperation, getting control of ourselves, renewed optimism, a light on a not-so-new idea, conversation or plan


Another important week as the STORY of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio plays itself out in real time - the necessary dis-entanglements, the limits, the focus, the recuperation, the 'getting control of ourselves' empowerment, the renewed enthusiasm, the new/old ideas and conversations. 

Let's unpack the week and I will get the Eclipse post up today.


Keep in mind, Eclipse energies pull us 'out-of-time', so alot of this week may feel like it has already happened, but it is still happening ... and will continue to PLAY OUT over the course of the next six months.


MONDAY - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

WEDNESDAY - Mars conjunct Neptune

THURSDAY - Sun trine Pluto, Mercury sextile Jupiter

SATURDAY - Sun conjunct Mercury (retrograde)

On MONDAY (Sunday night) - the Scorpio Moon opposes the Taurus Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Scorpio, conjunct the Nodes of Fate makes this one a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse designed to drive home this year's Nodal lessons - we talked about them first HERE


The Eclipse post is HERE.


On WEDNESDAY - Mars, finishing up in Pisces on his way home to Aries, the ancient ruler of Scorpio and modern ruler of Aries (so Venus and Jupiter are answering to Mars now) meets up with Pisces ruler Neptune. Wet weather. Actions that miss their mark. Catching a cold/virus/bad mood.


The best use of Mars/Neptune - using our intuition. Using our imagination. Offering compassion or forgiveness. Using music/art. Praying. Meditating. Releasing our compulsion/obsession/need for control. Maybe taking a rest - something here looks freaking exhausting. This speaks of both inaction - a need for rest or sleep/lack of motivation, etc - AND unlimited action/limits removed. Just keep in mind Neptune/Pisces makes it easy to deceive ourselves/be deceived by others. Also this aspect can make unhealthy actions extremely intoxicating - one drink leading to three, etc, so be aware of this, too. Stay SOBER.


Mars/Neptune is extremely well-timed to follow the BIG Scorpio Eclipse. 


After the deep Scorpionic purging within the collective and within our personal lives - secrets, obsessions, compulsions, manipulations, intimacies, shared resources (debt, inheritances, other people's money), sex, life/death scenarios, reproduction, past-life entanglements, ancestral IOUs being marked paid-in-full - now the ground is being cleared. Weeds are being pulled. Diets are being cleaned up and lightened.

This Eclipse cycle might be the perfect time for surgery to have something removed. And this could, of course, and most likely WILL BE a metaphoric extraction - which would also leave us tired and needing to recuperate.  

And, so, well, Mars/Neptune. 

On THURSDAY we get two powerful/positive aspects. 


The Sun, at 28 degrees Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury (retrograde in Gemini) sextiles Jupiter at 1 degree Aries. 

Earth trines are excellent energy to BUILD something practical. This is Taurus/Cappy, so we are taking our time with this, building something to last. One brick at a time. 


Sun/Pluto is an excellent time to get control (Pluto) of ourselves (Sun). Where do we need more integrity? How can we act with greater integrity?


Retrograde Mercury's sextile - creative opportunity - with expansive Jupiter speaks of greater optimism/faith. GOOD NEWS. With Mercury retrograde, maybe an old opportunity comes back around. This won't be the 'final' word on anything because Mercury is still retrograde, but could spark a new idea/conversation/forward movement. 

On SATURDAY, the Sun, at 0 degrees Gemini now, meets up with a retrograde Mercury. 


Here is the mid-point of Mercury's retrograde journey. The Sun brings illumination. CLARITY. Mercury's delays/re-thinking should make some sense now. This is a good aspect to receive an answer/make a choice. New options can open up. Keep in mind, Mercury is STILL retrograde, so again, there isn't a "final" anything here, but there should be new (but not totally new) information/conversations now.

xo all

artwork by the talented Pili Gagliardi

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio | May 16th, 2022 - serious situations, permanent endings, choosing our response, deciding what gets built when the dust settles

On Monday, May 16th, 2022 at 12:11AM EDT the Scorpio Moon opposes the Taurus Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Scorpio. Happening very near the Moon's nodes makes this one a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse.

(NASA will feature the Eclipse live on youtube HERE)

Tonight's Scorpio Eclipse is the final chapter of a very POWERFUL Spring Eclipse cycle. This is a very challenging and emotional Full Moon. Almost everyone has had some kind of intense 'life and death' experience over the past couple weeks (or is about to). No one is standing in the same shoes they were wearing one month ago. 

Eclipse events are karmic cosmic resets. 

I am still sick today - take care of yourselves Scorpio risings (!), this Eclipse is happening in your first house of your physical body (also Virgo risings with that Saturn 6th house and Taurus/Libra risings with the Venus/Chiron - actually everyone take care of yourself!). My brain/focus isn't up to snuff, so this will be shorter than usual. 


Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon, at 25 degrees Scorpio is opposing the Sun at 25 Taurus. The Moon is conjunct asteroid karma. The Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (applying/in the future) and squares the Saturn/Vesta conjunction in Aquarius (unwinding/in the past). Mars is conjunct Neptune - to be exact within days. The Moon is conjunct the South Node of what is ripe for RELEASE, the Sun is conjunct the North Node of our best path forward. 


The Moon conjunct karma speaks of a 'cause and effect' playing out through Full Moon events. With Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, nearing the end of Pisces (the end of the end) this feels like the completion of a karmic cycle. 

What have we learned?


The Sun/Moon's opposition via the Scorpio/Taurus energies pulls in our nodal axis story-line we first talked about HERE


Full Moons bring things to light/to a culmination, but with Lunar Eclipse Full Moons some things remain hidden. With Scorpio maybe - affairs stay under wraps, financial shenanigans get missed, secrets are taken to THE GRAVE.

As the modern ruler of Scorpio, Pluto rules this lunation and is in a sextile - opportunity - with the Moon. This is good news and is also the Moon's closing aspect promising a positive and EMPOWERING outcome to Eclipse events. 

The Sun's trine to Pluto - exact later this week - gives us a dynamic and potent Earth trine. Once the rot underneath has been exposed by the Full Moon events we will eventually start to focus on what is next. As long as we are building something practical, focusing on long-term stability, growth over time, taking it SLOW, keeping things SIMPLE - we will shine/prosper. We can count on this. Events may require us to step into our own authority or get control of ourselves - Sun/Pluto. 

The square to Saturn/Vesta is more challenging. 


This is tension/frustration, this is in the recent past, but in play with Full Moon events. The square to Saturn speaks of limits/responsibilities - a REALITY CHECK. Maybe involving our responsibilities to a group or our Aquarius house theme. With Vesta nearby, something here has kept us up at night/had our focus/devotion. Saturn in Aquarius speaks of what we can't do/can't have and Vesta in Aquarius points us to something that must be done/attended to/the fire that can't be allowed to go out. 


This is all in the recent past and is somehow at odds with the Eclipse event itself (the serious Scorpio situation, the necessary dis-entanglement, the ending).

Maybe the way through the Saturn square ROADBLOCK/REALITY CHECK is that Mars/Neptune in Pisces which is trining the Moon. 


Using our intuition. Using our imagination. Offering compassion or forgiveness. Using music/art. Praying. Meditating. Chasing the dream/the ghost/the mirage (note - disappointments will come from not seeing situations realistically). Maybe the way through is taking a breather/rest. Some could choose unhealthy escapes here and we want to watch our addictive tendencies and understand how easily one drink can lead to three to thirty.


The best way through this, because with Mars in Pisces everything is certainly NOT within our control - going with the flow - GOING WITH WHAT IS ALREADY SET IN MOTION because something here is out of our hands anyway.


When there are obstacles/blockages/problems it doesn't mean it is always our job to grapple with them. Keep in mind, life is seeking, through us and through Eclipse events, a simpler path forward - THAT TAURUS NORTH NODE. To get to this 'simpler path' - complications, obsessions, drama (and our need for such things) might be removed. During a time of DIS-ENTANGLEMENT maybe when we go in search of solutions/remedies we might extend/prolong the problem. A better way - with that Mars/Neptune - is something more intuitive, more loving. Allowing things to flow/dissolve. Allowing things to move at a more gentle pace. Think about the way water solves problems/makes changes.

The more we can release the Scorpio complicated drama. The endless analysis. The third party situations. The debt. The inappropriate intimacies. The need to look under the hood again and again and again. The more we can make things more simple. Save more/make more (spend less). Take things slower. Value ourselves and our existing resources. Use what we already have. The better the next few months, and probably years, will be for us. 

Once we are through this Full Moon cycle (the next two weeks) and get to the end of May 2022, the big events of 2022 will have mostly played out. There will still be big things ahead this year, but they will connect to the things that have ALREADY happened. 

If we can let go of the Scorpio and embrace the Taurus NOW - the events themselves are somewhat out of our hands, but our response isn't - when Uranus meets the North Node at the end of July we will have some good surprises in store for us instead of the chaos we will be dealing with if we continue to remain mired in the Scorpio drama.

xo all

Note - with a 25 degree Eclipse it could pay to look at the iChing Hexagram 25 which is called DIS-ENTANGLEMENT. It teaches that although we expect what we value to stay where we put it (and keep in mind Vesta - what we value - is in unusual and liberating Aquarius, so not so much staying put!), this 'expecting' is a kind of 'imaginary' security. The important stuff/valuables in life are free-roaming/changeable, can't be 'tethered'. 

Mars in Pisces is like trying to hold onto water anyway, the tighter our grip, the less water we will be left with. The iChing teaches that to be 'entangled' is to get caught up in futile/groundless things - deluded beliefs, reckless actions or a compulsion to rewrite the past or control the future. 

When we are 'without entanglement' and this feels very much like a theme of this Moon, we recognize what is NOT OURS and we do not take it on. Other people's problems are most often not ours to solve and sometimes bad things happen to us that we didn't cause. 

I hope something here is helpful/healthful to your current circumstances.

the astrology of jupiter into Aries | may 2022 to may 2023 - waking up from the dream, greater passion, greater initiative, greater anger, having faith in ourselves, starting something big

On May 10, 2022, Jupiter leaves his old stomping ground of watery Pisces for fiery Aries. He will be in Aries until May 2023, but will dip back into Pisces for several weeks at the end of this year during his retrograde.

Jupiter's role is expansion - to create the BIG PICTURE. 


Jupiter is huge, but not solid. He grows whatever he comes in contact with, then, through contact with the other planets, this unchecked growth gets form/structure/limits. 


Considered the greater benefic (as Zeus he was king of the Gods), he promotes abundance, wisdom, our ability to stretch outside our comfort zone.

Now Jupiter brings OPPORTUNITIES to our Aries house and to the collective themes of - men, the masculine, initiative, new ventures,  new actions, independent actions. Jupiter rules fiery Sagittarius, so is perfectly comfortable in fiery Aries. 

Jupiter brings LUCK and we get lucky in a couple different ways with this energy. One way is by ACTING lucky. Having confidence/courage. Knowing things are going to work out and so things work out. The whole king of the Gods thing and all. The other way is by taking something FURTHER. Going out on a limb. This can be through a reckless/adventurous spirit or through the wisdom gained by putting the time/energy into learning something really, really well and/or by taking a wider view. Think about the guy who is climbing the mountain and also the guy he meets in the cave on the way up, contemplating the BIG PICTURE. 

On the downside, having the planet of expansion in the sign of the youthful masculine - we might collectively be more extremely angered, more prone to arguments, more impulsive, more war-like. 

(Brene Brown wrote a timely article yesterday - she's always very timely/keyed into the collective consciousness, 12th house Sun/Neptune in Scorpio - on the space between stimulus and our response to the stimulus, this is certainly something to think about with Jupiter in Aries)

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom" - Viktor Frankl

Allowing ourselves this "space" is going to matter. We are going to need to have faith (Jupiter) in ourselves (Aries), to trust ourselves and know when we respond and not react it will be ok, better than ok ...

because there are a couple good indicators it would be best to not run off too far and too fast with whatever we have going on now. 

One is the ingress chart (chart for the time Jupiter ingresses into Aries) has a very still/recently retrograde Mercury backing up in Gemini - time to re-think something, re-look at facts and figures. Also, Jupiter, due to his upcoming retrograde, is going to be back in Pisces AGAIN, which means he will be entering Aries TWO MORE TIMES. Once, moving backward on October 22, 2022 and then finally, moving direct again, on December 20, 2022. 

The Jupiter Aries ingress is NOT a "one-and-done"/full-steam-ahead kind of thing. 

When Jupiter gets back into Pisces on October 23, 2022 (thru December 19, 2022) we will be back in dreamland/back to the "end" and incorporating what we have started with that. There is the chance what we have started will be DISSOLVING because that's a Pisces kind of ending and Pisces rules endings.

This won't be something where we start something new and then charge ahead and never look back.

This possible start/stop/adjustment thing ISN'T an excuse to not start. 

We sit out a forward motion Jupiter in Aries to our own detriment. But it IS something to pay attention to. 

And after saying that, I should reiterate this whole thing is tricky because Jupiter gets lucky by stretching/going big and Aries gets lucky by not being afraid to start, sometimes even when we don't really know what we are doing. So, hanging back or playing small isn't going to work. "Go big or go home" or "leaping and the net will appear" probably won't either. 

We will need to be smart. Also, with Jupiter in Aries, we are going to have to pay more attention to what Mars (ruler of Aries) is doing and what sign he is in. 

We begin the Jupiter ingress into Aries with Mars in Pisces, so we are rather EXHAUSTED/not seeing things clearly. Maybe it won't be until Mars gets into Aries, too - May 24th - when we are really feeling this PUSH. With Mars in Pisces, pushing isn't so effective, but once Mars gets into Aries THERE WILL BE PUSHING. 

Let's take a quick look by sign. 

Check your ascendant and your Sun - any questions shoot me an email.

For the house/theme Jupiter is LEAVING, check the sign AFTER your sign. You will surely be able to see the gifts/benefits his time in Pisces has brought you and this isn't over. Jupiter will be back in Pisces in October for the BIG finish, so October - December will probably be the best time for the benefits/results of Jupiter in Pisces to be visible. We can count on this - Jupiter always does his job. 

ARIES | Aries Rising - this is YOUR TRANSIT Aries and is happening in your 1st house of yourself. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. You can physically take up more space during this transit/stand taller/get noticed (just watch that one donut doesn't turn into the whole dozen). Arian qualities - a passionate nature, impulsivity, anger, initiative can grow. Just keep the more, more, more thing in balance and know this is a sneak peak of what you can expand during the first half of 2023. 

TAURUS | Taurus Rising - this is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, art, music, relaxation, meditation, water, compassion, forgiveness, secrets, the ethereal realms, the past, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Something here EXPANDS. Your intuition increases. Your dreams/imagination gets bigger. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

GEMINI | Gemini Rising- this is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, your tribe, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something here EXPANDS. Your confidence/optimism in social situations grows. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

CANCER | Cancer Rising - this is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, goals, your father/paternal story, business, authority, responsibility. Something here EXPANDS. This could be about a change of career, recognition or the confidence to explore something in a bigger way. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

LEO | Leo Rising - this is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. This is Jupiter's natural house, so should be a good thing!


VIRGO | Virgo Rising - this is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, death, rebirth, sex, reproduction. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. 

LIBRA | Libra Rising - this is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnerships. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. A new/idealistic person could enter your life or a partner could become more fiery/passionate. You will experience Jupiter in Aries through your relationships/other people. There might be fast changes/expansion. One or both partners might desire more freedom. Worst case a partner takes this Jupiter/Aries energy too far/blows something up. Best case, and this is probably way more likely, the relationship grows in optimism/faith/passion.

SCORPIO | Scorpio Rising - this is happening in your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something here EXPANDS. Take care of your health. This house can get tricky, so you want to keep things in balance/avoid burnout/growing the wrong things. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. 

SAGITTARIUS | Sagittarius Rising - this is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. Jupiter is your ruler, so you will feel his move from mutable water to cardinal fire more than most. 

CAPRICORN | Capricorn Rising - this is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate, renovation or a home business. Something here EXPANDS/becomes bigger or a bigger focus. Have faith. Here is luck/confidence. The desire for MORE. 

AQUARIUS | Aquarius Rising - this is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Something here EXPANDS. Jupiter's move from watery Pisces into fiery Aries can help you reboot your tired mind by expanding your optimism/faith. Your mental health or communication could become a top priority under this transit and you will find ways to improve it. A good transit to learn something new, write, talk, grow in your local environment.

PISCES | Pisces Rising - this is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something here EXPANDS. This transit can increase your income/expenses which can be a good thing or maybe not, so keep an eye on the bottom line Pisces and focus on increasing what you really value/need/want to keep.


Jupiter is going to get to 8 degrees Aries when he will station retrograde on July 28th (the same day we have a New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees), so people with planets and points between 0 and 8 degrees Aries - and the other cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - will probably feel this first leg the strongest. Also people with late degree Pisces/water signs as he takes his first exit.

So, from now until July 28th we get a preview of this energy/a chance to learn how to work with it. 

If things expand we are not so happy with, we will have a chance to re-structure/re-vise before things are 'full steam ahead' with whatever is GROWING starting at the end of 2022 and continuing into May 2023 - as long as we don't get too far ahead of ourselves now

Besides the retrograde "re-working's/looking for the missed opportunities" starting in late July, also pencil in October 2022 when Jupiter backs back into Pisces as a kind of 'cooling off' period before things push forward at the end of December.

If things expand nicely - greater optimism, faith, initiative, passion, courage, independence - just know we have a few weeks of Jupiter in Pisces (that October to December 2022 period) to finish up later in the year. 

Don't count those chickens just yet. DO allow yourself to feel/explore this new area of growth/hope. 

We'll talk more about this transit as we move through it.

Heads up our next post, unless I toss up a daily, will be about our Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Monday which is BIG. BIGGITY BIG. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Marita McVeigh