Mars retrograde in Gemini | october 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023 - rethinking our effort, our anger, our passion, second chances, a time to slow down and reflect, a world split in two

While we manage our lives during these weeks in the Eclipse spin cycle, let's shift gears a bit and take a look at Mars!


Mars, God of War - ruler of our masculine energy, our action, initiative, passion, self-assertion, anger, young men, the sign of Aries, your Aries natal house, the ancient ruler of Scorpio - stations retrograde on October 30, 2022 for the rest of the year. Mars stations retrograde about every two years for 2 to 2.5 months. His last retrograde was in 2020 in Aries and his last retrograde in Gemini was at the end of 2007 into the beginning of 2008. Now, Mars tells the story of the end of 2022. 

Mars retrograde works its magic through three cycles:

1. Passing in a forward motion over the degrees 8-25 Gemini - this is when we are introduced to the POTENTIAL (September 3 - October 30, 2022)

2. Turning retrograde and moving backward over these same degrees – this is when we have to find our "RE-SOURCEFULNESS", we turn our attention inwards, what isn't working? (October 30, 2022- January 12, 2023)

3. Going ‘direct’ and moving forward AGAIN over these same degrees – this final phase is the period of INTEGRATION (January 12 - March 25, 2023)

Mars' backward movement (from our vantage point here on Earth) is associated with times our overt actions might not be as effective/sometimes peter out, anger backfires, passions and actions reverse course. It might impact our ambition, energy-level, motivation and libido. We might find ourselves dealing with unresolved conflicts and old efforts/projects/actions we had previously left dangling can be brought back to life. It's a time to be re-thinking the ways we deal with anger, the ways we go about getting what we want, the ways we assert ourselves, the ways we communicate, the ways we START. With Mars in quick witted Gemini, words are going to be very important as will Mercury's journey while Mars is retrograde.

This transit will likely be more challenging for people with planets/points in Gemini or the other mutable signs - Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces and people with natal squares and oppositions (and to some degree probably inconjuncts) between Mars and Mercury. And, of course for Aries and Scorpio risings, your ruler planet is moving backward, you will feel this. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, just different. I am a Scorpio rising and my motivation shot very high when Mars moved into Gemini in August, but as soon as he slowed to station (he has barely moved in weeks), I felt it slowly dissolve. The square to Neptune, which I have natally, too, didn't help!

Venus was retrograde in Gemini during the late spring and early summer of 2020. Venus reworked 5-21 degrees of Gemini and Mars is reworking 8-25 degrees Gemini, so almost the same degrees. Back then we had the North Node in Gemini, too. Like Mars, Venus also made multiple squares to Neptune and sextiles to Chiron. We were re-evaluating who/what we love, our changing values, our need for variety, and, of course dealing with Covid. I wrote about that HERE. That transit, and this upcoming one, takes us back to the Venus Star Point in the spring of 2012. 

(at the end of the Gemini retrograde post I was writing about our somewhat insane 2012, specifically about our year with my schizophrenic brother-in-law David who was found dead last weekend, as the Moon moved over his natal Pluto/North Node exact conjunction, opposing his exact Chiron/South Node conjunction, then Eclipsed the Sun and his Neptune in Scorpio while Pluto sits/having just stationed on his Saturn. Little man who inspired so many to open their hearts, somewhat of a hobbit, has left a big hole in the world ...)

Sedna will move into Gemini next year for a 40 year stay, so the importance of Gemini as duality closes out over the next decades can't be overstated. Lots of positive and challenging 'progress'. I think maybe the most positive being the end of the feeling that something is missing. But, that's a post for another time - maybe while Mars is retrograde in Gemini!

We will continue to find ourselves doing things twice and/or two things at once. Our tribal/familial energy - his-story and her-story - visits us through the Mars retrograde, the Neptune/Chiron aspects and the Eclipse spin-cycle start point. We are pulled into circumstances similar to those of our ancestors (and our own past lives), so maybe we can choose differently this time, finish what they started, make the amends they needed to make, even earn the rewards they (or we in a past life) were denied.

OCTOBER 30, 2022 - Mars stations retro at 25 degrees Gemin

November 11, 2022 - Venus inconjuncts Mars

November 13, 2022 - Mercury inconjuncts Mars

November 15, 2022 - Sun inconjuncts Mars

November 19, 2022 - Mars retrograde squares Neptune retrograde (first was October 8)

November 28, 2022 - Mars retrograde trines Saturn (first was September 24)

November 29, 2022 - Mercury opposes Mars

December 2, 2022 - Venus opposes Mars

December 8, 2022 - Sun opposes Mars

December 14, 2022 - Mars sextiles Chiron (first was September 15)

December 15, 2022 - Mercury inconjuncts Mars

December 19, 2022 - Venus inconjuncts Mars

December 30, 2022 - Sun inconjuncts Mars

January 9, 2023 - Venus trines Mars

February 8, 2023 - Mars sextiles Chiron (third of three)

JANUARY 12, 2022 - Mars stations direct at 8 degrees Gemini

March 10, 2023 - Mars makes his final square to Neptune - what's left to lose?

MARCH 15, 2023 - Mars reaches 26 degrees Gemini, starts walking new ground

MARCH 25, 2023 - Mars enters Cancer and makes final trine to Saturn - this one Cancer/Pisces

So, what can we see? We can see our actions/anger/initiative will be adjusting (those repeating inconjuncts), somewhat unsatisfying, require give and take. We will have our second Mars/Neptune square which can be confusing/tiring, dilute our energy and efforts BUT if we can channel Neptune and use that energy for our imaginative or spiritual or healing efforts the squares can be VERY EFFECTIVE. Remember Mars can't beat Neptune, so don't try to power through this - if you need a break, take it. The Mars trine Saturn at the end of November will help stabilize our backward efforts/re-workings and they will harmonize with authority/rules/the future/groups. That is quickly followed by a series of oppositions as the personal planets move through Sagittarius. The Sag/Gemini axis is about the big picture vs the details, our beliefs vs the facts, the forest vs the trees, etc - as we get closer and look at the charts to see what else is going on, we will get a clearer picture of what is happening - but, almost certainly our efforts are meeting some challenges from outside ourselves. Then more adjusting as the inconjuncts return - this time with the planets moving through serious/sober Capricorn which could pull authority, rules, our career, limits, paternal stories, etc, into the mix. Just before Mars stations direct he makes a smooth trine to Venus in Aquarius. This looks like our relationships/money/values and self-esteem now working with the airy, detached, future-focused, group-centric, individualistic energy of Aquarius are in a smooth flow with our revised Mars. Our new man meets the woman of the future. Then after his direct station we will have one more Mars/Saturn to firm things up and one more Mars/Neptune to ignite our imagination or exhaust us! 

Mars also has a repeating aspect with healer Chiron (in Aries). This one is a sextile, so an opportunity if we take some kind of action with it - fire/air - so maybe through brave words or new ideas, speaking up for ourselves, being more independent minded - this kind of thing. This could also be about healing with our masculine energy/with men. Mars rules Aries, so this will be even more opportunistic. 

It is not a coincidence Mars will finally leave Gemini (after a few months) the same month Saturn leaves Aquarius (after two and a half years) and Pluto leaves Capricorn (after about 15 years). 

March 2023 is BIG, folks. 

Mars retrograde in Gemini is good for:

1. learning to find our voice without arguing/without aggression - and, yes, this will very likely come through dealing with the consequences of our arguments/aggression

2. figuring out why we force ourselves to do things/why we push ourselves

3. figuring out why we are afraid to do things, afraid to get angry/deal with anger

4. redirecting our vision because we are un-motivated by what we are currently doing

5. learning how to handle conflict/negotiate from an assertive (not aggressive) position

6. revising routines that lack passion/are boring

7. with those squares to Neptune - learning to see ourselves as worthy of rest, letting go and letting God, re-igniting our spirituality/our imagination/creativity, dealing with ancestral/past life stories

8. re-vising commerce, re-visiting old commercial ideas

9. re-vising relations with siblings/local community/cousins, etc

10. re-vising our writing, communication, tech

11. re-doing our natal Gemini house themes which are:

GEMINI RISING - 1st house Gemini - our identity, actually our heroic quest for identity
TAURUS RISING - 2nd house Gemini - our values, our resources, our money, our self-esteem
ARIES RISING (and the collective influence) - 3rd house Gemini - communication, information, writing, doing multiple things at once, siblings, community, tech devices, transportation, commerce, 
PISCES RISING - 4th house Gemini - our roots, home, family, our security, mother
AQUARIUS RISING - 5th house Gemini - self-expression, creativity, romance, children
CAPRICORN RISING 6h house Gemini - our daily work, our health, our service, our pets
SAGITTARIUS RISING - 7th house Gemini - partnerships, other people
SCORPIO RISING - 8th house Gemini - merging/purging, other people's resources, taxes, inheritance, secrets, life/death, sex
LIBRA RISING - 9th house Gemini - travel, higher education, publishing, religion, our beliefs
VIRGO RISING - 10th house Gemini - profession, career, goals, reputation, public life, father
LEO RISING - 11th house Gemini - the goals that bring us into connection with others, friendships, causes, networks
CANCER RISING - 12th house Gemini - things done last, things forgotten and put away, imagination, healing, spirit

With a retrograde Mars in Gemini, this could be like the Mercury retrograde of the decade, so it will be a good time to:

1. double check communication, think before speaking/writing/hitting send

2. keep a cool head, words can be used as weapons

3. back up files

4. be careful driving/take care of your vehicle

5. don't rush into new things too quickly, let things play out a bit before deciding, etc

6. find some mindfulness/relaxation tools if you are prone to anxiety/monkey mind/over-thinking

7. slow down, we could be more accident prone

8. Mars rules our strength and vitality, and Gemini rules our hands, arms, shoulders, lungs, so take care of yourself

9. hot Mars in airy Gemini speaks of needing to stay hydrated/wet 

And while Mars is in Gemini (and he has been since August) it will pay off to pay attention to what Mercury - ruler of Gemini - is doing:

October 30th - as Mars stations, Mercury will be in Scorpio, so mutual reception with Mars and inconjunct Neptune. Think of it like this - Mars gets to Scorpio - our passion/our fire, etc - through Gemini - by being versatile/flexible, doing two things at once or things twice, dealing with Gemini things, etc. He will be inconjunct Neptune so some adjustments with our illusions, energy levels, health imagination, spirit, healing. 

November 17th -  Mercury moves into Sagittarius and starts applying to his opposition to Mars (arguments, resentments, clash of ideology)

December 6th - Mercury moves into Capricorn (things get sober/serious)

December 29th, Mercury stations retrograde at 24 Cappy (Mars will be applying to his inconjunct to the Sun, will be challenging while both Mars and Mercury are retrograde as we start the New Year)

January 18th - Mercury stations direct at 8 degrees Cappy (Mars will be direct a few days earlier, so both will be strong/still at the same time)

I hope something here is helpful. 

I think before we dive into the next Eclipse, the gnarly one on election day here in the U.S. - we will step back and look at the recent Venus Star Point (the future of relationships) in its own post. All this Mars/Mercury is making me want to talk about Venus, and she is pretty important right now, too. 

I've stayed away from the collective stuff in this post, but Mars retrograde in Gemini is quite volatile/dangerous/divisive - things will surely be rocking and rolling. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Fintan Magee

the astrology of the solar eclipse new moon in scorpio | october 25th, 2022 - the eclipse portal opens, ending merged karmas, let go or be dragged, a new path is emerging

On October 25, 2022 at 6:49AM EDT, the Moon meets the Sun in dark, deep, powerful and intimate Scorpio, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Scorpio. Happening on the Moon's Nodes (widely conjunct) makes this New Moon a partial Solar Eclipse. 

Eclipses are a kind of cosmic reboot. Like when we download new software and have to turn our computer off and back on for the newly downloaded material to function properly. Except in this case, we are the computer, and our connection to a changing cosmos gets "reset".


The New Moon in Scorpio is an excellent time to commit (Scorpion energy is fixed and committed) to goals that express the POSITIVE use of Scorpio energy. Focus. Courage. Passion. Plutonian Scorpio learns and grows through loss. We go down into the underworld, and in the end, it's not so much about what we have brought back with us as it is about what we have left behind ....

Scorpio rules our collective 8th house of intimacy - of other people's values, other people's money. Here is where we take the time to understand other people's motives. It's through the constructive traits of Scorpio - focus, resourcefulness, passion, probing, deep perception - that we experience real intimacy. We merge with other people physically and materially. 

Scorpio is our fixed water sign. The space our emotions get stuck/stagnant. It is the space of our merged karma. Lunar events here create potent energy portals for making deep, lasting and permanent changes. We will be feeling what we've left behind and what we need to leave behind. Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio is slowing, preparing to station retrograde in just a few days, so although this chart's Mercury/Mars trine will be helpful to getting things accomplished, the upcoming Mars retrograde speaks of the need to prepare for a slower pace. When trouble arrives with Mars in Gemini, there will be a need to lighten the conversation, stay versatile and look for the 'source' belief/idea that is likely to be creating the problem. How does our thinking need to change?


Now, let's unpack the chart!


The Moon/Sun are conjunct with Venus at 2 degrees Scorpio. They inconjunct a retrograde Jupiter in Aries. Pluto, ruler of this lunation as the modern ruler of Scorpio, has recently stationed direct at 26 degrees Capricorn and squares the Sun/Moon/Venus (out of sign). Mars, the modern ruler of the lunation is parked at 25 degrees Gemini, about to station retrograde. He also squares the lunation, out of sign. He is moving off his square to Neptune, trining Saturn (also unwinding) and inconjunct Pluto. 


The Moon and Sun meet at 2 degrees Scorpio, conjunct Venus. Venus is considered in her fall in Scorpio since she rules Scorpio's polarity sign of Taurus and she is blown out by the Sun. But she is still Venus (!) and still the ruler of our North Node - way forward. Even in Scorpio, Venus wants to cooperate/reach out to others/connect. Pulls those orphaned spaces/our scapegoat stories home. If we have 'over-invested' in something we could be feeling it now.

The conjunction of Venus speaks of a new beginning (in Scorpio, so it comes through a death/ending) with our relationships, finances, values, beauty or self-esteem. Venus rules the point opposite the Solar Eclipse, but she sits with the Eclipsed planets. Something here about our Venusian energies - what we love/what we want/what we have being starkly VISIBLE now. Naked. There is still something in our blind spot, but also an opportunity here to see/feel what is really happening underneath. The stuff we don't normally want to look at about ourselves, our relationships, our money, etc. 

Other than the conjunction with Venus, which the Moon makes immediately following her meeting with the Sun, all the other aspects are separating. Have already happened. There is something here about 'dealing with an aftermath'. We might be feeling very nostalgic. Tired. 

The square to modern ruler Pluto is separating, but still important and can be harsh. Power imbalances. Big money situation. Merged money situations. Life and death (which isn't always life and death, of course, but sometimes is). Squares are tension/frustration, create/enable situations that require us to take action and to make changes. It is a potent time to let go of resentments. 

This Scorpio Eclipse is powerful. Ends merged karma. This can happen suddenly, but most often over the next 6-18 months. Sometimes when the karma ends, so does the relationship/the resource, etc. 


It can feel like a bad thing, but it is creating a space for something new. Something deeper/more intimate. Our natal Venus is being transformed, so we can attract different people, things, situations now and over time. Remember where we are in our chapter - things started last spring (and they may have only started then as a longing/an idea) are going to CATCH FIRE/take off in 2023. The things that are leaving now are part of this process. 

There is another Eclipse in two weeks. The next one in Taurus on the North Node and conjunct Uranus. Looks like BIG changes with some of the same themes we talked about with this Eclipse and Eclipses are 'times out of time' so events can happen before or after. We could be dealing with the next one now.

Mars is trining Mercury, so we can get alot done. We just need to keep in mind Mars is already slowing to station retrograde. The pace will change. Certain things will need to be pared down in November to lighten our load as we move toward 2023. 


We are in the early days of a 200 year air cycle. The beginning of the beginning. This is kind of our 'seed life' for what comes next. It matters what we do now. What we release. What we hold onto. What we start. It matters how this life goes and it matters how this life ends. You are charged with transforming the energy of "enter your birth-date here". You are transforming your ancestors' story/your past lives. Beginnings matter. And, yes, beginnings and endings can be all squished together and sometimes all we can see/feel is the ending. Especially with all the Scorpio. BUT that Venus tells us the beginning is RIGHT HERE, too.

So, we get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before. Eclipses change us, and we (vibrating differently) change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self lines up with. 

One tricky thing with eclipse energy that I have found from personal experience as well as other people's charts is they often work backward. The thing the eclipse is "eclipsing out" or "bringing to light" or "covering up" can happen days or weeks before the physical Sun is overtaken by the Moon. Often almost exactly one week or one month (or two months) before (or after).

I don't set New Moon intentions during Eclipse New Moons - I think it's a good time to trust life/God/the Universe. These times are fated. The fears/habits/memories we stuffed under some sofa somewhere, so we didn't have to deal with them are the very things that evolve us into butterflies through Eclipse experiences that we would often not choose for ourselves. We hold on loosely and go with the flow. Eat less. No drugs or alcohol. Inhale nose/exhale mouth to reset our nervous system. Seek quiet. Go within. It's not a time to be making plans or creating strategy. It IS a time to honor our ancestors because we ARE them and carrying their stories forward.


The part II of this - the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in two weeks - looks rather gnarly and is already in play, too (we will look at that after the Mars retrograde post next). All the pieces we talked about in the weekly post HERE are part of this New Moon cycle, too.

xo all

weekly astrology forecast | October 24th - 30th, 2022 - Scorpio on steroids, the intensity of Eclipse season



Scorpio season kicks off - and, yes, we are already feeling this - with an INTENSE New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Venus (ruler of the North Node). One door closes/another opens. We will talk about this in detail in the New Moon Eclipse post next.

The inner 'planets' are all active this week, so we will be, too. The end of October/beginning of November is a very pivotal time period.


We have Mercury making multiple aspects and changing signs. Mars, ancient ruler of the South Node and Scorpio (so connected to the Eclipse) is stationing retrograde after his 'chat' with Mercury. Venus, ruler of the North Node, and in mutual reception with Mars, plus Mercury is answering to her, is trining Juno. And we have the Sun and Moon meeting for a New Moon. And the middle planets are active, too - Saturn, having just stationed direct in his ancient sign, and Jupiter backing into Pisces, his ancient sign. 

This week's Eclipse will be a partial Eclipse, since the Moon/Sun are only widely conjunct the South Node, but South Node Eclipses (Solar Eclipses) are always important/impactful. Something is eclipsed OUT/not everything is seen. What goes into the ground now (the New Moon's conscious/unconscious planting) carries the energy of FATE/the power to right old wrongs, wrap up ancient story-lines. There is more going on than what we can SEE. Jupiter backs into Pisces giving us access to old magic through our faith/hope.

Let's dive into the week and then pull it all together in a separate Eclipse post!


MONDAY - Mercury square Black Moon Lilith

TUESDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, Mercury inconjunct Neptune

WEDNESDAY - Mercury trine Vesta, Mercury trine Mars

THURSDAY - Mercury square Pluto 

FRIDAY - Jupiter retrograde re-enters Pisces

SATURDAY - Mercury enters Scorpio and inconjuncts Jupiter, Venus trines Juno

SUNDAY - Mars inconjuncts Pluto (doesn't perfect) then Mars stations retrograde (25 Gemini)

With multiple Mercury aspects this week, there is alot here about news/information/ideas/communication, and challenging secrets coming out. There is also much hidden.

Before Mercury leaves Libra next Saturday, following Venus and the Sun into Scorpio, he/she will square Black Moon Lilith, inconjunct Neptune, trine Mars and square Pluto. Then he dives into Scorpio and inconjuncts Jupiter. I can't remember this many Mercury aspects in a week! Then the week closes out with Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini answering to Mercury.Whew!

On MONDAY - Mercury's week starts with a square to Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. At this point Mercury in still in Libra. Our conversational "dance" (avoiding stepping on other people's toes via our words in an effort to keep the peace, make things nice, make us LIKEABLE) is interrupted by BML. The controversial female energy/woman who chooses herself. Our womb wound. Yes, she is still in Cancer! So, this will likely connect to home/family/maybe mother or our maternal line. Scapegoat story-lines. The Moon - BML is answering to the Moon - will be in Libra, making nice with Mars but squaring Pluto. This might pull in power struggles, feeling like something is 'life and death' (sometimes it is). We are pulled under the covers. Into the underworld. Forced to see what's under the hood.

On TUESDAY - the Moon meets the Sun at 2 degrees Scorpio- the sign of the South Node, making this a Solar Eclipse (partial). The Moon is conjunct Venus, ruler of the North Node. Whatever ends/closes/dies/is taken away opens a NEW DOOR. At the same time Mercury is inconjunct Neptune, so we have to watch for unrealistic expectations. Not all words will be true. Not all ideas realistic. This would NOT be a good time to sign a contract and if you must, be extra careful to read the fine print/think things through. 

On WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY - Mercury trines Vesta in Aquarius - our words/information/communication in smooth flow with groups, the future, that thing that is keeping us up at night. Then, Mercury, at 25 degrees Libra is going to trine Mars (in Gemini) and almost immediately (26 degrees) square Pluto in Capricorn. So, new actions/new ideas and then very quickly some kind of tension/frustration/restriction or maybe this is a relationship disagreement that leads to permanent change. Watch those babies when you toss that bathwater. We want to avoid un-needed verbal confrontations with that Pluto square. We could be manipulated/manipulating or dealing with imbalanced power situations, We want to be stepping into our power/holding our center, and not getting all intense/cray-cray with any challenges. If we find ourselves obsessing, we have the ability to step away from the mental circles. Trying to control something/someone will lead to frustration. Mercury's next move will be a rock-and-a-hard-place with Jupiter, retrograde in Pisces. So we don't want to be over-thinking, over-promising, over-ANYTHING, right now either. 


Then Mercury dives into the dark waters of Scorpio (Pluto's territory) where he can be brought back to himself (the mutual reception) by Mars. Mercury gets to Gemini through Mars. Mars gets to Scorpio through Mercury. Our words and our actions are working together. Gemini situations - communications, contracts, writing, ideas, siblings, local community, transportation tech - will require a more detailed approach, research, going deeper. Scorpian situations - power, other people's money, merged monies, taxes, insurance, inheritances, life and death, reproduction, sex - will require a more Gemini approach, something lighter, more versatile, communicative, looking at different options, doing multiple things at once, doing things twice, etc.


The uncomfortable fears/stuff underneath that becomes ALMOST visible now, at the Mercury/Pluto square, will be playing out for a while. Mercury will be crossing over the South Node right around the time of the Lunar Eclipse in two weeks when something is changing/breaking free, big time.


"everyone is a moon and has a dark side" ... Mark Twain (Scorpio rising, Mercury in Scorpio, Moon conjunct Pluto)

On FRIDAY - Jupiter retrograde backs into Pisces. We are back to May 9th/10th when Jupiter left Pisces the first time. This might indicate the need for rest. An enthusiasm/passion can drift away/dissolve. Sometimes it is an illness that takes our legs out from under us for a while. Take your vitamins. In Aries, Jupiter has been focused on the new - new projects/new initiatives, the NEW YOU - now we go back into Pisces, the other sign that deals with what we CAN'T SEE - have I said there are things we can't see now?! - something here wasn't finished up back in May. There could be an opportunity we missed the first time through. Time to "re" our Pisces house theme. Think - old hopes, dreams, faith.


On SATURDAY - Mercury, having had enough of Libra's pink paint and indecisiveness, dives into deep, intense, committed, and, yes, sometimes deadly SCORPIO. Happening as Venus in Scorpio trines Juno in Pisces, our close relationships are pulled into the mix.


This is excellent energy for deep (Scorpio) investigation/research (Mercury). Greater verbal intimacy. This would be an excellent time to go into therapy. We are going deep/talking about and thinking about Scorpian topics.

Normally with Mercury in Scorpio - our mind would need to focus. Multi-tasking would be harder because our intellect would want to sit with one thing for longer than we usually do. We would want to puzzle our way through things/get to the bottom of things. 


BUT, this year with Mars in Gemini, while Mercury is in Scorpio, things are a bit different. Because remember, Mercury doesn't really WANT to focus. He wants to move quickly and stay on the surface of things. This intensity is not usually comfortable. But this year, maybe this will be easier/smoother. We can focus AND we can flit. We can commit and we can flirt. Can we? Maybe. We can try! This can come though our own abilities or we might pull in someone who has the skills here we are lacking, but either way we CAN WALK AND CHEW GUM AT THE SAME TIME or maybe I should say, we can walk and eat a four course meal at the same time (although I wouldn't recommend it).

Still, Mercury will be in Scorpio, so we will be getting to the bottom of things and will not be satisfied with Libra's (Mercury's last stop) conversational civilities. We'll want to know, and think/talk about, what is really happening.

It won't always be comfortable.

Usually with Mercury in Scorpio, the hard truths won't be blurted out spontaneously - we would have to dig for them, but this year with Mars in Gemini, there might be some BLURTING.   


You might want to decide first if you really want to know what is hiding underneath because Plutonian authenticity is not only transformational - it is permanent. There is no going back to "not knowing". Mysteries can be solved. The truth could come out. Secrets can be languaged and spoken out loud.

Difficult conversations will create deeper levels of intimacy now. If you are dating someone and you have sex (also Scorpio ruled) with them you can never go back to not having sex with them even if you never have sex with them again. The intimacy is still there. Although maybe this isn't true right now, because, well, Mars in Gemini!

Once we know the information - we own it. It's our move (with Scorpio the move might be internal). 

It changes who we are and we ignore who we are at our own peril.


Careless language (disrespect for ourselves and others) and our careless treatment of other people's words (and their reaction to ours) will be karmic. 


Keep this in mind.

There could be battles for mental supremacy and mind games during this transit. People prone to manipulation could be extremely effective (or someone will finally see right to the bottom of what they or we are doing), although with any Scorpio super-powers there is the chance of self-harm if used to gain power/control over someone else. This is a time to take a good, long look at what we are really seeking when we are trying to make a situation/person behave in a way that pleases us. Think about it. 


There are gold nuggets to be mined now. Even tiny specks can be used to create great fortunes. Scorpio rules our inheritance.

The fly in the jelly here is that we might think we are mining for gold when we are really just obsessing on the same old same old. Scorpio rules obsession and compulsion and our minds could easily go there now. Notice it. Don't judge it. Think about - "what does it mean that I keep thinking about this?". USE that versatile Mars in Gemini to DO SOMETHING ELSE. Something lighter, funnier/funner, more casual.

Scorpio rules death, too, and the South Node. It's not only what we dig up, but what we put into the ground that matters now.

On SUNDAY, Mars stations retrograde, at 25 degrees Gemini - lots of 25 degree action this week - for THE REST OF THE YEAR. Now, we really are going backward to go forward. This station happening with Mars in mutual reception with Mercury is a good thing. For now at least he can get back to himself, his Scorpio-self that is - through Mercury, so by doing multiple things, two things at once, being more Gemini, etc. 


I am writing a BIG post about the Mars retrograde because it's a BIG deal and a LONG chapter. Whatever we have been working on is subject to "re-dos" now. With Mars in Gemini, we can change our mind. So can other people. We will really need to measure twice before we cut once. Situations/conversations with siblings, neighbors, cousins, our local community - will be re-visited. Words/contracts/agreements will be rewritten. Commerce can change. Our Gemini house has been and will be a strong focus. Drive safely. Back up your files.


I hope something here is helpful. Back with the Eclipse post next!


artwork by the amazing xetobyte

Sun square Pluto with Mercury opposing Chiron | when the shadows come looking for us, no pain no gain


Let's dive a little deeper into the mid-week's energies since they are volatile and already active! 

Gut-punched me today.


THIS is the time we want to be diving into them - before next week's Eclipse. I wanted to clear up when I said in the weekly, "don't go looking for trouble, leave what's under the bed under the bed", I am talking about NEXT WEEK and really throughout the Eclipse cycle


This is the week to get things cleared up/to go deep. Before the Sun meets up with Venus this weekend which can be very healing for these Pluto squares!

Mid-week we have the Libra Sun, at 26 degrees, squaring a direct Pluto in Capricorn and we have Mercury, at 13 degrees Libra, opposing a retrograde Chiron in Aries. The Sun is answering to Venus who is squaring Pluto, too!

The Sun in Libra wants to keep things light/balanced - will pour pink paint over problems if she must to keep things on an even keel. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio and the freaking 'king of the underworld' will have none of that. So, when the solar light in polite Libra squares powerful Pluto we get to see what is underneath the polite smile, the charming words, THE PINK PAINT.

Here are the fears, control issues, the stuff we have stuffed, the stuff our relationships have stuffed, our compulsions, our jealousies - that are driving us. 

It is important to be REAL now; to be honest. 


If we are trying to manipulate someone or some situation - ie get someone to do what we want them to do - this will backfire. If we are thinking someone is trying to control/manipulate us they probably are. We don't want to be trying to control anyone or letting anyone control us. The only control we have/need is over OURSELVES. 


The real power comes through the honesty. The lack of sugar coating, The lack of pink paint. The Pluto square is to the Sun, our solar energy, our ego, so if we can release the fear of failing, of not being seen, of not standing out, of not being accepted/loved and respond (not react) from our heart we will be MORE POWERFUL. 

With Mercury opposing Chiron at the same time, the whole thing is likely to come through challenging words/information or a tense conversation. This can't be glossed over because of the Pluto square. The Moon will be in Leo answering to the Sun, so our emotions will be all caught up in our ego. In our relationships. Maybe in what other people think of us. We can't avoid the uncomfortable words even when we are feeling vulnerable/naked.


It is brave (Aries!) to speak of the way we are hurting and to really hold space/listen to someone else. It is brave to apologize if we are being/have been acting in ways that we are less than proud of. 

The upcoming Eclipse energy, which is MEGA, will have less to work with/will inflict less damage if we are BRAVE now; if we are honest and real. And, this doesn't mean spewing crap all over someone else and if we do this, we will need to man up and apologize for it. We also can't be a 'crap' target.


We need to take responsibility for the situations we find ourselves in. We need to take responsibility for our part in challenging relationships/with challenging financial or intimacy situations.

Remember this is a time when very small actions, really the smallest possible actions will keep our momentum going if it supports our highest good. We want to be noticing what is coming into form (Saturn about to station direct!) and how our actions are contributing to this. We want to be fast on our feet with small changes as things veer off in unintended directions because they likely will with Mars in Gemini. We are born with an internal GPS and a natural impulse toward growth and integrity and wholeness. We are kind of just waiting for the circumstances to present themselves to support our blossoming. Sometimes those circumstances present as challenges. In this case - how do we handle or avoid POWER or becoming more POWERFUL?

xo all

photography by the talented Camelia Baican