After spending a few hours (yes,
HOURS) on the floor in my studio untangling computer and equipment wires I am thinking about my floors again (like how I
really need to keep them cleaner- the dust bunnies are overrunning the place and how I
really need to stuff those cords into some old vacuum hoses) and how I need a change and maybe a change from the bottom up would be a good thing.
I headed back to the
Flor website to ogle their goodies as well as some
cork flooring (can you believe all these color choices?) I have been pining for and some amazing little t-shirt covers by
Sartoria Vico that are totally adorable (and have nothing to do with floors, but I can't just sit around and think about floors all day now can I)!

When we finally finish my studio I am so getting cork flooring. Had no idea it came in so many colors. Love all the rugs too. You've got great taste girl:-)
T-shirt covers?!? That's brilliant. And I love every single floor covering in your post.
I've been stalking FLOR for a while now - I heart them.
floors are very important; ceilings, not so much...
I like your floors.
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