GIVEAWAY Amalia Versaci Zipper Magnets- CLOSED

AND THE WINNER IS .... ROSCATA on Etsy (chosen by random number generator 342)- check out her amazing shop! A great big thank you...

A Little Too Much Reality TV ...

Hubby and I have an ongoing argument that can leave both of us drained and grumpy for days ....This argument always happens in front...

My Locket Giveaway at KindOverMatter

Don't miss the amazing Amanda and the amazing Jenn's amazing blog (you definitely want to follow this one- total inspiration here!)...

Rain, Rain Don't Go Away

Rainy days (particularly when they occur one after the other) really can bring me down (and Mondays, too, of course- damn that song!)...

Some Hump Day Honey from NotCot

These hump day goodies come to us courtesy of the amazing uploaders at I was once lucky enough to have a cork necklace...

GIVEAWAY Mudpuppy Baby Head- CLOSED

AND THE WINNER IS (closen by #141 out of 396)= Melissa Nucera. Melissa is an amazing artist and has a stunning Etsy shop...

When Good Bangs (and Hubbies) Go Bad

So, I thought I was done posting for the week with my fantabulous Friday finds when something happened that I totally need to vent...

Guerrilla Art in the Jersey Suburbs

So after being totally inspired by Color Me Katie's amazing shadow project and Banksy's often stunning guerrilla graffitibut being...

Thank God It's Fabulosity Friday

Some more Friday total randomness to get your weekend started right!The amazing blouses by Gaby Basora for Tucker, raising plants...

I Can't Help You - I am Just a Cookie

So, hubby and I went to a new place for Chinese last night and the food was yummy and the atmosphere was all modern-licious and we...

Awesome Purpose Design Magnetic CHALKBOARD Coaster Giveaway

And the winner is CRISTIN WILSON of Hazelnut Designs! #61 of 363 number generated by Random. org. Cristin has a wonderful Etsy shop...

Fantabulous Friday Finds

I have to admit to a total randomness with this grouping but if you can't get a little random on a fantabulously amazing summer Friday...