Sometimes (especially as the days get warmer) my cork can get a bit too full of itself and I just can't keep it covered up.

Friday Finds - it's a dog's life - some stuff on Olive's list
Friday, April 30, 2010
1. charming pet balloon animal dog toy2. mimi green dog collars3. cookie mom dog spray4. mimi green pictures of you dog duvet5. organic...
Thoughtful Thursday - who are we letting judge us?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
"Here's the mistake we make in high school:We let anyone, just anyone, judge our work (and by extension, judge us).....The cheerleaders...
20 Ways to Make Sure You Are Never Uncomfortable..
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I once had a co-worker, who we will just call Cyndy Bennis(because that was her name)and she had an obsession with the office temperatureit...
Take 10 Tuesday - some stuff you might have missed while you were out walking the dog or cutting the daffodils or whatever you have been doing
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
1. Why Worry Keeps You Poor over at The Launch Coach2. Megan's post on Growing Your Business Beyond Etsy over at CraftMBA3. The last...
GIVEAWAY - My Etsy Shop POLARITY - Personalized Locket Set
Monday, April 26, 2010
AND THE WINNER IS Chosen by Random.orgTrue Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 624 Result: 114 SylviaLousieHandbags! - These sisters...
FRIDAY FINDS - It's a GREEN World - Let's Keep it that Way - Have an Amazing Weekend!
Friday, April 23, 2010
1. jerry kott recycled wine vases2. tumbleweed tiny house company3. 1% for the planet4. loyalloot log bowls5. rodrigo alonso's shoes6....
Earth Day Turns 40 Today - and TeamEcoEtsy is Having an Auction!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
In celebration of Earth Day's 40th birthday, TeamEcoEtsy has some amazing goodie bags filled with all kinds of eco-goodies to be...
No Whining on Wednesday or why are people in Nevada searching for mosquito dunks and ending up here
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
As part of my SEO immersion I have been checking out (while watching American Idol) .. carefully studying .. my google analytics...
Take 10 Tuesday - some great posts in case you missed them - lots of podcast action
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
1) CraftMBA's post Is Use the Best Form of Marketing (do you wear/use your own work?)<---- 2) Lovin' Amalia's zippers on canvas!3)...
Sticks and Stones or how to stop being so sensitive that your teeth hurt
Monday, April 19, 2010
Now, sometimes I like to think that I write posts that are lessons I've learned and would like to pass on, but sometimes I think...
Friday Finds - Some Etsy Goodness to get your weekend started
Friday, April 16, 2010
1. squirrellicious fish pouch
2. better than jam dress
3. lemkab leather necklaces
4. polaroid camera drawing by cb78
5. tovie...
Thoughtful Thursday - spending money on what is important to us
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"The new trend in spending money is to buy things that are painstakingly hand built instead of efficiently mass produced.It might...
Whining Wednesday - a few things that are freaking me out this week
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I know I decided to turn Whining Wednesdays into No Whining on Wednesdays and I have been good for the last few weeks, but every...
Take Ten Tuesday - Great Links for Craft Fair Tips and Tricks for Your Crafty Biz!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
If the spring and summer plans for your crafty business include a craft show or two here are some great links you don't want to miss:1....
GIVEAWAY - Brookish Mr. Darcy Proposal Mug and Choice of Book
Monday, April 12, 2010
CLOSED - AND THE WINNER IS: Jennifer Hudson Taylor!Chosen by random.orgTrue Random Number GeneratorMin: 1Max: 610158Brookish is the...
Saving Second Base - things you can do everyday
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Daily Green asked Janet Gray, a professor at Vassar College and a board member of the Breast Cancer Fund for some simple tips...
Thoughtful Thursday - Bling It On or How to Make a Lucky Number Necklace
Thursday, April 8, 2010
This is a fun piece that I made for a friend's housewarming party (she collects gnomes), but it would also make a great idea for...
No Whining on Wednesday or keeping things balanced and maybe even easy to quit
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
When I was growing up my mom didn't work.Now, I say it this way because I know you will know what I mean, and of course, she did...
Take Ten Tuesday - or drop your glue guns tax day is next week!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Now hopefully, if you have a craft, design or art business you were organized last year with your receipts and paperwork and you...
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