What I Will Do for A Blog Giveaway Prize or please turn down the volume, cover your eyes and have an amazing weekend

I so know I will regret this after hitting publish, but I have been promised a totally awesome blog giveaway for you guys from a...

Upcycled Corkboard Tutorial - from Blah to Cork-tastic in 10 Minutes!

This is another easy-peasy tutorial (not sure why I am doing all these cork tutorials lately - it just seems to be working out...

Creating Special Spaces for Our Stuff

I was so happy to find this amazing yellow toolbox at a little antique shop in Red Bank, NJ (simply one of the best towns on the...

Saving the Planet by Trusting Ourselves and creating a wish garden that may get you uninvited to the annual block party

Some days the news is so bleak I can't watch it. My hubby was getting nosebleeds during the early weeks of the Japan nuclear crisis...

GIVEAWAY - Days of the Week Corkboards with Pushpins by Uncorked for Mother's Day CLOSED

WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK! Moms need to be organized - and these babies can help, I promise. As a special Mother's Day...

Happy Earth Day 2011

In celebration of Earth Day (which coincides with Good Friday and Passover week this year - Happy Easter and Happy Passover everyone!) this...

Back on Friday for Earth Day!

Taking a mini spring blog break to catch up on orders and get my house cleaned (what a mess) -I'll be back on Friday with a...

Wrapping Up This Week - when a week ends with April 15th you know for sure next week will be better

So, last Saturday I hit my favorite local flea market and I should say that flea markets in New Jersey are not like those massive...

Upcycled Wine Cork Heart Tutorial - wear your heart on the wall not on your sleeve

I probably should be making this in the shape of an Easter egg this week, but I felt the need for another stab at making a heart...

if not now .... when

just askin' ... (and no, that thing you did last night with your lip and a clothespin doesn't count) *print by the studio alc...


WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK IN THIS POST! Bullfrog Laserworks is the home of Portland maker Roberto Sand who creates custom...

New Work in Polarity Shop - and maybe I can gather enough loot from my sofa cushions to buy one of those snore stopper gizmos

I used to make button lids for my magnetic polarity lockets, but for some reason I haven't in a year or so. I recently made some...

Upcycled File Cabinet Drawers - create shelving and planters from old drawers

If you have any old metal file cabinet drawers or can get your hands on any at a flea market this spring - they can easily be turned...

Earth Day Countdown - Getting a Little Greener in 2011 - Spring Cleaning

As Earth Day 2011 approaches there may be some ways we can tweak our lives and live a little bit greener. Spring Cleaning for Greenies...

What Small Makers Might Learn from Big Companies and Their Policy & Procedure Manuals

When I worked for a bank we had lots of rules and lots of regulations and lots of manuals. There was a rule for everything and...

watch your back - they REALLY are out to get you today ...

Rules for April 1st - don't believe anything anyone says today, open doors slowly, do not move any oddly placed objects, check toilet...