I so know I will regret this after hitting publish, but I have been promised a totally awesome blog giveaway for you guys from a...

Upcycled Corkboard Tutorial - from Blah to Cork-tastic in 10 Minutes!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
This is another easy-peasy tutorial
(not sure why I am doing all these cork tutorials lately - it just seems to be working out...
Creating Special Spaces for Our Stuff
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I was so happy to find this amazing yellow toolbox at a little antique shop in Red Bank, NJ (simply one of the best towns on the...
Saving the Planet by Trusting Ourselves and creating a wish garden that may get you uninvited to the annual block party
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Some days the news is so bleak I can't watch it.
My hubby was getting nosebleeds during the early weeks of the Japan nuclear crisis...
GIVEAWAY - Days of the Week Corkboards with Pushpins by Uncorked for Mother's Day CLOSED
Monday, April 25, 2011
Moms need to be organized - and these babies can help, I promise.
As a special Mother's Day...
Happy Earth Day 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
In celebration of Earth Day
(which coincides with Good Friday and Passover week this year - Happy Easter and Happy Passover everyone!)
Back on Friday for Earth Day!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Taking a mini spring blog break to catch up on orders and get my house cleaned (what a mess) -I'll be back on Friday with a...
Wrapping Up This Week - when a week ends with April 15th you know for sure next week will be better
Friday, April 15, 2011
So, last Saturday I hit my favorite local flea market and I should say that flea markets in New Jersey are not like those massive...
Upcycled Wine Cork Heart Tutorial - wear your heart on the wall not on your sleeve
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I probably should be making this in the shape of an Easter egg this week, but I felt the need for another stab at making a heart...
if not now .... when
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
just askin' ...
(and no, that thing you did last night with your lip and a clothespin doesn't count)
*print by the studio alc...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Bullfrog Laserworks is the home of Portland maker Roberto Sand who creates custom...
New Work in Polarity Shop - and maybe I can gather enough loot from my sofa cushions to buy one of those snore stopper gizmos
Friday, April 8, 2011
I used to make button lids for my magnetic polarity lockets, but for some reason I haven't in a year or so. I recently made some...
Upcycled File Cabinet Drawers - create shelving and planters from old drawers
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
If you have any old metal file cabinet drawers or can get your hands on any at a flea market this spring - they can easily be turned...
Earth Day Countdown - Getting a Little Greener in 2011 - Spring Cleaning
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
As Earth Day 2011 approaches there may be some ways we can tweak our lives and live a little bit greener.
Spring Cleaning for Greenies...
What Small Makers Might Learn from Big Companies and Their Policy & Procedure Manuals
Monday, April 4, 2011
When I worked for a bank we had lots of rules and lots of regulations and lots of manuals.
There was a rule for everything and...
watch your back - they REALLY are out to get you today ...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Rules for April 1st - don't believe anything anyone says today, open doors slowly, do not move any oddly placed objects, check toilet...
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