a sneak peak at some new work for the NYIGF plus working with the stars

Right now we are all in the middle of an eclipse tunnel that started May 20th (new moon, new beginnings) and ends June 4th with the...

letting our message dictate our direction ...

We know that the internet is gigundo immense and that selling things here and creating a business here requires niche thinking. (niche...

Happy Memorial Day Weekend All - summer is official

This photo makes me want to put all the politicians everywhere into a room and spin them around and poke them with sticks until...

caine's arcade - do what you love and the money ... and the flash mobs will follow - jealous maker tuesday without the jealous maker

This is the story of how Caine Monroy’s hand-built cardboard arcade in his father’s auto parts store led to a flash mob, a $60,000...

Upcycled Mail Caddy Tutorial - Vintage Book & Dough Kneader

This is an easy peasy little mail caddy you can make with a vintage dough kneader and old book - I think this old stenographer's...

the jersey head nod and the stuff mcgruff forgot to tell us about spring safety

Sooo now that the weather is warmer (and I need to lose the 5 pounds of rice pudding I somehow managed to pack on my hips last winter) I...

why didn't I think of that - jealous maker tuesday - chalktrails

OK - this week's find is called the Chalktrail - how cool is this gizmo - it gets kids outdoors and inspires creativity - love...

Come See Me at Art Star this Weekend in Philadelphia!

Megan and Erin have put together an amazing show this Mother's Day weekend and I will be in Booth 18, at the Great Plaza...

no fishies were harmed in the making of this post

Hubs and I are needing a little break and going away for a couple days - we'll be back at the end of the week. For those who have...

Upcycled Paint by Number / Clipboard Tutorial

I picked up these amazing pups (painted by Aunt Goldie in 1959 - I wish I had an Aunt Goldie - I think I will just start calling...

why didn't I think of that? - new series for jealous makers

Too tired to blog a sensible sentence (more on this later) but I wanted to kick off my jealous maker spring Tuesday series with...