In Like a Lion | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 2nd

March is the busiest astrological month of 2015!

We start the week with the Moon in Leo and a grand fire trine giving March a passionate welcome.  

He definitely comes in like a lion and we will all have something to be fired up about!

This week we have a trine from Jupiter (retrograde in Leo) to Venus and Uranus (cuddled up in Aries). This is Jupiter's second, of three, alignments to Uranus - the first was the last week of September 2014 (what was happening in your life back then?) and the 3rd alignment is at the end of June this year.

Jupiter is the King of the Gods; largest planet in our solar system - heavier than all the other planets, moons, asteroids, comets (you get the picture here) all rolled together. Jupiter is expansive and wherever he lands in our charts we are often lucky ... until maybe we start to take this luck for granted.

Jupiter's chillin' in Leo and Leo rules the 5th house of pleasure, creative self expression, playfulness and falling in love

(again, the house Leo sits in our natal chart will be even more applicable).

This trine can bring an unexpected happening (Uranus) with something we want or love (Venus) - whatever it is, with Jupiter, we know there's expansion here. It could be big! It will definitely be new! 

This is a week to get our work out there. Make the call. Send the sample. Apply to the show. Take action that can lead to attention. 

Tuesday is a great day for getting stuff done and out the door. The Moon is void so not so great for starting something new. Wednesday could be an important decision day. Lean into what inspires and excites us now - don't doubt there is an infinite source of creative goodness available to all of us - and yes, it matters what we do with it!

Thursday's Full Moon in Virgo is complicated. For some people there will be an opportunity to receive attention/reward/recognition for the work we’ve done, providing, of course, we've actually done it 

(notice all the liars falling on their swords these days- the Bikram yoga guy is the latest).

“I did it my way", will be our mantra.

Now we're talking Virgo, so the recognition won't be so much personal - it will be for the work - and we will probably have to take or have taken some kind of action to make it happen since Mars is involved. On the other hand it could be the bright light of the Full Moon illuminating something we have done incorrectly. Virgo can be a little nit picky. Either way our mantra still works. This Moon is the culmination of September's New Moon and also wraps up a storyline we started the first week of September 2013. More on this later in the week with the Full Moon post.

I would be remiss not to say there is a lot of ending energy again this week, too. Also much energy around relationships and connections .... we'll talk about this later, too.

Stay tuned! We have an action packed month ahead and we begin our NEW YEAR with a Solar Eclipse in less than 3 weeks!

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