Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, February 13th, 2022 - feelings matter, maybe a duck isn't always a duck


The Moon is home in Cancer now. We are nurtured/nourished by home, family, mom and apple pie. She opposes Venus at 12:45AM EST and trines Neptune at 2:15PM EST (that Neptune trine is good for healing, meditation, music, rest, imagination).


From 25 degrees Cancer she inconjuncts the Aquarius Sun. 


Here is her final aspect before next week's BIG Full Moon in Leo. An adjustment is needed.


The Cancer Moon is emotional/sometimes needy - attaches to what it feels. The Aquarius Sun is smart/logical - can miss the trees for the forest/might even detach from what it feels. Cancer rules our past/our roots. Aquarius rules our uprooting/our future. Cancer is cardinal water/new emotions. Aquarius is fixed air. These are both signs that care about other people - Aquarius through a less attached concern about the 'greater good' and Cancer through an emotional bonding to what is familiar, 'my people'. 


So, we come to this space in the lunar cycle where some emotional conflict requires adjustment.


Maybe here is where we need to not take things so damn personally, or maybe, and maybe this is more likely, here is where we DO. 


Cancer/Aquarius is intuitive knowing (Cancer - think gut instinct here) vs perception (Aquarius - think of that circumstantial evidence in a courtroom trial - if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it is probably a duck, but maybe sometimes it isn't). Both are valid AND neither is something we can count on 100% of the time. 


Maybe it is an imperfect blending of intuition and perception that is needed.

Or maybe this is a more literal thing, like we are being asked to move too far/too fast outside our comfort zone and the Cancer Moon is tugging us home. Or too much tech/group-think is making us wobbly/impersonal and a situation stirs us emotionally back into our physical bodies/spaces/back to 'our people'. Maybe we are a Cancer person dealing with an Aquarius person. Inconjuncts are rocks and hard places and require some adjusting on both sides. 


This isn't something that gets all wrapped up with a nice red bow, but being this month's Waxing Inconjunct is something that needs to be felt/seen (not stuffed) before next week's Full Moon. 

xo all

artwork by the amazing agnes-cecile

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