today's astrology forecast | Thursday, March 10th, 2022 - doing our Gemini, talking about it, playing it smart, get things done early


The Moon finishes us her monthly journey through communicative/busy-busy Gemini. 


She squares the Sun at 5:45AM EST, trines Saturn two minutes later (good for conversations with authority and stepping into our own, taking care of responsibilities, getting results) and goes void off her square with imaginative/foggy Neptune at 11:42AM EST. 


She will be void for the rest of the day, so GET THINGS DONE EARLY.

The Moon's early morning square to the Sun is this month's First Quarter Square - Gemini/Pisces. This is tension/frustration between dealing with the facts/details/errands and letting things kind of flow/work out on their own. Book smarts vs intuitive feelings. The Moon in Gemini needs to be HEARD. Words need to be spoken out loud/information parsed through. This shouldn't be some big emotional thing. The Pisces Sun - and Mercury is in Pisces, too, now and Mercury rules Gemini - might want to gloss over things/take a break, feel what needs to be communicated (turn something into that big emotional thing) when what we really need now, on our way to next week's BIG Full Moon in Libra - is the FACTS/to take care of the details. Stay focused - at least until that void Moon in the afternoon. Then we can relax a bit.

This is also the day, after more than three years, Vesta moves into Aquarius, passing over that HOT zero degrees Aquarius (world starts up again). 


Our focus/attention/what is keeping us up at night/what we NEED TO KEEP LIT - moves from the past into the future. Vesta in Aquarius speaks of a sacred devotion to causes/groups/friendships. A value of freedom/individuality/intelligence/science/tech. The fly in the ointment here is an Aquarian tendency to value 'people', over any particular person, mental stubbornness and detachment. Aqua taken too far, as Vesta's extreme focus can do, can be too robotic/too impersonal/need a shot of Leo.

Tomorrow the Moon will come home to Cancer. In Cancer she will make multiple smooth/positive aspects over the next couple days. Her final aspect in Cancer is an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday morning. So things can flip around on us. Keep this in mind. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Anna Lubchik

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