weekly astrology forecast | february 3rd to 9th, 2025 - beneficial information, changes of fortune, learning to have faith that the cosmic plan for us is bigger than ours, be smart with love and money, february's forward movement starts now

FEBRUARY brings forward movement, some now and much more around the third week when Mars finally stations direct. Venus's move into Aries on Tuesday can feel confrontational and impulsive as Jupiter turns direct (YAY!) and the Moon, strong in Taurus, clashes with all that Aquarius energy. 

Lots of opportunistic stuff, too, this week and we will lean into that. 

Keep in mind the background music for everything is last week's fresh start Aquarius Moon with its trine to Jupiter (old blessings pulling us forward) and its warnings about flying too high. 

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Mercury trines Jupiter, Mars squares Chiron


THURSDAY - Neptune conjuncts North Node, Sun inconjunct Mars, Venus sextiles Pluto, Mercury inconjunct Mars

FRIDAY - Sun and Mercury sextile Chiron

SUNDAY - Sun conjuncts Mercury, Mars trines Saturn


Mercury at 11 degrees Aquarius trines Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini, but only for about another 30 seconds. This is about bringing new information, words and conversations - that are smarter, more intellectual, more detached - to changing beliefs and old information, communications and knowledge. 

Step back and take another look. CHANGE YOUR ANGLE. This is about growth through nonjudgement. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ARE BENEFICIAL. GOOD NEWS CAN COME IN. 

Sometimes Mercury in Aquarius shows up as fringe-thinking and ideas, tech stuff or flashes of insight. Either way, Mercury's trine to a retrograde Jupiter in a sign that Mercury rules says that words and ideas are expansive and contributing to that OLD GOLD there to be mined, so pay attention. 

Jupiter is strong/still/stationing direct tomorrow at this same degree, so what words/ideas/information are we carrying with us into our better and expanding future?

At the same time, Mars, back to 19 degrees Cancer now, squares Chiron in Aries. Repeat actions/doing what we have done before - maybe especially in regard to our security, home, family, mother, roots - digs up painful vulnerabilities and wounds around our self-esteem, ability to be ourselves or take care of ourselves. Mars is retrograde, so this is about how we TURN A CORNER ON THIS. Are we really wanting to fight about or be sensitive to or cry about the same old cr*p? The retro Mars/Chiron can also speak of taking action on health matters with their roots in the past. What have you been ignoring? Take care of yourself. 

The Mercury/Jupiter happening at the same time tells us to speak up/talk about it/think about it - but, to do so in an Aquarian way. Smart. Logical. Not overly emotional. Get smart help. DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. Save the drama for your mama with this stuff folks. Mars is retrograde so there is some kind of repeat/echo here - how can we do this BETTER?

TUESDAY - JUPITER STATIONS DIRECT! and Venus enters Aries to set up her own retrograde. 

After almost four months of maybe feeling like 'our luck has run out' - Jupiter stations direct at 11 degrees Gemini. OUR LUCK CHANGES. Benefits that were held up can begin to flow. We have almost exactly THREE MONTHS before Jupiter leaves Gemini, not to return for 12 years, so what are we going to do with this? 

Venus enters Aries - setting up her 2025 retrograde that we talked about HERE. Now, she is answering to Mars which she doesn't like, especially with him moving backward in Cancer and squaring Chiron. 

Aries people, Sun and risings, become more attractive. Both easier on the eye and more easily able to ATTRACT. Keep in mind everything we attract now, is subject to her retrograde/do-over. Nothing is sticky YET. 

In Aries, Venus is a warrior and will be asking, "what's best for me/what's in it for me?". Love can also be a BATTLEFIELD - cue the Pat Benatar music. Mars is still retrograde in Cancer, so we don't want to burn bridges we may need later. Venus in Aries loves her independence and freedom and we will all be feeling this. No one puts baby in a corner/tells her what she can have/who she can LOVE. If it looks slightly dangerous, maybe even mucho dangerous - we are ATTRACTED. We might also be attracting challenges. Keep in mind this is a process with that retrograde down the road. There isn't a straight line between what we want and having it just yet, BUT, Venus in Aries very often gets what she wants. The biggest question is will we still want it when we get it? 

Expect Venusian delays - love, money, relationships, beauty, self-esteem, values - and second looks over the next few weeks. 

THURSDAY - Luna is in Gemini making plenty of smooth aspects - that's good. We will be BUSY with lots of conversations, projects, errands or commerce. More than one thing going on for sure! 

Neptune meets up with the North Node - remember we had Venus kind of pulling them together last week/weekend and now they are most exact. How long has it been since we have seen this in Pisces - maybe 100 years? Our destiny is Neptunian. Ethereal. Magical. Idealistic. Artistic. Compassionate. Or are we addicted/self-sabotaging/dreaming our life away/escaping? Over-giving? Healthy or unhealthy sacrifice? We should be able to feel the different now. 

This is more energy around this year's theme of - bigger hands than ours having the wheel, let go and let God. THIS IS ABOUT LEARNING TO PUT OUR FAITH IN SOMETHING BIGGER THAN OURSELVES. The cosmic plan is bigger than we are. This is about unity consciousness. Pray. Meditate. Trust your intuition. Look for miracles. Don't get mired down in the details. Create space.

Venus, at 2 degrees Aries, sextiles Pluto. This is Aries/Aqua. Independent wants work well and create opportunities with smart/future-focused intensity and power. We can be fired up. Maybe there is something we want and this portal gives us the intensity and focus to go for it. Sextiles are soft aspects - use them or lose them. The Sun and Mercury are inconjunct Mars, so there will be some frustrations here. The need for some give and take. 

A tricky day with a lot going on. Be smart with it.

FRIDAY - in contrast to Mars frustrating square to Chiron earlier in the week, now we get the Sun and Mercury sextiling Chiron. Smart words create healing opportunities. Again, try not to take things personally, even if they feel like they are. Even if they are. Unusual methods/conversations can be healing. With the North Node in Pisces, very old wounds are ripe for release. 

SUNDAY - the Sun meets up with Mercury at 20 degrees Aquarius as Mars trines Saturn. The Moon is in Cancer making all kinds of comfortable aspects. Superbowl parties will be fun/connecting. Sun/Mercury brings something to LIGHT - maybe a public announcement, while Mars/Saturn offers support and stability. A FOUR STAR DAY. 

xo all - 

We start the Moon with a void Moon - keep that in mind for most of Monday. Good for doing things we have done before and rote stuff we can do with our eyes closed because they mostly will be. Not so great for starting new things we need 'something to come from'. Once the Moon gets into Taurus late Monday night EST, she will be applying to multiple squares - Pluto, Mercury and the Sun (the Aquarius line-up). Expect some tension/frustration with this on Tuesday and early Wednesday, but once the Moon gets past her square to the Sun - first quarter square - her aspects are more opportunistic. There is a meeting between Luna and Uranus on Wednesday that could bring something unexpected or a change of plans (do something different). Once the Moon gets into Gemini on Thursday, things look busy, communicative opportunistic other than a clash with Saturn/authority/reality and Neptune delusion/escape/lies - things. On Sunday, the Moon, home in Cancer looks GREAT - comfortable and welcoming.

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