10 Day WE CAN DO THIS Countdown to 2011 - # 7 Allowing

Now at first allowing seems like a backstep for someone who has chosen to make 2011 my year of deciding.

But I have enough living under my belt to know that there is an ebb and flow to this thing called life and I have never been an all or nothing, black and white, kind of thinker.

Making decisions and not settling doesn't mean I am suddenly turning my canoe upstream -

(I don't want to end up on that "I Survived" tv show after all)

but, I do need to steer my canoe, that's why canoes come with paddles after all, unless I want to end up crashed along a rocky shoreline.

(where I can imagine some kind of Tom Hanks falling in love with his volleyball future for me that would not be pretty)

Part of this deciding thing is about getting in touch with what I want, so that this all becomes alot more effortless - allowing things to flow in and out of my life as I make decisions based on my intention without second guessing myself with indecision or hanging on too tightly ....

And I should mention that even though 2011 is still a couple days away, I have already started making decisions:

hubby - "what should we have for dinner?"

old me - "I don't know - what do you want?" <--- this didn't happen

new decisive me - "egg and ham omelets with crispy rye toast" <--- this did

hubby - "mmm, sounds perfect"

(of course we are still shoveling out from our snowpocalypse and the cupboards are pretty bare, but see how yummy decisive action can make anything sound)

* free spirit print by the amazing Shira Sela

10 Day WE CAN DO THIS Countdown to 2011 - # 6 Reach

When I was a kid I was told that I asked for too much -

that I would never be happy unless I learned to love what I already had.

And there is some truth in this.

There is also truth in the fact that the passionate life does not settle.

It reaches. It stretches. It needs to know and see and feel those things that are just beyond its grasp.

At heart I am a "settler inner" - I get cozied in and cannot be prodded to make a change until life forces me to get moving.

But 2011 is my year of deciding and I need to start moving all those things that I am not passionate about out of the way to make room for the good stuff - the really, really good stuff that is waiting for me.

I am starting with my closets. I am starting today.

(well, maybe tomorrow, I am still kind of sick)

* grand reach print by the amazing cori dantini

10 Day WE CAN DO THIS Countdown to 2011 - # 5 Doing

"nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it” - Mahatma Gandhi

First we set our intention to change the things that are not working for us in 2011; then we take action.

This doing part is where things get a little scary and well, it is the part where I often get stuck.

This is the place where all the doubts come in because if this change thing was easy we would have already done it.

I started on Etsy as a way to make enough money part-time that I could go back to school full-time and find my passion.

My business took off in such a way that the money was there for me to go back to school, but I no longer had the time to do it.

And more importantly, somewhere along the way of figuring out how to find my passion, my passion found me.

I thought finding my passion would be all big and explosive, kind of like the love at first sight myth, when in fact, at least for me, it eased its way into my life sort of quietly until I realized I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.

This thing called passion was creating new levels of depth in my relationship with myself and the people and things around me

(unfortunately it was also creating a great sense of imbalance and feelings of overwhelm and underwhelm that now require setting new intentions and taking new actions to get things back on track)

So in 2011, I resolve to do the doing that needs to be done to get this passionate life that I have created and know I should be loving back into balance.

*strategic plans print by miriam dema

10 Day WE CAN DO THIS Countdown to 2011 # 4 - Encourage

"There are two ways of spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it” - Edith Wharton

We are in the middle of a snowpocalypse here, but I caught a head cold for Christmas, so unfortunately am unable to help hubby very much with the shoveling ... otherwise I'd be out there with him right now, of course

(luckily, he did get a nice pair of snowpants for Christmas that should come in handy - thank you Kella and Chris)

So, back to my 2011 countdown. I think that if 2011 will be a year of DECIDING we will need to surround ourselves with people who encourage us.

(and we need to encourage people right back, of course)

We cannot do this alone and need our tribe, our peeps, our friends to help us stay motivated and on track - people who are truly happy for our successes - people who remind us how strong we are in the times when we have fogotten.

I have decided to become a more proactive encourager in the new year and draw more encouragers into my tribe. Encouragers don’t promise rainbows and eternally sunny days - they are not in our lives to splash pink paint over our problems and pretend they don't exist.

Encouragers promise presence, wisdom and positive energy. They reinforce us to ourselves. They tell our stories back to us in the strong voices our hearts need to hear.

In 2011, I am committed to encourage the people in my life and attract more encouragers into my life!

(even if I have to bribe them with upcycled jewelry and a free driveway shovel-out by a very good looking guy in new blue snow pants)

*you're doing everything right print by laura george