The Moon is trine dreamy and imaginative Neptune (in Pisces) and sextile - opportunity! - the Scorpio Moon's ruler Pluto.
At the same time we have Jupiter trining the North Node (newly minted in Cancer) while both are trining Chiron and Pluto sitting with Vesta (in Capricorn).
Scorpio New Moon's are powerful portals for change and this one comes as we close out - Jupiter leaves Scorpio tomorrow - Jupiter's year long slog through Scorpio's deep waters (#metoo). What have we learned? What have we lost?
The New Moon's trine (brakes off) to Neptune is powerful energy for healing and creativity.
Whatever is birthed now - like one of those underwater births where the baby just slides out (or at least this is how I picture it in my head!) should glide right into place.
Keep in mind this is Scorpio (power/control) we are talking about so you want to be sure you know what you are doing with this energy! Nothing in Scorpio is without some risk and that trine to Neptune could also allow a fast descent. Boundaries dissolve.
The trines to Chiron suggest the potential for deep healing.
Pluto - the ruler of Scorpio and so the ruler of the New Moon - is sitting with devotional Vesta suggesting the power of this New Moon lies in our ability to devote ourselves - time/attention/resources - to what we are creating. It - whatever it is - a project, commitment, whatever we are taking on now - will need to be honored.
We will have to be vigilant to keep the fire from burning out! We need to be sure it has worth because much is being asked of us to make it work. And of course Pluto is in Capricorn and answering to sober Saturn.
If it is worth it and we work it - this is the energy to move mountains.
With the North Node's move into lunar-ruled Cancer - we are surely going to be feeling everything more intensely for the next year. Here is the starting line.
A couple examples :
EXAMPLE for Virgo/Virgo Rising - this New Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, ideas, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood, so something here is BEGINNING/new. The trine to Neptune speaks of a smooth flow with your 7th house - partners/partnerships. This is powerful energy for life-changing conversations, contracts, communications - just keep in mind what is being asked of you in terms of commitment/devotion.
EXAMPLE for Aquarius/Aquarius Rising - this New Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility, so something here is BEGINNING/new. The trine to Neptune speaks of a smooth flow with your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Keep in mind this is a trine so things will not have to be forced, but will fall together. This is a kind of do what you love and the money will follow aspect. Again just keep in mind what is being asked of you in terms of commitment/devotion.
For everyone - the Scorpio New Moon is an uber POWERFUL portal for manifesting. This one is especially potent for attracting "rewards" based on what we have devoted ourselves to in the past and for those "rewards" to become the bedrock of whatever we are building now. If the thing sitting in front of us is not something we are wanting to continue to dedicate ourselves to (more ashes than rewards!) - THIS is a powerful time for a shift toward something more authentic.
The ladies in Libra at the top of the chart - and remember Venus is still retrograde so going to walk this eclipse degree AGAIN and opposing Uranus - make me think we need to be building something balanced, something attractive, something that creates win-wins, something nurturing that takes into consideration the seasonality of its timing (Ceres) - with Pallas there, something smart and strategic.
Scorpio is uber powerful, so be prepared to commit to what you start now. Actually commit as if your life depends on it ... maybe it does.
We either do whatever it is we are doing 110% or we don't do it at all. There is no middle ground with a Scorpio New Moon.
And know that sometimes not doing it at all - especially with a trine to Neptune, the planet that rules endings - just letting it go (the idea, the plan, the thing that we used to be devoted to but just aren't anymore) is ok, too.
It allows a creative void for the energy to fill. It may take some time for life to get us lined up with something else. And that is OK. Saturn is in Capricorn. Time is on our side. If it's not your jam anymore it's not your jam anymore.
You may have to release your place in line, so you can go get into the right line!
This is an important month to set New Moon intentions.
Scorpio is very powerful and this is the energy that rules our secrets. If we don't set this stuff consciously - our unconscious will attract what we already line up with - and this may be a good thing - especially if we have allowed Jupiter to do its job this past year, but could depend on what we have stuffed in there - we don't know what we don't know!
I vote for conscious intention setting now - we just have to be clear on what we want/need or really we have to be clear on what we want/need to FEEL. Because we are very likely to get it.
Set your intentions around that.
Know these things are already yours.