The Eclipses are over and I would say we could rest, and this week certainly
has some rest penciled into it, but notice I say penciled (
ink should be used at your own discretion)
because there is that middle of the week Mars/Mercury argument thingie
and, so if I say
rest, you all might be ringing me up about your family slug-fest or broken down car and reminding me I said you could "rest" and then there's also the danger of a stationary Mercury
or is that just for me these days?!)
at the end of the week, but also maybe finally a change of direction/momentum and maybe even something to re-direct the energy of that mid-week tussle.
Let's just say we have reached the sub-chapter in our story where our protagonist, feet up at the pool, finds herself slipped sideways into a new dimension (
cue the Twilight Zone music) that has long been
percolating. And now, fresh from the pool and dripping chlorinated water onto her kitchen tiles, she reaches for the brew that is finally ready to drink, only to find it so strong and bitter, that no amount of sugar can mediate the taste ...
What she does next matters, of course, (
starting over with a new pot is no longer an option, did I mention the electricity has gone out and besides that she's out of Folger's) but staring at the water pooling at her feet actually counts as the something she does next and so there's that. It's that kind of
rest. Am I making sense? Those days at the pool are so 2019, even if we are lying by a pool.
The other point I am so poorly making is we are drinking very strong coffee so rest may be problematic at times and should be taken as we can get it.
Does that make sense?
And if you are thinking, well I've already done/been doing the
resting, well, maybe you have, but that's just how tired you were/might be .... we are moving from the Age of Pisces (
which rules sleep) to the Age of Aquarius (
which rules lightning bolts hitting you in the head) and this 'waking up' seems to be the hardest part ...
There is alot of cardinal energy so we will feel the push to DO SOMETHING, but reacting from the discomfort (I need to be doing something) as opposed to responding to a passionate need to do a certain thing is what can muck things up.
In order for us to take right action that is sustainable (lasting change) it has to be aligned with our most passionately desired future or we are just building another house of cards. If we aren't sure what to do about the bitter coffee, we can let that pool water gather for a bit.
Keep in mind the ticking clock's alarm has ALREADY gone off. The coffee is already bitter. The kitchen is already flooded.
OK- let's unpack the week. Notice I have included the Moons for Tuesday and Wednesday, so I can work on a big-picture post about the virus.
TUESDAY - Ceres stations retrograde
WEDNESDAY - Mercury squares Mars
FRIDAY - Venus sextiles Chiron
SATURDAY - Chiron stations retrograde
SUNDAY - Sun trines Neptune, Mercury stations direct
TUESDAY - The Moon in Aquarius is free-wheeling it all day - having gone void off last night's disruptive square to Uranus. When the Moon isn't impacted by other celestial bodies it is best for the routine stuff we do all the time (
so we don't have to do something all over again later), wrapping things up, resting or dreaming about what is next. It's not the time for starting things when we have specific expectations and outcomes we are hoping for. For something we want to stay hidden - the void Moon might be our bestie because she
can keep a secret - at least for awhile.
Roll with the twists and turns today - not much will come of them.
Keep in mind we are coming off that powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse last weekend - the Moon is waning now. An all-day Void Moon could be the perfect balm for that if you can rest up/rejuvenate and not expect too much of yourself or other people
In the meantime,
Ceres stations retrograde at 12 degrees Pisces. She will get all the way back to 28 degrees Aquarius when she will station direct on October 18th, return to Pisces on November 9th and start covering totally new ground on January 3, 2021.
Ceres in our natal chart alerts us to any challenges with nurturing and directs us to the kinds of experience we need to feel unconditionally loved and accepted. Our mother issues, the way we deal with painful and uncontrollable loss and separation - that's Ceres.
You might remember Ceres (
Mother Nature) was at that "time-runs-out" palaver with Saturn/Pluto back in January. Now, in Pisces - the final of the twelve signs for her 2020 retrograde - we are working through a
long and generalized WINTER.
With Ceres retrograde we will go
back over losses, what is outside our control, styles of nurturing,
what we are nurturing. In Pisces, nurturing needs to be
unconditional. Nurturing might require a sacrifice (
Pisces) or a compromise (
like Ceres/Pluto in the mythology). Pisces rules endings (
the kind that happen over time the water wears away rocks), and things that are hidden including viruses.
Ceres stationing retrograde gives us even more we have to re-consider.
This is EXACTLY the degree range Mercury re-walked during her/his last retrograde from February 16th - March 9th, 2020 (
you might remember Mercury stationed direct right on that Virgo Full Moon that really kicked up the corona-virus situation).
So, it probably should not be a surprise that the virus might reassert itself now. Hopefully Neptune (
ruler of Pisces) being retrograde this time around can mitigate its effects (
make it less dangerous). Remember it was Mercury and Ceres (
as well as the Sun) who joined Saturn and Pluto back in January.
WEDNESDAY - The Void Moon continues all morning and moves into Pisces at 2:13PM turning our attention to and nurturing us through our imagination, art, music, spirituality, healing, going with the flow, sleep, creativity, connection, charity, our addictions, escape, compassion, meditation, prayer.
A retrograde Mercury (
6 degrees Cancer) squares Mars (
in Aries). This is the ONLY exact aspect between two planets until Sunday that doesn't involve the Moon - such a strange week!
This speaks of arguments around home/family/real estate situations - your Cancer house theme. Memories that stir the pot. Angry conversations. Words that incite violence. Tension. Frustration. Ambition. Pushy communication. Rude language. We can't walk and talk at the same time. For some - car, tech, local community or sibling problems. Something could be breaking down/malfunctioning. With Mercury covering old ground, this probably
won't be a brand new situation.
Keep in mind our Aries houses are LIT for the rest of the year and this will be a repeating aspect. For example - if you are a Scorpio Rising and have Mars in your 6th house of work and health for the rest of the year know that angry words/thoughts/actions can create problems in these areas. We want to be taking action, but we might need to keep a cool head.
Also know these tension points are part of the
process. Our rough edges need to be rubbed against other rough edges to get smoothed out.
We need to be careful (and purposeful) with our language this week (and really for the next three weeks until we get past July 27th) or have filled the curse-jar with dollar bills whichever comes first.
Note - Mercury/Mars is a repeating aspect we last had on May 11th and will have again on July 27th with Mercury direct. If you have planets/points in your natal or progressed chart on or very near 6 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you will probably feel this one the strongest!
Venus (at 9 degrees Gemini) sextiles Chiron (in Aries).
Venus, chatty in Gemini, and Chiron, antsy in Aries - tells us the balm for whatever is hurting/needs healing will come through giving the situation a little more air, a lighter (
Gemini) touch (
Venus), kind words, new perspectives around love/money are possible now and mostly through our ability to keep things
Gemini/Aries works because Aries wants his independence and Gemini has other things to do anyway.
This is the third of three sextiles for Venus/Chiron - the first mid-April, the second mid-June. So issues from that time could come back around or be finishing up.
SATURDAY - Now, it's Chiron's turn and he stations retrograde at 10 degrees Aries.
So, now we have Mercury (
but only for one more day), Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto ALL retrograde.
If his retrograde motion means he is moving nearer to a planet or point in our chart whatever is hurting will
intensify now - maybe we will be required to be brave, do something we don't want to do, stand up for ourselves, etc. For most people though, and especially those with planets or points that Chiron is
backing off - this will be about us doing the re's here - reflecting, re-evaluating, revising - with
whatever eases up a bit. We haven't had a Chiron in Aries retrograde with Mars in Aries, so this one is going to feel supercharged. We'll talk about this as we move though it, too.
SUNDAY - Mercury stations direct at 4:27AM EDT! Our Cancer house theme or collective Cancerian situation can start moving forward now - Mercury can take a couple days to get back to speed (
home, family, mother, real estate, renovation, home business, family business,
safety, security, history).
The Sun (
in Cancer) trines Neptune (
in Pisces). More energy for that home/family situation to FLOW. Our physical life-force (
Sun) can work smoothly with Neptunian themes - creativity, romance, spirituality, escape, delusion, charity work, addiction, the things and people 'put away', healing, research, institutions. Maybe a creative project needs our energy and attention. Maybe we shine a great big old spotlight (
Sun) on our dreams and wishes (
Neptune) - yes, please.
This is usually the day every year I recommend making a vision board.
The potential downside with this energy is getting in over our head or becoming too unbounded. Trines (
brakes off) can take us from zero to sixty very quickly - they are that slippery slope our grandma warned us about.
Cancer/Pisces is not such a hard task master though - whatever we are doing we can probably do it while we sleep .. or bake a cake.
A light will almost certainly be shined on the virus now, too .... and speaking of virus I have some new theories about it, and what we might expect, that I will talk about in the next 2020 overview post which will be up this week and focused exclusively on the virus and the end of the Age of Pisces.
xo all
photo by the amazing