Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 9, 2020 - magic, nostalgia, talking to ghosts, going with the flow, money/relationship pivots, change is good, don't shoot yourself in the foot

Today is all about an active Pisces Moon.

Imagination. Intuition. Creativity. Healing. Rest. Flow. Looking backward. AND moving forward. Or, better said, moving toward something different. Forward/backward, this is Pisces, so who can know?!

The Moon (in Pisces now) trines a retrograde Mercury at 1:34AM EDT, squares Venus at 7:14AM EDT and sextiles Uranus at 9:49AM EDT.

The Moon in Pisces is answering to a retrograde Neptune - everything will have its roots in the past now. And everything will be refracted, like looking through water, everyone we meet used as a mirror, a lens to magnify (or maybe start a fire - take care with that). Everything will have a different meaning for each of us. There is no one way through this ...

Moon/Mercury is about putting our feelings into words. Talking about comfortable topics or that home/family situation. Emotional conversations. This should be smooth/easy. We could feel nostalgic/be talking to ghosts. Maybe we can use what we know of our family history to awaken some compassion for those people we are closest to. We are sometimes hardest on them. Maybe more than sometimes. 

Moon/Venus is a square, so a bit of a tangle. Tension/frustration. Maybe something around money/our resources. Relationships are tricky. So are situations with women. That comfortable conversation could drift into something less comfortable. Gemini wants details/facts/choices and Pisces wants to move into the spaces between the facts. Venus in Pisces might offer choices, but maybe somehow nothing will feel quite right ... and that's OK because then she moves into

an opportunistic sextile with Uranus (in Taurus, so answering to Venus). Did I say we will move through all of this by 10AM EDT - or did we do this yesterday? This sounds like my yesterday or my last night all smooshed together like I lived a week in a day or a day in an hour. With Uranus we get comfortable with something else/something different. New feels good. Excellent for creative work. New ways to make money/new ways to make love or find peace. A happy surprise. Change is good.

Lots of endings with a waning Pisces Moon, as we squeeze from a large opening into a smaller world - so what needs to be finished up?

Sometimes when there is alot of Pisces, or an active Pisces Moon, we do not always act in our own best interests and we have that Mercury/Mars still in play - so watch for that.

Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't be the messenger who gets shot. Drive carefully.

But not so carefully that you never remove your foot from the brake.

xo all

photo by the talented Marta Syrko

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