Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 - the sober cappy moon puts us through our paces, a mixed bag



The Moon is in serious Capricorn now - we are nourished by stability/work/having a goal/having control/a few bucks in the bank/cans in the cupboard.


She squares wounded healer Chiron (in Aries) then trines Uranus - all before 8:30AM EDT. 


The square hurts. An old wound around our identity/ability to take care of ourselves is triggered. Maybe our authority is questioned or we have trouble with authority. Maybe this tension/frustration is between the 'way we've always done it' and something new. Whatever this is, the Cappy Moon will require we keep a stiff upper lip. 


There's no crying in baseball. 


The trine to Uranus is the way through the square - there is a smoother path here somewhere, but we are going to have to look over there. Uranus requires change/a future focus. We have to bend the rules/embrace something new/try something else.


At 5:04PM EDT the Moon squares Mercury (in Libra). Here's tension/frustration. The energy is ripe for a disagreement or relationship squabble. Imbalances will show up. Situations with other people can be testy.


Finally the Cappy Moon sextiles a retrograde Neptune at 9:01PM EDT - put it to bed, put on some music, chill out, relax, meditate, have a glass of wine, watch a movie -


what was all the fuss about anyway?

xo all

artwork by the talented Donatella Marraoni

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | September 13th - 19th, 2021 - reality checks, empowerment, limits, mars into libra for the first time in two years


I used to post first thing in the morning but started walking in the morning and began posting at night. Then I started swimming at night. Under. The. Water. Until this year I had been swimming on top of the water. Always. I don't think I had really been UNDER THE WATER since I was a kid. But, there's something about swimming UNDER THE WATER, deep, lungs ready to burst. I don't know why I am just remembering this/finding this out, but now that I FINALLY have - the weather isn't cooperating. The cooler water and air determined to pry summer from my water-shriveled fingers and me equally determined to hold on AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.  Fall has always been my favorite season, sweaters and boots and pumpkin pie, oh my, but this year with this UNDER THE WATER thing ... not so much. I will probably be posting more often soon, once I have my nights back ...


Anyhoo, let's check in with the planets.


Let's unpack the week!


MONDAY - First Quarter Moon (Sagittarius)

TUESDAY - Sun opposite Neptune, Venus inconjunct North Node, Mars enters Libra

THURSDAY - Sun inconjunct Jupiter, Sun trine Pluto

FRIDAY - Venus squares Saturn

SATURDAY - Mercury inconjuncts Neptune


We get a little boot to our backside right out of the gate this week (not sure why I sound like your grandma, maybe because I am sipping tea from a rocking chair, might need to update my environment here) with this month's First Quarter Square on MONDAY. The Moon at 21 degrees Sagittarius squares the Sun in Virgo. The faith/intuition-focused Sag Moon is reminding our detail obsessed/perfectionist Sun that we HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION. Maybe we have fixed something enough/helped enough/done the best we can. Now we have to go on faith or with the wisdom we have accrued. This is going to be tricky because the Moon's next aspect is a square to cloudy/illusive Neptune and the Sun is applying to tomorrow's exact opposition to Neptune. Hmmm. What to do? Let's take a look at Tuesday.

TUESDAY has alot going on - some of which will be felt as things build and unwind, so keep in mind the exact days are not written in stone here. 


The Sun, at 21 degrees, perfects his opposition to a retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Oppositions bring conclusions/results. This might involve a reality check. There could be a sacrifice or something dissolves/fades away. The Sun is in Virgo so it is as possible that an error/problem gets resolved as an error/problem comes to our attention now (through the light of the Sun) - maybe something we have been avoiding from the past. Maybe our focus fades from something we have been fixated on.


Neptune oppositions can make us tired/lose steam/need an escape, so keep that in mind, too. 

This is also the day Venus (at 4 degrees Scorpio) will inconjunct the North Node in Gemini. Some kind of give and take is needed in order to move forward. Venus in Scorpio wants to merge/purge/go deep, but our way forward is more about a little of this and a little of that. Time to lighten up? Keep in mind, the inconjunct is a 'give and take' aspect, so we don't want to be denying the deep Scorpio truth for the flash in the pan Gemini "facts" either. More tricky energy. Life is not for sissies this week, month, year, lifetime.

Mars enters Libra and starts answering to Venus in Scorpio (Mars ancient crib - now I have moved from the rocking chair to a floor pillow and notice my mind has moved forward to MTV 2000 (?) of course I was actually watching Trading Spaces/Curb Appeal not so much interested in Jewel/Snoop Dog's houses) putting Mars and Venus into mutual reception, so although Venus doesn't so much like to be in Scorpio and Mars isn't happy about being in Libra - they (as us) can make this work. This is also good news because with Mercury in his shadow walking degrees he will walk two more times during his upcoming retrograde Mars is not pulled into all that.


So, Mars, having done all the fixing, clean up and detailed work he could possibly do in Virgo, now  enters sociable and diplomatic Libra, the sign of the other person, for the first time in two years.

Mars rules Aries, the sign of "me" and now here he is in the sign of "we" (BUT, for as long as Venus is in Scorpio - keep in mind the whole mutual reception thing helping both signs). Mars wants to just go, go, go and in Libra is required to 'see/interact with' the other side of things. There is more flirting than commitment. More passive-aggressiveness. Our actions/passions can get a little more indecisive (the whole - taking both sides into consideration thing coming into play).

Fiery Mars in our collective 7th house of other people means our actions can trigger fast reactions. That whole "I'm rubber. You're glue" thing isn't working. Or maybe it's working backward.

The more Mars in polite Libra becomes a smiling Mr. Nice Guy rather than the warrior he actually is, the bigger the eventual blow-up will be when his (ours or theirs) Arian head explodes. So, we need to be honest about our anger, passions, actions without crapping all over other people. It is a balancing act and Mars' combat boots are not made for tight ropes. Luckily, again, we have the whole mutual reception thing with Venus in Scorpio as we get this cycle started - allowing Mars to have access - through Venus, but still access - to his own energies and Venus - through Mars - to have access to hers. 


With Mars in Libra situations will arise that create opportunities for more fairness. More balanced actions. More social activities. More compromise. More win-wins. More allies. Doing it together. Plus our Libra house theme gets an energetic kick-start for the first time in two years.


THURSDAY - the Sun, at 23 degrees Virgo inconjuncts Jupiter (retrograde in Aquarius) in the morning (EDT) and then moves on to 24 degrees and trines Pluto in Capricorn in the evening. The adjustment precedes the smooth flow. 

The adjustment is Virgo/Aquarius which makes me think of intestinal problems and allergies, but might show up more like our need for freedom/to be ourselves/group situations adjusting to the details/the work/the day-to-day stuff, our health or someone else's. As with any challenging aspect with Jupiter we want to make sure we aren't overdoing or over-estimating something, The Sun's follow-up aspect being a smooth trine to powerful Pluto is good news. After we work through the Jupiterian 'rock and a hard place' we move into an opportunistic portal - an easy flow with authority (inner and outer), our goals, career, our Cappy house theme. Keep in mind this flow is through the Virgo Sun - our focus on the next step/doing a good job/helping/fixing. 

On FRIDAY, Venus (7 degrees Scorpio) squares a retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. People with planets/points near 7 degrees of the fixed signs will feel this strongest. Debts come due. Limits/boundaries are felt. Intimacy issues can be experienced. Maybe we get a "no"/hit a stop sign. Maybe we are feeling our age. Squares to Saturn can bring pressure/depression. This, too, shall pass.

The week ends with SATURDAY'S confusing Mercury/Neptune inconjunct. Mercury is in Libra, so this can be a relationship/partnership/balance situation that is unclear/hard to pin down/a little disappointing. Words are confusing. Misunderstandings are possible. 


The good news - the Moon will be in group/future focused Aquarius trining (brakes off) Mercury, so the way through the inconjunct is probably to be connecting with people/communicating in ways that transcend our personal concerns. The Moon will also meet up with our retrograde Jupiter to allow greater optimism. Go broad. Have faith.

Keep in mind Mercury is walking the shadow degrees of Libra he/she is going to walk two more times during his upcoming retrograde, so news/information/conversations/Mercurian situations will probably not be a one and done. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Evelina Dillon

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, September 6, 2021 - New Moon in Virgo, movement, flow, preparing to start/take action


 I wrote about the New Moon HERE.

But just in case I wasn't totally clear, since I tend to write three words for every one that is needed, I wanted to be VERY CLEAR about the energies now.

We have a New Moon in Virgo tonight (EDT) - the Moon meets the Sun starting a new lunar cycle. Mars is trining (brakes off) Pluto. Venus is trining Jupiter. Mercury is trining Saturn. The Moon and Sun are trining change-maker Uranus. 


This is a HIGHLY unusual amount of unobstructed energy hitting many different spaces in our chart/areas of our life and activating multiple areas of beneficial FLOW. ALL our personal planets are active and are being aided by the interpersonal and outer planets. All the interpersonal and outer planets are retrograde, so this will have some kind of 'been there before' aspect to it, but that isn't a bad thing. Old opportunities can come back around.

We want to be starting something/taking action over the next two weeks and maybe especially over the three days that follow this New Moon (just avoid tomorrow's void Moon for any kind of launch - 3:25PM to 11:20PM EDT). Keep in mind that trine to Uranus will pull in unexpected (not totally unexpected because Uranus is retrograde) events, so stay flexible. The 'unexpected surprise/Uranian strangeness' will work to our benefit. Do something different/differently.

Many children are going back to school under these energies - a very positive sign. And let's hope the trine between 'future-oriented/higher-mind' Uranus and the Moon/Sun in health-focused Virgo energize a treatment/cure for the virus into the collective timeline. Totally possible. Anything is. 


For today, in the energies of this build-up - prepare yourself. Think about what you need/want. What needs to be done. How you can help. Think about what you are thinking about/focused on - is this what you want to expand?? Think about your health. Your daily routine. How can this be improved. What we start now is very sticky. Clean up any messes. Clear some space and make room for what you want/need to find you.


xo all 

artwork by the talented Dane Shue

the meaning of the New Moon in Virgo | September 6th, 2021 - beneficial change, powerful new beginnings, healing past life traumas, letting go of anger, moving toward that open door


On September 6, 2021 at 8:52PM EDT the Virgo Moon meets the Virgo Sun at 14 degrees giving us this month's New Moon; our annual New Moon in Virgo.

The New Moon is a time when the skies are dark. It is the time of beginning. The seed goes into the ground. The sperm goes into the egg. The nail meets the wood. The thought meets the paper. You get the idea. Virgo encourages us to prioritize our health, to value quality over quantity, to be of service to others (not at our own expense though and especially not at the expense of our health), to care for our pets, to take care of the day to day things that make our life our life. It also rules co-workers, employees, our daily activities and our work.

Virgo is the first sign that thinks about 'other people'. We spend the first five signs of the zodiac focused on ourselves - forming an identity, expressing who we are, yada yada. And then in just ONE SIGN we transition toward relating to other people. That's why it feels like such a pressure cooker! We move from "how can I be special?" (Leo) to "how can I be useful?". 


That's a pretty hard right turn!  


Let's unpack the chart.


The Moon meets the Sun at 14 degrees Virgo. They are both EXACTLY trining a retrograde Uranus (this is within a minute/very tight). They are also in a wide trine to a retrograde Pluto and forming a Grand Earth Trine with the Sun/Moon at the focal point. The Moon/Sun are biquintile Saturn. The ruler of this Moon (ruler of Virgo) is Mercury. Mercury @10 degrees Libra is trining Saturn and the South Node/Black Moon Lilith, so unwinding the Grand Air Trine we talked about last week. Mars is trining Pluto EXACT. Venus is trining Jupiter. Black Moon Lilith is conjunct the South Node and opposing the North Node EXACT. The Moon/Sun are inconjunct Chiron. Mars is inconjunct Jupiter. This is a BUSY New Moon, so expect to have a lot going on over the next month.


The biggest aspect is that smooth trine to a retrograde Uranus - planet of genius, rebellion, our higher mind, change, chaos, trauma, the FUTURE. 


Here is a SURPRISE (although not totally surprising with Uranus retrograde, we have kind of been here before). Trines are smooth flows of energy, so this isn't about chaos (like some Uranian contacts), but it is about CHANGE. Virgo likes a nice, solid plan, but Uranus here introduces a shot of something else, something INNOVATING. It's a couple small steps in a new direction or a big step broken down into small manageable pieces. These are earth signs, so this is practical change/solutions. It makes sense/cents. The key is to do something DIFFERENT or DIFFERENTLY. This isn't something we have to push for/force - we will have to take action, yes, but things should fall into place here. 


There is a wide trine to powerful Pluto and conjunction to Mars while Mars and Pluto's trine to each other (more smooth movement in earth) is EXACT. This aspect makes me think of going into the garden after the harvest and cutting down the old/dead growth. Bad habits - collectively we are talking about health, work, day-to-day - can be nipped in the bud. We can go deeper/pull things out at the root. Secrets can come out (to our benefit). Remember this is happening in earth signs, so this is about stuff we can touch/real solid things that can fall into place.

Mercury, ruler of this lunation is sitting pretty in airy Libra - gracious, social, balanced. He/she is trining Saturn and forming a Grand Air Trine with Saturn and the South Node/Black Moon Lilith. More good news. And since this is Mercury we are talking about, good news can mean actual GOOD NEWS. The trine to Saturn (retrograde in Aquarius, so again, somehow not something totally brand new) speaks of our commitments/responsibilities. Things built over time. Serious/polite conversations. Collaboration/cooperation. 

Black Moon Lilith sitting with the South Node and trining Saturn - here is past life/familial connections with controversies, taboos, sexuality, psychological stress/abandonment, forbidden fruit, dark sides triggered, old anger - COMING UP TO BE RELEASED through that South Node contact and trine to Saturn retrograde. The Moon/Sun are also opposing asteroid Nessus - a centaur asteroid that speaks of the damage/danger of trusting untrustworthy people with important matters, revenge/vengeance, third party situations coming back around, betrayal, poison, very old karma. 


Remember we are always looking for repeating things to know we are interpreting charts correctly. These two aspects coupled with the New Moon's smooth trine to Uranus tells us we are healing past life/familial DNA trauma as this New Moon story plays out over the next lunar month.

Keep in mind - we have moved through Saturn in Capricorn (2018- 2020) - many people were humbled, sometimes this humbling seemed unfair, but maybe this was what was needed to heal our ancestors who had needed to fall, but didn't. Or sometimes, having had our heads cut off by mad kings in prior lives, we needed to be back on the chopping block in this life to understand that we could now lose our head (job, authority, stability, etc) without actually dying this time. Many people stood up, some for the first time to heal themselves and some to heal their ancestors who needed to stand, but couldn't. Many people lost the structures that were holding them up, their authority, their skills, their youth, their parents, their place in the world. This is all part of the ending of the patriarchy. It's a process. This isn't a snap of our fingers and this isn't painless because the patriarchy is part of us, it's in our charts, in our DNA. It's like losing our arm. This isn't going to be something pretty and we take a picture and slap that baby up on Instagram.


Now as we move through Saturn in Aquarius we are dealing with karma with trauma - maybe with group situations, maybe with technology/science. We have a large portion of humanity still carrying a piece of our collective trauma that allows them to be exploited by authority, fear, group-think, technology, emperors (because they thought they were keeping them safe and maybe in prior lives/their ancestry/their childhood - the loss of these emperors caused them trauma - father dies and the children starve, the king is killed and the kingdom overthrown and they are killed, etc) and until this piece of our collective trauma is healed - none of us can move on. This can also be about people needing to be humbled through the king's humbling. Our own trauma - stored survival stress - frozen inside us. We can't access our own feelings, but we can feel the king's. In the United States the king has changed his wardrobe (Trump to Biden), but collectively the humbling continues. 

Back to the chart - Uranus in Taurus is answering to Venus, strong in her home sign and trining lucky/expansive Jupiter. Is this the best aspect in astrology? One of them! Another indication these CHANGES/STARTS ARE TO OUR BENEFIT. 


Venus is squaring Pluto - here's the tension/frustration (obsessive attraction, jealousy, manipulation, power plays, desiring something that is dead and buried or someone else's). Don't worry, we wouldn't get very far without ANY squares. Remember we've got Mars in Virgo trining this same retrograde Pluto EXACT, so we know our way through this one. Practical action. Focus. Get things started/going. There are solutions here. Good ones. Don't be too rigid because we've got that trine to innovative/surprising Uranus - and, again, I repeat, the CHANGE IS TO OUR BENEFIT.

Bottom line - this is a POWERFUL/POSITIVE New Moon. I can't remember one with this many smooth aspects. Something can fall into place somewhere for all of us. Take the time to set your New Moon intentions. Follow up with what shows up. If you have something to start - start. This is an excellent time to break old habits and initiate new ones that will bring great benefits. Do things differently. Innovate. The Moon's trine to Uranus can make us more comfortable with CHANGE/the unusual - take advantage of this. Don't worry if something appears to flip around on you/hit you out of the blue. Important ideas can come out of nowhere. Collectively this energy can be good for new cures/new ways to heal. The stress/frustration, maybe around whatever is ending, well, let it go/end. Set your sights on what you can control, the thing that needs starting/fixing. Small is big now.

Good and lasting things can come through these times. Remember benevolent Venus is trining benevolent Jupiter - have faith. 

The flies in the ointment - always flies, although I bought one of those magnetic screen doors to try and avoid them - the Moon's inconjunct to Chiron and Mars inconjunct to Jupiter. The Chiron tells us something about this fresh start triggers an old wound around being able to take care of ourselves/stand up for ourselves (this makes me think of the 500,000 people in New Jersey alone whose unemployment benefits are ending next week - this New Moon chart is EXCELLENT for finding new work, changes that pay off). Mars inconjunct to Jupiter might speak of taking something too far or trying to do too much/being too Marsy or too picky, again we won't have to push. Pushing is just, well, pushy. And the ruler of this lunation is in Libra, so pushing is a no.


New Moon Guidelines

Set your intentions and make your affirmations for Virgo themes (and your natal Virgo house theme!) for the best outcomes - health, quality over quantity, service to others, attention to details, work, co-workers, employees, day to day activities, cleaning, organizing, pets.

INTENTION TIPS: Let the earth guide you this month, plant your feet firmly on the ground, clear your head, write what your physical self, grounded by the earth, wants - not what you think you should write. Write your intentions down by hand in script on a blank piece of paper, speak the words out loud, maybe burn the paper and give the ashes back to the earth - release your attention from these things knowing your intention is known.

Life has heard you. As Rumi said (and I'm paraphrasing) "know what you want wants you right back". Know these things are already yours.  

xo all