weekly astrology forecast | March 14th - 20th, 2022 - big week, Full Moon Virgo, financial changes, new solar year kicks off washing away what was


I hope everyone had some rest last week (and not like me .. in bed with a thermometer) because this week is a BIGGIE as we start to build toward mid-April's HUGE meeting of Neptune and Jupiter (first time in Pisces since 1856).


With the Sun contacting both the Nodes of Fate and Galactic Center PLUS our final 27 degree Full Moon trining powerful Pluto PLUS a stellium of planets in mystical and delusional Pisces - it will be important to take care of ourselves. Plug the leaks. Keep our feet on the ground. This is a time of important endings and beginnings and it aids absolutely no one to immerse ourselves in fear/chaos (the South Node!). Pray for peace. HARD. Then raise the vibration by giving your attention to what you can control/what is right in front of you. What is GROWING. What is SIMPLE. All the planets are in direct motion - we are moving forward!


Oh, and our New Year starts on Sunday, folks - are you ready?!


MONDAY - Sun sextiles North Node, Mercury squares Ceres, Venus trines Ceres

THURSDAY - Mercury sextiles Uranus, Sun squares Galactic Center

FRIDAY - Full Moon in Virgo, Venus sextiles Chiron, Sun sextiles Pluto

SATURDAY - Venus squares Uranus

SUNDAY - Sun enters Aries, Aries Equinox


On MONDAY, the Sun, at 24 degrees Pisces, sextiles the North Node in Taurus and trines the South Node in Scorpio


This is all subtle energy. We want to be careful - because the trine is a stronger aspect than the sextile - that we don't slip back into something we would be better off done with or stay in something because we have become so mired in the entanglements/drama that it's more comfortable/uncomfortable to stay than go. The sextile - opportunity through what is NEW - requires some effort, but is our better way forward. Let's move toward what is growing/bringing stability/is more SIMPLE. The Sun in Pisces can provide enough anesthetic for the old to dissolve and enough light on the new for us to choose a new direction, but we are going to have to make an effort with this one. Pay attention. 

This is also the day Mercury squares Ceres and Venus trines Ceres. With Mercury in Pisces maybe our conversations/words are soothing/compassionate/unfocused/soft when what is needed is crisp/facts/information/more choices. The good news is that trine from Venus to Ceres. Venus is in future-focused/detached Aquarius and rules the North Node which is getting a sextile from the Sun. This pulls in some much needed air - makes it easier to avoid the sentimentality of Mercury/Pisces which isn't going to work right now. Keep conversations light/logical. Talk about the future and not the past. This is all reinforcing the Sun/Nodes. Make this day work for you. 

Mercury (news/information) squaring Ceres (Russia), might indicate tension/frustration/troubling news for Russia leading to a smoother path between Russia and Venus (Zelenskyy/the invasion event). Maybe Russia more willing to compromise? Pallas meets up with healing Chiron tomorrow. Strategic Pallas was the only Goddess who hasn't chosen a side, and she is strong and brave in Aries, maybe something can get mediated this week. We are going to look at the charts of the countries and their leaders this week, too. 

On THURSDAY - Mercury, at 12 degrees Pisces, sextiles Uranus

New information comes in. New conversations. Plans/our thinking CHANGES. This might be disruptive, but opportunistic. Words are more innovative/focused on the future. Brilliant ideas are out there, ready to be picked like apples in autumn, by just the right person. Or more likely, with Mercury in Pisces, ideas will be absorbed/intuited. This is a subtle aspect - hang out with the smartest people you know. 


After meeting with Neptune, trining the South Node/sextiling the North and just before her BIG opposition to the Virgo Moon tomorrow the Sun squares the Galactic Center. NEW information coming to light. Adjustments. New downloads.

On FRIDAY, we have our annual Virgo Full Moon. This year we have the Moon trining Pluto, while Venus sextiles healing Chiron and the Sun sextiles Pluto - sounds good to me, expect a BIG post. This is our final Full Moon at 27 degrees.

On SATURDAY - Venus, at 12 degrees Aquarius, squares Uranus in Taurus. This immediately follows her sextile to Chiron and the Full Moon, so is likely all part of the same thing.

Changes with our money/resources. Changes to what we value. Disruption. Relationships can come out of the blue or break apart just as suddenly. These two planets are in mutual reception, so more stable than a typical Venus/Uranus square - still, expect the unexpected here. The Moon will be in Libra (focusing us on partnerships, other people, balance, fairness) trining all the liberating Aqua planets which will be helpful and Venus will be sextiling Pallas in Aries pulling in new plans and fresh strategies. We are ready for change/to change and this might be just the push we need!


Venus (Zelenskyy/the invasion event) making a square to change-maker Uranus would indicate a change/disruption for him/the event - maybe a pivot point. Venus is now at the invasion chart's Jupiter (U.S. maybe). This can also speak of finance/resource issues. Squares are tension/frustration and require movement/change.

On SUNDAY - the Sun enters Aries and kicks off the New Solar Year. Equinoxes are potent periods that bring in a need for greater balance/allow us to see what is out of balance. The Sun is much happier in Aries than Pisces, so our energy/confidence/enthusiasm will increase. Our Aries houses WAKE UP. Aries is about being brave/challenging ourselves in some way. Being independent. Starting something. All planets are in direct motion - this is not the time to sit still.


Back with a look at the Ukraine major player charts (unbelievable connections to each other and 1856) and the BIG Full Moon post.  

xo all

artwork by the talented kelogsloops

today's astrology forecast | Sunday, March 13th, 2022 - emotionally flooded, a spotlight on our dreams, boundaries thin, what needs to comes out in the wash will



The Moon is finishing up in Cancer now. We are nourished/nurtured by home, family, mom and apple-pie. She trines Neptune at 12:24 AM EST and goes void off her monthly opposition to Pluto at 11:44AM EST. She will be void until 3:32PM EST when she moves into Leo.


In the meantime, this is the day the Sun meets up with Neptune at 22 degrees Pisces. This, plus the Cancer Moon's opposition to Pluto is likely to make this weekend very EMOTIONAL. We will be feeling what we are feeling and what our children are feeling and what that weird guy standing next to us in line at the grocery store is feeling. Turn off the news. Pay attention to what you are allowing yourself to ABSORB now and know when to say when.

Sun/Neptune can bring up feelings of melancholy, grief, exhaustion. It's a good time to catch a cold, for parades to be rained out, actions to drift off course. For something to happen/be happening that is COLLECTIVELY EMOTIONAL. To feel/be FLOODED. On the flip-side this is very soothing,  imaginative, compassionate energy, but it needs to go where it needs to go. Trying to force/manipulate life to go in a certain direction now will be challenging. Like trying to wrestle water.

Sun/Neptune can shine a BIG old spotlight (this is a once a year aspect and this year they meet at master number 22 degrees, so this is big) on our DREAM.

This is excellent energy for meditation (watch for over-medicating, effects of alcohol use gets amplified, etc), prayer, compassionate action. Making art and music. Healing. There is self-sacrifice here and sometimes the ego needs a little dissolving, but let's not take this too far. Self-sabotaging is possible, too. Toxins are more easily absorbed, so extra care should be taken with chemicals/food preparation, etc. If something is too draining, if you can feel yourself 'leaking' all over the situation or someone else is leaking all over you - say goodnight Gracie. 

This would have been felt last Friday and Saturday, too, and into early next week. Whatever comes up is needed, brings cleansing, brings CATHARSIS.

Monday's Moon in Leo looks dicey. Get some extra rest.



artwork by the talented spacefrog designs

today's astrology forecast | Thursday, March 10th, 2022 - doing our Gemini, talking about it, playing it smart, get things done early


The Moon finishes us her monthly journey through communicative/busy-busy Gemini. 


She squares the Sun at 5:45AM EST, trines Saturn two minutes later (good for conversations with authority and stepping into our own, taking care of responsibilities, getting results) and goes void off her square with imaginative/foggy Neptune at 11:42AM EST. 


She will be void for the rest of the day, so GET THINGS DONE EARLY.

The Moon's early morning square to the Sun is this month's First Quarter Square - Gemini/Pisces. This is tension/frustration between dealing with the facts/details/errands and letting things kind of flow/work out on their own. Book smarts vs intuitive feelings. The Moon in Gemini needs to be HEARD. Words need to be spoken out loud/information parsed through. This shouldn't be some big emotional thing. The Pisces Sun - and Mercury is in Pisces, too, now and Mercury rules Gemini - might want to gloss over things/take a break, feel what needs to be communicated (turn something into that big emotional thing) when what we really need now, on our way to next week's BIG Full Moon in Libra - is the FACTS/to take care of the details. Stay focused - at least until that void Moon in the afternoon. Then we can relax a bit.

This is also the day, after more than three years, Vesta moves into Aquarius, passing over that HOT zero degrees Aquarius (world starts up again). 


Our focus/attention/what is keeping us up at night/what we NEED TO KEEP LIT - moves from the past into the future. Vesta in Aquarius speaks of a sacred devotion to causes/groups/friendships. A value of freedom/individuality/intelligence/science/tech. The fly in the ointment here is an Aquarian tendency to value 'people', over any particular person, mental stubbornness and detachment. Aqua taken too far, as Vesta's extreme focus can do, can be too robotic/too impersonal/need a shot of Leo.

Tomorrow the Moon will come home to Cancer. In Cancer she will make multiple smooth/positive aspects over the next couple days. Her final aspect in Cancer is an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday morning. So things can flip around on us. Keep this in mind. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Anna Lubchik

Today's astrology forecast | Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 - from earth to air, the pace quickens, use your head


The Moon continues her journey through Taurus - the sign of her exaltation. She meets the North Node (the need for something more simple/future-focused) and squares Mercury(tension, frustration, argument) by 9:04AM EDT. She goes void off a trine (brakes off) with Pluto thirty minutes later. The trine can be an easy release/elimination of what needs to go or maybe this is a smooth integration of power/authority. 


She is void until 1:40PM EST when she moves into multi-tasking/communicative Gemini.


Now, we are nourished/nurtured through conversation, information, having lots of irons in the fire/balls in the air. We might be focused on errands, writing, reading, learning, children's school issues, sibling or local community, transportation or tech situations. She trines Mars at 5:40PM EST and then Venus at 6:27PM EST.

Air trines. Mental stimulation. Smooth conversations, lots of movement. Are these Venus and Mars first aspects since their move into Aquarius on Sunday? I think they are!

Good for sharing unusual/new ideas. Minds are open. This is logical/clever energy that is good for group exchanges. It's not the time for a big heart-to-heart/heavy conversation. Keep things light. Conversational. Future-focused. Use your head. Use humor. 


There is alot of 'mental stimulation' here and not everything will be totally conscious.

xo all


artwork by the talented charoncreates