weekly astrology forecast | week of october 3rd to 9th, 2022 - october has come in with a bang and will only get bangier



We are pulled into the month of October through some pretty powerful portals.


Lots of things will move forward and change direction this month!


The second half of the month looks more challenging, so let's breath and take some breaks when we can. Eclipse season comes roaring back at the end of the month (and Mars stations retrograde and Jupiter backs into Pisces) and this takes us into the U.S. election season - with the first Eclipse on Putin's ascendant and the second on Election Day! 


It's going to be a BIG month.

Keep in mind Mercury stationed direct on Sunday, but will take a couple days to re-orient/get up to speed. Delays will end. Things will start moving forward. This is precise Virgo, so keep your eye on the ball folks!

The caveat to this 'move ahead' thing is Mars in Gemini's retrograde starting at the end of the month. He is already slowed down, so, again this month, we need to be cautious about taking on too much and going in too many directions at once. Although doing two things at once and doing things twice will still be par for the course.

This week we have the Saturn/Uranus square getting as close as it will in 2022, two planets stationing direct including powerful Pluto, Mercury's final trine to Pluto and a BIG Full Moon in fiery Aries. 


It sounds like alot because it is. Take your vitamins.


TUESDAY - Saturn square Uranus (doesn't quite perfect)

WEDNESDAY - Vesta stations direct

THURSDAY - Sun inconjunct North Node, Mercury trines Pluto

FRIDAY - Sun opposes Chiron

SATURDAY - Pluto stations direct

SUNDAY - FULL MOON in Aries, Venus inconjunct North Node

On TUESDAY - Saturn and Uranus (both retrograde) will come as close to their repeating 2021 squares, as they will in 2022 - exact within degree but not minute. The old vs the new. Stable structure vs chaotic change. The past vs the future. The old vs the young. Insiders vs outsiders. THE FIXED SIGNS BEING PUSHED TO CHANGE and needing to change while at the same time needing to HOLD THE LINE, lest things all fall to pieces in a pile at our feet. The battle for the rulership of the Age of Aquarius is in play folks and we are ALL part of the action. Jupiter, the planet of expansion/luck/faith is situated at the mid-point between these battling giants making everything BIGGER. Jupiter also bringing us HOPE and pulling that 'old gold' because Jupiter is retrograde, too - into the mix.


On WEDNESDAY - Vesta stations direct at 22 degrees Aquarius, a powerful number and a degree that has seen alot of action this year. She stationed retrograde back in July at 6 degrees Pisces, so we have been back and forth between these degrees reviewing a 'sacred focus'. Figuring out if something was the real deal/a smart idea or pure fantasy/illusion (in which case it has likely dissolved or soon will).

On THURSDAY -  Mercury, direct now, at 26 Virgo makes his/her third trine to retrograde Pluto. Financial or third party information. Secrets coming out - some of this might have happened closer to Monday when the Moon met up with Pluto. Dot your i's/cross your t's. Words are very powerful and information can come in/out without much resistance. The small details are powerful/the small steps matter. With Mercury direct and Pluto about to be - the conversation/idea is moving forward. There should be greater clarity now and over the next few days as Mercury gets up to speed and away from his opposition to foggy Neptune.

We had this Mercury/Pluto trine on August 22nd and again on September 27th and today is the third of three. Hopefully we have been precise, dug into the details - are ready to move forward. Keep in mind Pluto stations direct in just two days. Today is also the day the Sun inconjuncts the North Node, so some adjustment needed within our relationships (or a need for balance) maybe regarding resources or finances. This is a kind of 'rock and a hard place' aspect, there isn't a firm solution here right now. Mercury's trine to Pluto at the same time will help. Get real. Speak your truth. Focus on the specifics.

In general, this aspect can bring positive/good news in regard to a work/health, daily-life, pet situation. Solutions are smoothly integrated. Results come in. Virgo/Cappy trines are good for communicating with those in authority and stepping into our own with our words/information. Earth trines help with practical/reality-based concerns. 

On FRIDAY - the Sun, at 14 Libra, opposes Chiron in Aries. This is a light on a vulnerability or maybe we experience a wound through another person. We might feel like a victim somehow - "they are out to get me". Feel the ways we are on our own/left out/not supported or feel the ways someone else is. Oppositions can also bring endings/closing situations. We could be dealing with something painful now that highlights relationship imbalances.


On SATURDAY - Pluto stations direct at 26 degrees Capricorn. Now there is nothing standing in the way of his entry into Aquarius in March 2023!!!

Here is the death that was postponed - maybe we had time to clean up our mess - to get our ducks in a row - maybe to prevent a big-bang style ending, but more likely to prepare ourselves for it. Pluto forges ahead again - bent on deconstructing the old order.

Pluto direct speaks of a loss (let go or be dragged), a total transformation or change of course of some part of our life and/or REAL EMPOWERMENT. Here is the power that was lost.


If you have planets or points near 26 degrees of the cardinal signs, you have been no doubt feeling this (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). This is about changes with real-word structure. Tangible/physical things. He is just coming off that tine to Mercury, so no doubt information/communication will be very important with some things changing direction either last week or this week.

In general, this is a Cappy forward movement, so collectively good for stalled careers/goals and ambitions.

On SUNDAY - The Aries Moon will oppose the Libra Sun giving us this month's Full Moon, which yes, we will all be HOWLING AT. I think there is ALOT to like about this Aries Full Moon (and some possible relationship challenges/endings) and we will talk about it in its own post. 


We will take a better look at October, too, and look at some big picture stuff this week.


We start the week with a serious Capricorn Moon. 


Buckle down. Get to work. Take things seriously. The Cappy Moon is making all smooth aspects on Monday and will go void off her monthly meeting with powerful Pluto.

xo all

photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva

today's astrology forecast | Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 - words are our super-power



The Moon finishes up in Libra, going void at 12:26PM EDT off a square to Pluto (some tension/frustration, power struggles within relationships or with authority). She is void until she moves into Scorpio at 7:15PM EDT. In Scorpio, we are nourished/nurtured by power/collective resources/merging/purging/diving deep. Our emotions become more intense, situations can feel more "life and death".

As the Moon is squaring Pluto, Mercury is moving backward into a smooth trine (his/her second of three) with Pluto. This is the Mercury/Pluto trine with both planets retrograde. We had this aspect on August 22nd and will have the final trine on October 6th. Words are powerful. Secrets can come out. Mercury is in "let's fix this thing" Virgo, so there is something here - maybe involving a conversation or contract or information that we need a better/deeper look at. Seek facts. What needs to be re-viewed/re-vised? What needs to be said again? Something is falling into place, but we are going to have to be smart. The news/talks/our decisions and choices are in DO-OVER mode with this one.


Heads up for tomorrow - although I might be popping back in here. The Scorpio Moon is quiet, but we have Mars in Gemini trining Saturn in Aquarius. You could be feeling this today, too. Our actions/words/ideas will be in a cooperative alignment with authority/with the public. More smooth flow- brakes off. Whatever this is we will have a repeating aspect at the end of November with Mars retrograde, so whatever is happening today we will be re-vising, re-viewing, re-doing, re-peating then. But this is the time to be moving AHEAD.


(the Mars/Saturn trine, both today's and November's is part of the Mars/Saturn cycle that started in April 2022 and winds down in April 2024. We had the tense square in early August, so whatever started in April was blocked then. Now we get the smooth flow of the trine and move forward, but we will have to do this again somehow at the end of November).


Today though (the 27th) has that Plutonian vibe - intense interactions, Scorpio people, going deep, research, intimate conversations, financial information, etc. 


Keep in mind the long void Moon and use it to chill out.

More in the weekly HERE.

xo all

photo by the talented Anna1Anna


Astrology forecast | week of september 26 to october 2, 2022 - second chances, the week that 'old gold' shows up, secrets come out, obsessions are stirred, an intense week



This is a BIG week. Yes, I would say it is.


We are coming off the New Moon in Libra opposing Jupiter and right out of the gate the energy starts playing out. Here is the week some rock solid progress can be made. Here is the week that OLD GOLD can show up. Keep going. Don't give up. Take care of yourself. Rest when you need to.

Let's unpack this potentially FORTUITOUS WEEK! Just keep in mind the expression about not looking a gift horse in the mouth (is that how it goes) - if things don't show up exactly as we were hoping. We will be back mining for old gold again in a couple weeks, so we want to be GRATEFUL for whatever comes our way now. Powerful truths are possible, too.

Let's dive right in!


MONDAY/TUESDAY - Venus trines Pluto (retro), Mercury retrograde backs into Venus, Sun opposes Jupiter (retro)

WEDNESDAY - Mercury (retro) trine Pluto (retro) - 2nd of 3rd

THURSDAY - Mars trine Saturn (retro), Venus enters Libra, Ceres enters Virgo

SATURDAY - Venus opposes Jupiter (retro)

SUNDAY - Mercury stations DIRECT! (opposing Neptune), First Quarter Moon (Cappy)

On MONDAY/TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY - So, now, the Sun, doing what the Moon did Sunday, opposes that retrograde Jupiter. We talked about this in the New Moon post HERE.  


A light on the old gold. Maybe an old opportunity comes back around. Expansion. An ending of something that has become too big to handle. This can also be where what we have been OVER-DOING/exaggerating is illuminated. Sun/Jupiter - even the pesky opposition - should FEEL GOOD. This is an elevating aspect, can bring rewards for past good deeds, brings confidence/happiness.

Plus - this is happening while Venus is meeting Mercury and both are trining Pluto. 


The chances are high the NEWS WILL BE GOOD. The illuminated 'whatever-this is' BENEFICIAL somehow. Trines are smooth flow - the brakes are off. Whatever is happening should move in a positive direction without alot of pushing from us. Mercury/Venus speaks of us hearing what we want to hear (as in good news) or saying things that other people will. Mercury is still retrograde for a couple more days, so this will be something that has come back around. Say it again. Reach out again. Make changes/corrections. Try again.

Venus/Pluto is empowering/transformative. Sexy. Something is falling into place. Venus is finishing up in Virgo, so maybe we arrive at an important SOLUTION. This might have to do with our daily obligations, our work, our health, our pets, the theme of your natal Virgo house. Small is big with this one. This is an Earth trine, so brings real things we can hold in our hands/take to the bank. Pluto is retrograde, too, so this will also have its feet in the past. Venus/Pluto and Mercury/Pluto can also bring out secrets - financial, relationship. I hope there are no skeletons in your closet looking to be shaken loose. Manipulations are highly effective now, but never recommended due to their tendency to bite us in the ass later.

After meeting up with Venus, Mercury trines Pluto - for the second time. This time with both planets retrograde. We had this back on August 22nd, so maybe we are re-looking at something from that time frame. Information can be intense/precise. Words are powerful. With Mercury in Virgo, now we can see the problem AND there should be an answer/solution. Even with challenging news we aren't just left hanging out to dry.


The Moon in Libra is making her trines to Mars and Saturn - more smooth flow. The only tangle in the first part of the week is the Moon's square to Pluto at 12:21PM EDT on Tuesday before she goes void until 7:15 EDT. Here's that power struggle we talked about in the New Moon post.

On THURSDAY, Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius. An air trine. Good for the flow of ideas and conversations. We are tapping into the collective. This busy/busy, two things at once or doing everything twice thing we have going on is somehow paying off. Authority will be supportive. Saturn is retrograde, so we might be returning to an old responsibility, goal, limit, structure, authority. Revising a business, our reputation, etc. Good for group activities, too.

This is also the day Ceres moves into Virgo - nurturing/change of life situations/things that are outside our control benefit from small steps in a healthier direction. We will talk about this as we move through it..




This transit (until October 23rd) makes Libra Suns and Risings, who are already naturally attractive, even more so - both physically attractive and more able to attract what they want/need. Everyone's Libra house gets more attractive, too (what house was Libra in when you were born? what is the theme of that house? Where is Venus in your natal chart? This area of life gets more attractive, too, as transiting Venus grows stronger in her home sign).

We will be attracted to what we find 'beautiful'. We will be attracted to what we find 'just'. We will be attracted to what we find 'peaceful'. And these are the qualities people will find attractive in us and our work in the world. These are the qualities we'll want to bring to the table (and yes, flowers, flowers would be a good thing to bring to the table, too) to attract whatever we are wanting to attract now.


If our relationships have felt too nit-picky/critical/austere - things will improve under this transit.

The potential for peace increases as we move from critic (Virgo) to diplomat (Libra). The potential for people pleasing increases, too, so balance is the key now. Making life too much about the other person is Libra's shadow side. It's easier, or I should say, ahem, lazier (although I am not blaming anyone because I think we are all tired and Venus has just moved out of her opposition to draining Neptune), to just give in to something to have "harmony" than to work out the win-wins or half-assed win-wins that are sometimes required. We need to honor ourselves as well as the other person.

In Libra, there is power in groups and alliances - but the emphasis (for now) is on the shared human experience of connection rather than on what might emerge later. It's not the time for thinking about how it will all play out, what we are getting or giving. There is Scorpio season for that. It's just the time for the experience. We come into real harmony when we can see each other clearly. We don't have to always agree with each other. Agreeing isn't step two or even step one hundred and two. 


These days, it's easy to forget that ...

On SATURDAY, Venus opposes Jupiter retrograde. More OLD GOLD. Also relationship DRAMA possible. Venus in Libra shifts the energy of relationships, money and self-esteem to a social level. If you look good/sound good, you must BE good. Libra gets a bad rap for pouring pink paint on problems and for being superficial, but without Libra's beauty, balance, diplomacy and tasty sugar coating, life would be pretty un-freaking bearable. Opposed to Jupiter this is all on steroids. Relationships are more HOPEFUL. Balance can RETURN. Maybe something overblown is ending and we can breathe. Fingers crossed on that one.


NOTE - the gold-mining isn't over until after October 12th when Mercury direct opposes Jupiter for the final time!

On SUNDAY,  good news - MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT. He is opposite Neptune - although the opposition never quite perfects, so the bubble isn't bursting just yet and things can be confusing! It will take Mercury a couple days to get up to speed, and we will be covering old ground for awhile, but we are moving on, plus now Mars gets a direct Mercury in his home sign to answer to - that will have to make a difference for all of us. Mercury is in the grounded energy of Virgo, soon to be back in the relationship/balance focused energy of Libra. 


I hope we fixed whatever we had the opportunity to fix!

Until Venus comes home to Libra, alot of the sky is answering to Mercury and he is STILL retrograde this week, so keep that in mind. Nothing is full steam ahead and anything we have over-done/over-committed to can be 'in the limelight/in our face'. Any week with multiple personal planets chatting with Pluto will be INTENSE. The aspect itself though is smooth/not jagged, so there should be ANSWERS/solutions to whatever he is digging up. There isn't alot of escape this week, so we are just going to have to roll with things. Keep your ear/eye/basically anything you can stick out there - open for that OLD GOLD. What did you miss the first time through? Maybe this is something that can now be fixed and then BOOM it's Easy Street for you. :)

xo all

photography by the amazing fae-photography

Autumnal Equinox and New Moon in Libra | whatever it takes to bring ourselves and our relationships back into balance over the next few months, ships will be jumped, contracts will be broken

Just days after the Autumnal Equinox, a collective point of balance, September 25, 2022 at 5:54PM EDT, the Libra Moon meets the Libra Sun giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Libra.  


Libra New Moons are about new ways to partner/new people/new connections/new situations. New LOVE - not the deep kind necessarily (although it could be), but the social kind that gets us invited to coffee and walks in the park. New peace and harmony. New negotiations. What is fair now? What is balanced now? What does justice look like now? This is a cardinal energy - something is going to START.

They meet at 2 degrees. I like when a New Moon starts close to the beginning, although it almost certainly makes outcomes harder to judge (because it's TOO EARLY).

Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon meets the Sun at 2 degrees Libra. They are applying to an opposition to Jupiter. Exactly conjunct asteroid Rhiphonos. The ruler of this lunation (ruler of Libra) is Venus in Virgo who is conjunct (and answering to) a retrograde Mercury and widely squaring both Mars and Chiron. The Uranus/Saturn square of 2021/2022 is within a 1 degree orb/breathing down our neck. 

Since this is also pretty much the Equinox chart, this chart is about more than the next month. We will be working with this chart (yes, with Venus is nit-picking Virgo!) until the Aries New Moon chart next spring. 

The biggest aspect is the lunation's opposition to a retrograde Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter works his magic by MAKING THINGS BIGGER, so almost certainly what is started now is in some way destined/designed to be BIG or exaggerated. Certainly apt to GROW, so we really want to think about the seeds we are putting into the ground now. The Moon/Jupiter brings opportunities for luck, success and happiness, but also a warning around over-doing. Over-committing. Over-promising. Over-expecting. Wanting too much. Being a greedy assh*le. Jupiter is retrograde, so we are looking for the gold we missed the first time through - the gold is BEHIND US. The Libra New Moon fresh start will have a connection to something we did before or something from the past. Relationships can come back from the brink with this one. 


The Jupiter opposition could force us to look at what we are projecting onto other people, by MAKING CERTAIN PROBLEMS BIGGER. We are likely going to have to rely on ourselves more. Or find different people. Sometimes we are putting the wrong things on the wrong people and then acting like they are letting us down. If your partner is an Aries Moon, the chance of them mothering you, yes, even when you are down and out with covid, is pretty unlikely. So you need someone else in your life for THAT. Sometimes people think they need a whole new relationship when what they really need is a FRIEND.


We are in a whole new world and still trying to do relationships in the same old ways!


Over the course of the next few months many partnership contracts (not just romantic) will be broken/many ships jumped. We will be re-looking at what we have committed ourselves to. If our heart's not in it, we won't be either. With the Uranus/Saturn square in play - things we used to rely on are not as stable and at the same time the new structures will have limits/restrictions. Being free isn't free. There is so much retrograde energy - including both Saturn AND Uranus - nothing will be full steam ahead. 


We are going back to go forward.


With Venus conjunct a retrograde Mercury, we are talking/thinking about our relationships. Talking to people we are in relationship with. Old relationships can come back around. Old Mercurian things - commerce, siblings, local community, words, writing, childhood education - can be fallen in love with AGAIN. We could get some good news. Maybe from an old source.


Venus is still in finicky Virgo. Fixing, Refining. In mutual reception to that retrograde Mercury, so we need to go through the fixes/the service/the re-visions to get to Libra - the balance/the relationship/the love. And this opposition to Jupiter is making everything bigger than it should be/needs to be. It will be hard not to be OVER-COMMITTED to something right now! Too much work. Too much service. Too much spending. Venus is opposing Neptune which is draining relationship batteries and finances. 

The New Moon is exactly conjunct asteroid Rhiphonos. 


Rhiphonos, whose name means 'throwing or casting' was one of the dozen sprites guarding Zeus's son Dionysus from Hera, when she turned them into centaurs. He later pulled Dionysus's chariot. Rhiphonos, the asteroid, was discovered on the day of Ted Kennedy's funeral, which was kind of the end of American royalty. And, of course, this time period has a very strong connection to the passing of Queen Elizabeth and ending of the 'queen' archetype, which I wish I had time to write about, and will, when things slow down. Ironically, he is one of the few centaurs not famous for the way he died, but most of his story has been lost to time. His name definition might also be another admonition to think about what we are projecting onto other people. Think about how we are doing what we are accusing the other person of doing, etc. 

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is "the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed'. The NEW can begin and take hold quickly. Probably many of the changes, this is a lunar event after all, will be INTERNAL.


Just before this New Moon, the Moon passes over Venus, opposes Neptune, passes over Mercury and then meets the Sun and then will oppose Jupiter. She then trines Mars and Uranus and goes void off a square to Pluto. So, things are complicated and this "relationship-focused" New Moon ends with that testy square to power. 

There is alot to like here, too. Just keep in mind the seeds now are going to grow, so is what you are growing really something you want to eat. There is also an out of sign trine to Sedna - pulling something we don't want to look at too closely into the mix, but also more mega-transformational energy and, again, something about RELYING ON OURSELVES.

I hope something here is helpful, although I am feeling that somehow it isn't. Libra is my 12th house, not so much a space designed for me to be able to see clearly. You might have to muddle through much of this one without me 


xo all