We are pulled into the month of October through some pretty powerful portals.
Lots of things will move forward and change direction this month!
The second half of the month looks more challenging, so let's breath and take some breaks when we can. Eclipse season comes roaring back at the end of the month (and Mars stations retrograde and Jupiter backs into Pisces) and this takes us into the U.S. election season - with the first Eclipse on Putin's ascendant and the second on Election Day!
It's going to be a BIG month.
Keep in mind Mercury stationed direct on Sunday, but will take a couple days to re-orient/get up to speed. Delays will end. Things will start moving forward. This is precise Virgo, so keep your eye on the ball folks!
The caveat to this 'move ahead' thing is Mars in Gemini's retrograde starting at the end of the month. He is already slowed down, so, again this month, we need to be cautious about taking on too much and going in too many directions at once. Although doing two things at once and doing things twice will still be par for the course.
This week we have the Saturn/Uranus square getting as close as it will in 2022, two planets stationing direct including powerful Pluto, Mercury's final trine to Pluto and a BIG Full Moon in fiery Aries.
It sounds like alot because it is. Take your vitamins.
TUESDAY - Saturn square Uranus (doesn't quite perfect)
WEDNESDAY - Vesta stations direct
THURSDAY - Sun inconjunct North Node, Mercury trines Pluto
FRIDAY - Sun opposes Chiron
SATURDAY - Pluto stations direct
SUNDAY - FULL MOON in Aries, Venus inconjunct North Node
On TUESDAY - Saturn and Uranus (both retrograde) will come as close to their repeating 2021 squares, as they will in 2022 - exact within degree but not minute. The old vs the new. Stable structure vs chaotic change. The past vs the future. The old vs the young. Insiders vs outsiders. THE FIXED SIGNS BEING PUSHED TO CHANGE and needing to change while at the same time needing to HOLD THE LINE, lest things all fall to pieces in a pile at our feet. The battle for the rulership of the Age of Aquarius is in play folks and we are ALL part of the action. Jupiter, the planet of expansion/luck/faith is situated at the mid-point between these battling giants making everything BIGGER. Jupiter also bringing us HOPE and pulling that 'old gold' because Jupiter is retrograde, too - into the mix.
On WEDNESDAY - Vesta stations direct at 22 degrees Aquarius, a powerful number and a degree that has seen alot of action this year. She stationed retrograde back in July at 6 degrees Pisces, so we have been back and forth between these degrees reviewing a 'sacred focus'. Figuring out if something was the real deal/a smart idea or pure fantasy/illusion (in which case it has likely dissolved or soon will).
On THURSDAY - Mercury, direct now, at 26 Virgo makes his/her third trine to retrograde Pluto. Financial or third party information. Secrets coming out - some of this might have happened closer to Monday when the Moon met up with Pluto. Dot your i's/cross your t's. Words are very powerful and information can come in/out without much resistance. The small details are powerful/the small steps matter. With Mercury direct and Pluto about to be - the conversation/idea is moving forward. There should be greater clarity now and over the next few days as Mercury gets up to speed and away from his opposition to foggy Neptune.
We had this Mercury/Pluto trine on August 22nd and again on September 27th and today is the third of three. Hopefully we have been precise, dug into the details - are ready to move forward. Keep in mind Pluto stations direct in just two days. Today is also the day the Sun inconjuncts the North Node, so some adjustment needed within our relationships (or a need for balance) maybe regarding resources or finances. This is a kind of 'rock and a hard place' aspect, there isn't a firm solution here right now. Mercury's trine to Pluto at the same time will help. Get real. Speak your truth. Focus on the specifics.
In general, this aspect can bring positive/good news in regard to a work/health, daily-life, pet situation. Solutions are smoothly integrated. Results come in. Virgo/Cappy trines are good for communicating with those in authority and stepping into our own with our words/information. Earth trines help with practical/reality-based concerns.
On FRIDAY - the Sun, at 14 Libra, opposes Chiron in Aries. This is a light on a vulnerability or maybe we experience a wound through another person. We might feel like a victim somehow - "they are out to get me". Feel the ways we are on our own/left out/not supported or feel the ways someone else is. Oppositions can also bring endings/closing situations. We could be dealing with something painful now that highlights relationship imbalances.
On SATURDAY - Pluto stations direct at 26 degrees Capricorn. Now there is nothing standing in the way of his entry into Aquarius in March 2023!!!
Here is the death that was postponed - maybe we had time to clean up our mess - to get our ducks in a row - maybe to prevent a big-bang style ending, but more likely to prepare ourselves for it. Pluto forges ahead again - bent on deconstructing the old order.
Pluto direct speaks of a loss (let go or be dragged), a total transformation or change of course of some part of our life and/or REAL EMPOWERMENT. Here is the power that was lost.
If you have planets or points near 26 degrees of the cardinal signs, you have been no doubt feeling this (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). This is about changes with real-word structure. Tangible/physical things. He is just coming off that tine to Mercury, so no doubt information/communication will be very important with some things changing direction either last week or this week.
In general, this is a Cappy forward movement, so collectively good for stalled careers/goals and ambitions.
On SUNDAY - The Aries Moon will oppose the Libra Sun giving us this month's Full Moon, which yes, we will all be HOWLING AT. I think there is ALOT to like about this Aries Full Moon (and some possible relationship challenges/endings) and we will talk about it in its own post.
We will take a better look at October, too, and look at some big picture stuff this week.
We start the week with a serious Capricorn Moon.
Buckle down. Get to work. Take things seriously. The Cappy Moon is making all smooth aspects on Monday and will go void off her monthly meeting with powerful Pluto.
xo all
photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva