Grace Hartigan Memorial

I recently received an email from Kat of Kat Gallery to let me know that a Grace polarity locket that she had given to the director of her graduate program, Grace Hartigan, who passed away recently at the age of 85, had been placed in her archives in Syracuse. You may recognize Grace's name and work. She was an amazing abstract painter and I thank Kat for giving her this gift and for letting me know of its final destination!

Christmas Presence!

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday! These are a few of the handmade items I gave or received this holiday season that brought a little Etsy presence to our Christmas!

The shops include DoeAndDame Shauneil BriefMoments Kootsac TheBLine LoranScruggs CurlyGirlCrochet f2images Rafya Kangas

Polarity Locket Saves Motorists...and Marriage....

I received a wonderful little email yesterday from a customer who had recently purchased a magnetic locket from my Polarity shop. Here is her story:

Hey, I LOVE my new necklace. It's about to go into heavy rotation in my jewelry collection. I also thought you'd like to was helpful as part of replacing my husband's car battery this weekend. Here's the tale: After MUCH swearing, he finally was narrowing down which ratchet to use...and then promply dropped the thing (like 1 in big detachable ratchet part) into the innards of his Jeep. More swearing. I was standing (far back) watching all of this and then remembered that (!) I was wearing a magnet necklace. So, I took off the front cover and lowered the pendant into the Jeep by holding onto the chain. Sure enough, I managed to get the ratchet part out and the battery got changed (eventually and with minimal extra yelling from my man, bless his heart) So, there you go...pretty AND functional! Thanks a bunch!

Just another day in the life of a Polarity recycled magnetic locket ........

Chicken Donation RESULTS

My customers are simply the best! During my 3 day chicken donation on Etsy over Thanksgiving weekend- a chicken donated to which provides a family with a continuing source of nutrition and income - for any customer who purchased 3 items between my 2 shops- the final chicken donation tally was 15! My own little chicken Lucy, who started it all, would be so proud!

Shout Out from Whip Up!

Thanks to Whip UP for this shout out- check out their amazing site!

How to Make Amazing CORK Christmas Tree Ornaments

While you are getting merry this season with your favorite bottles of red and white - start saving your wine corks (you may already have a nice little collection) and turn them into amazingly awesome Christmas tree ornaments. Cork is the bark of the cork oak tree. Most cork is grown in managed forests, primarily in Portugal and Spain, where the cork is carefully harvested in a centuries-old tradition using hand tools and without pesticides or fertilizers ensuring the trees will remain undamaged. So remember to support this amazing industry by buying your wine with cork stoppers!

To make these little beauties you will need:

Corks, Buttons, Glue, Pleather Cording, Eyehooks, Slip Rings and Some Cute Little Christmasy Things to Hang From Your Corks

1. Start with a button that is about the size of your cork or a bit larger and thread it with a strand of pleather from the bottom up
2. Stack on a few more buttons and tie it off. Give your pleather a few more inches for hanging and trim.
3. Using a pair of sharp little scissors dig a little hole in the top of your cork so your bottom button sits flat
4. Glue the button to the cork and let this set
5. Twist an eyehook into the bottom of your cork and add a slip ring
6. Now you are ready to add any cute little Christmasy things you can think of to dangle from your corks

REwrapping this year - Boxes and Bows

Go green instead of spending green this year!

You will need: Scrap paper (a colorful magazine page looks great), cardboard packaging (here I am using a dog food box), scissors, stapler, twine, paper cutter (or ruler), glue

1. To make the bow cut several strips of paper down to 8.5" X .75" and one piece to 4" X .75
2. Loop each strip ends back into the center and staple
3. Staple all your looped pieces together at 90 degree angles and top off with the 4" piece looped and stacked on top
4. Flatten out your cardboard packaging
5. Find the glued side and carefully separate the cardboard to open the packaging
6. Turn the box inside out and reglue it back together (or tape it if you are going to cover the box)
7. Telephone book pages run through a paper shredder make a great replacement for tissue paper
8. You can now decorate your box to your own style- or keep it simple with some twine and your recycled bow!