weekly astrology forecast | march 24th to 30th, 2025 - empowerment through a review or change of mind, old partnership agreements, what we resist persists, the crack is how the light gets in, venus and mercury backflip into Pisces, Aries Eclipse fresh start, neptune into aries to change the world


weekly astrology forecast | march 17th to 23rd, 2025 - the impossible is possible, seeing the direction we need to go now, challenging life changing opportunities, something hidden comes into the light, old fires are re-lit, starts are fresh and maybe frantic, something is ready to die or dissolve - let it


mercury stations retrograde | more of March 2025's karmic storyline takes shape

Hot on the heels of an UBER powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, Virgo ruler Mercury stations retrograde. This is happening...

the astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo | March 14th, 2025 - first eclipse of 2025, seeing how well we have taken care of the details, letting go of the need for things to be just so, retiring our inner judge, liberating closures, all roads lead to the end of march's solar eclipse and neptune into aries
