I Don't Like Mondays or I will be back in 168 hours

If life were a dog race that would be me way in the back there trying to catch up.(I do look kind of cute, though, don't I?)So, as...

Friday Finds or this week's roundup of some goodies to inspire the creative genius inside of you!

Lovin' what Foulard Threads is doing with these oxfords! This ad campaign by Marithé and François Girbaud S/S 2010 line with the...

Thoughtful Thursday - time to JUMP into the unknown

Old American/World Dream: eep your head downFollow instructionsShow up on timeWork hardSuck it up ... and you will be rewarded firedNew...

Whining Wednesday or a junk tv confessional, I get my black belt and Olive prepares for the Dog Show

hine 1 - So, I finally got a new cable cord for the tv in my studio and since I have been almost television-less for quite a while...

GIVEAWAY-licious $25.00 Gift Certificate to FOODZIE CLOSED

And the winner is chosen by True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 211 Result: 55 = HOLLY! Holly chose foods from DolceNonna...

Small Things = Big Difference or the bitter truth about your Valentine's Day chocolate

I don't want to be a stick in the mud(although what is wrong with being a stick in the mud anyway other than the fact you are getting...

Whining Wednesday or another snowpocalypse and breakfast for dinner

I'm living the dream, folks.It is 8:30 a.m.I am snowed in (sort of).I am listening to Shawn Colvin and my hubby's audible intestinal...

Time Out Tuesday or some stuff to check out while the kids trash the house and you sip your double mocha and convince yourself they are napping

I think Riot Siren's cupcake skirts "put on your party skirt and roll in the dirt" are sssooo adorable!I am obsessed with Osusowake...