For as little as $5.00 you can give a gift that helps a child grow out of gangs in Honduras.
For $12.00 you can provide 20 pounds of multi-purpose soap through oxfam.
$20.00 provides art and music supplies and instructions to an impoverished child through worldvision.
$25.00 lets you sponsor a No Mo Chemo party at St. Jude's!
$50.00 gets you 50 trees planted in Brazil's Atlantic Forest through the Nature Conservancy.
200 dictionaries for students in Africa can be donated for $75.00 through Books for Africa.
$100.00 gets a family's new home a kitchen sink through Habitat for Humanity.
Justgive gives you the opportunity to make your donation locally.
Charitychoice allows the recipient to choose the charity.
Lots of great charitable ideas instead of buying Uncle Elmer another tie for his tie drawer this year!
These are amazing, Cat. I'm going to put one more on my list.
This is GREAT! I've searched out some great places to make dollars work for good before, but I really like all these additional ideas.
AZ does this great thing with tax credits if you make certain donations to schools, churches and to AZ military families. but we also plan to donate 1% of our income each year & i'm going to keep it local :)
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