Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 30th - keep it in balance

vintage in camomile by malenka I'm going to start with Monday even though I am writing this on Tuesday. Transits don't always...

Venus into Gemini | smarten up

nerd by silent-waltz Venus (love, money, value, self esteem, women) moves into Gemini today. Gemini Suns and ascendants get...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 23rd - connection, decisions, conflict

cat conversation by who-is-chill We begin the week with Mercury stationing direct (Sunday) - do I hear a hallelujah?! And in...

Full Moon in Sagittarius - keep your head

up above by affont The Full Moon is at 1 degree Sagittarius on Saturday. It has multiple 'stressy' aspects that I talked about...

Sun into Gemini - time to get moving

color of the wind by anita anti On Friday, the Sun moves from earthy and stable Taurus into airy and fluid Gemini. Gemini energy...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 9th - do you feel lucky?

in my arms by kosmodisk This week we have that Grand Earth Trine continuing to foster growth and prosperity! We have Venus (love,...

New Moon in Taurus | SET THOSE INTENTIONS!

make a wish by catherinehh Yes, I know I'm shouting at you, but I really want your attention this month! Friday's New Moon in...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 2nd - things are falling into place

distant flickering by super shrimp YAY - it's May! This week we have a wonderful New Moon in Taurus on Friday (more on this later...