Astrology Forecast for Creatives | this weekend and a peek ahead into September

mettres les voiles by Marion-Volant On FRIDAY, we have Venus (in Libra) semi-square the Sun (in Virgo). If we had these planets...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 27th - the delays come to an end, proceed cautiously and strategically, hair-trigger tempers, communication challenges, intense emotions, big plans and even bigger ideas, life speeds up

Time goes by like a train by Julie-de-Waroquier Some of the big aspects for the week ahead are: SUNDAY - Full Moon in Pisces MONDAY...

Pisces Full Moon | August 26th - something new and solid built from the ashes of whatever has slipped through our fingers

I have to go by Julie-de-Waroquier On SUNDAY at 7:56AM EDT the Pisces Moon will oppose the Virgo Sun at 3 degrees giving us our...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | transition time, the king gets humbled, looking ahead, preparing for lift-off, creating something real, keeping that kite in the air

... by oprisco I've been finding it hard to get to these charts and write about them lately ... focus Catherine! Let's take...

Astrology Forecast For Creatives | Week of August 13th - smooth sailing, don't rush or force things, our rose-colored glasses are wearing rose-colored glasses, love, compassion, stay grounded

... bohemian rapsody 2 by oprisco Here are some aspects/transits I see for the week ahead: SUNDAY - Mars retrogrades back into...

Leo Solar Eclipse New Moon | allowing ourselves to shine, what's on fire?

fire by NadyaBird At 5:58AM EDT on August 11th the Sun meets the Moon at 18 degrees Leo. Even through this is a partial Solar...

Mercury Retrograde Conjunct the Sun | we arrive at the heart of Mercury retrograde

my kind of universe by The Autumn Leaves "the wound is the place where the light enters you" ... Rumi Today we have Mercury,...

Astrology Forecast For Creatives | Week of August 6th - change is an inside job, casting out the projection, a world on fire, anxious to get going but sit with it, pride, money/love gets serious, back to the future, NEWS from the past, sudden shake-ups and abrupt opportunities, the final ECLIPSE of the season

"Life's splendor forever lies in wait about each one of us in all its fullness, but veiled from view, deep down, invisible, far off....