Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 - making commitments, feeling able, dissolving resistance, feeling all the feels, lines get blurry, slippery slopes

  The Moon continues her journey through her home sign of Cancer. She squares Mars (in Libra) at 4:16AM EDT (actions with other...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 - what do you need from other people, what do they need from you, keeping the peanuts in the peanut butter

  The Moon is void until 9:34AM EDT when she comes home to Cancer - now we are nurtured/nourished by home, family, real...

Mercury Retrograde in Libra | through October 18th - rethinking our relationships, renegotiating contracts, changing our mind, shadow work, avoiding passive aggressive traps

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the astrology of the Full Moon in Pisces | September 20th, 2021 - a culmination, something gets cleared up, optimistic information but check the fine print, let go and let God then make welcome what shows up

  This month's Full Moon is an ending at almost the very end of the very last sign. An end at the end of the end. In imaginative/dreamy,...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | September 20th - 26th, 2021 - Full Moon in Pisces, powerful Grand Air Trine kicks off, power struggles, money changes, more flies with honey

  Let's dig right in since I have a Full Moon post to write! MONDAY - Full Moon in PiscesWEDNESDAY - Mercury squares...

Today's Astrology Forecast and a peek ahead | Friday, September 17th, 2021 - limits, a "no", not overthinking it, letting time do his job, looking at what's next



The Moon is in Aquarius now. We are nourished/nurtured by stepping back and seeing the big picture, by intellect, by detaching from results, technology, groups, causes, individuality, freedom. 


The Moon will square Venus at 12:02AM EDT, meet up with a retrograde Saturn eleven minutes later and finally square a retrograde Uranus at 12:44PM EDT. The Moon's machinations echo today's Venus, (7 degrees Scorpio) squaring Saturn (retrograde) in Aquarius. 


We talked about Venus/Saturn HERE. It's quick. Restrictions. Limits. Feeling old/alone/unloved/financially strapped. With Venus in Scorpio, Saturn can show us what does not belong to us/what we can't have. Maybe the ways we are depending on others or other people's resources when we need to be more self-sufficient. 


Keep in mind that retrograde Aquarius and Aqua Moon which can make us prone to overthinking/seeing dragons we will never have to face. Things can look/feel worse than they actually are. Saturn says give things time. Have some patience. Venus in Scorpio tends toward sharpness/a bite/tossing babies with bathwater. She is in mutual reception with Mars in Libra, so we do have access to the more social Libran energies - balance, civility, cooperation, collaboration - through him. This isn't the same as having Venus in Libra, of course, but it does give us somewhere to go other than so DEEP we drown. 


Let's peek ahead. 


The Moon is going to finish up in Aquarius on Saturday morning EDT and go void off a conjunction with Jupiter. She will be void most of Saturday. She moves into Pisces Saturday evening (EDT) and we start building toward Monday's Full Moon in Pisces - at 28 degrees Pisces; almost the very end of the zodiac. So big things will be FINISHING UP. The Moon is widely conjunct Pisces ruler Neptune making things more emotional/intuitive/compassionate, maybe confusing. 

Looking ahead - we will have a BIG New Moon on October 6th in Libra, with Mars EXACTLY conjunct the Moon/Sun and Uranus EXACTLY inconjunct. At the New Moon, Mercury will be exactly where he is today (and yesterday), so news/information/conversations from NOW can factor into that. This will be a big one focused on our relationships and us needing to bring more peace and balance into our lives. When you read this, Mars is already combust/blown out by the Sun. He's fast-moving, as fast as he will get this month and not playing by the rules, so we have to think before acting - the October conjunction (Mars/Sun) closes out/culminates a cycle that started at 10 degrees Virgo back in September 2019. 


What was happening in your life back then? 


Before his rendezvous with the Sun, Mars will trine Saturn (commitments, getting serious) and then immediately after meeting the Sun, he will meet up with a retrograde Mercury (old conversations, ideas, arguments) - by this time, EVERY planet, with the exception of Mars and Venus, will be retrograde, but not for long. 


On October 9th, we will have Mars, the Sun and a retrograde Mercury all wound up together along with the final (5 of 5) Pluto/Eris squares (collective discord and a call to take our power back - I'm talking to you cardinal planet people with points/planets around 24 degrees - this is in play all year really, but exact times are very potent). We are going to have to watch our language/our ego/our step. Relationship landmines can crop up. Collective storylines will probably be designed to scare the hell out of us. Whistleblowers/rebels can show up. We are going to want to balance our needs/wants/actions with those of other people. Civility, diplomacy, cooperation, negotiating skills (without bending over backward to appease someone else) will be needed. 


On October 10th, Saturn is going to station direct - daddy's home (if there is a responsibility we have been avoiding, it would be a good idea to take care of this before Saturn stations).


Stability can return, but so might limits/rules. In the days/weeks that follow, more planets will station direct. Things put on hold will begin to move forward. Stuck situations will come unstuck. Dangling shoes will drop. Rewards will come in/bills due. 


By October 20th, with multiple planets having changed direction, things will look quite different than they do now. 


The change of direction of so many planets in October indicates a change in direction for ALL OF US. October and the first half of November look rather BUMPY.


In mid-November we have the final healing Saturn/Chiron sextile (slow and steady healing/cures that work over time, healing group trauma) and the final Saturn/Uranus square in December (freedom vs control, revolution, new rules, financial instability) although the square will continue throughout 2022 and they will come about a degree apart in October 2022, so these energies aren't going away. The square in December is the last exact square though, so maybe a final chance at something more freeing/controlling (which way this goes is up to all of us). Breakthroughs are possible. Breakdowns, too, particularly if we haven't embraced some required change by now - here is where it might be forced upon us. 


Eclipse season is in late November and early December (into the spin cycle we go). In late December we'll see the start of a tricky Venus retrograde in Capricorn, her 40 days and 40 nights - back and forth over the "time runs out" degree from January 2020.


Jupiter will move back into Pisces on December 29th - I like this one and it's lasting. January will be a mover and shaker, too.. 


For now, we are moving toward next week's Full Moon in Pisces. The Sun is still in Virgo, so we are working, healing, helping, fixing, taking things one step at a time. Expect a BIG post. 


 xo all 


artwork by the talented Dmytro Bryzhak

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