Whining Wednesday or as my car might tag me these days STINKEEGRL

Whine 1 - Our credit card company raised our interest rate to something like 26 gazillion for absolutely no reason.

(well, no reason that has anything to do with us anyway)

Confidential to Chase - instead of the minimum payment this month, I'll be mailing in a bag of used wine corks and an autographed doodle of a sad face, hope that is o.k.

Whine 2 - About a month ago I started finding these strange moth things in my studio and bedroom (which is directly over the studio). At first it was random enough to not bother me, but then one night last week, we had two of these little creatures flying into the bedroom lights.

They don't bite (thankfully) and are not very smart or fast-moving, but you cannot squash them because they emit some foul smelling substance when you do.

I had never even heard of such critters and admit I had flattened a couple and didn't notice any odd smell before hubby screamed, "Stop!" -

(I was about to flatten one with his beloved Farmer's Almanac)

and then he told me the 'stinkbug story'.

They are also known as shieldbugs and if George had called them shield bugs (or if they had been a pretty green like shown here instead of looking like creepy gray alien spaceships) I might not be as freaked out. I have moved everything in both rooms, checked all the window cracks and can't figure out how they are getting in.

Hubby says, "maybe they are not getting in because they are already in", which really freaked me out and has me shining a flashlight into my boots before putting my feet in them every morning.

We hate the idea of pesticides and exterminators, but we may have to take some kind of action soon.

(or start a little stink-bug circus sideshow to pay off Chase)

Whine 3 - My memory is totally disappearing.

When I'm driving and think of an idea for a project or blog post (or whine), I have a tendency to write down a key word on a snippet of paper

(yes, I know how dangerous this is ... mainly because I could spill my scalding hot coffee and that would interrupt my cell phone conversation)

and then write the whole thing down later. This morning I found a gas receipt from Friday on which I had scribbled:

That guy's feet

If anyone has any idea what the hell I was thinking, please contact me.

Whine 4 - Vanity license plates have taken over New Jersey - neighbors, friends, everyone is feeling the need to tell me a little something about themselves with their car tags. I have never understood why anyone would pay additional money to outfit their Ford Taurus with a "UGOGURL" license plate.

I think they are just plain yucky.

(if you have a really cool one, let's hear about it, maybe you can change my mind)

Mainly there are 3 reasons I would never have one:

Hit. And. Run.

If someone remembers seeing a light blue Escape in the vicinity, well, that could be just about anybody, but I guarantee some meddling eagle-eyed eyewitness would recall a "CORKYMUM" or an "UPCYCLEGRL" mowing down that Scout troop.

P.S. To clarify, I don't actually talk and drive as this is illegal in New Jersey.

(and, no one calls me anyway)

Whine 5 - Hubby and I recently visited an 84 year old neighbor to check out his amazingly impressive coin collection. He also has quite the library although 99% of the shelves are filled with books related to the value of coins. We noticed at the far right of the middle shelf a gigundo tome titled, "Secrets to Great Sex" and right beside it was a smaller book called, "Guide to Better Public Speaking".

At first we were a bit shocked,

(I mean, we didn't know he did any public speaking)

but then it all began to make sense, because if I were 84 and still having sex

(and I mean anything even slightly involving friction with another person who was not my paid caregiver)

I would tell absolutely everyone about it.

Guy behind counter: "May I help you?"
Me: "I am 84 and am still having sex. Yes, that kind of sex."
Guy behind counter: "This is the post office."
Me: "A book of stamps, please."

Then I would hobble over to my SXYGRNDMA car and drive home to train my stinkbugs.

Time Out Tuesday or more stuff to check out while you pretend you are working

I think these amazing recycled duds from Poor Pitiful Pearl are anything but pitiful!

The amazing Lynn of UnaOdd- her new work leaves me breathless!

Martha's lemon candles are definitely a good thing.

Snurk's bedding is just too awesome!

I think I am in love with Polderceramics from Atelier!

The ingenius work of Ghost Patrol!

MigoMagi's adorable little just-in-cash key wallets.

This little short Mixtape will absolutely bring a smile to your Tuesday!

The evolution of Keep Calm and Carry On!

The real carry on - Tassenkast by Lotty Lindemann is a handbag and a little cupboard- how adorable are these!

The amazing world of MademosielleG!

And yes, she has a locket!


AND THE WINNER IS EMBER! Chosen by random.org!

A couple weeks ago when I saw that Jillian of John Met Betty was offering 50% of her proceeds from this little goodie to the Red Cross for Haiti Relief- I gobbled it up because I knew someone out there would just love to win it!

Jillian makes totally unique and adorable purses, accessories and apparel from a mix of new & vintage materials.

Even her shop name has an wonderful little story. Jillian named her company John Met Betty shortly after her grandmother Betty passed from Alzheimer's disease. She really wanted to honor her in some way. Her grandparents both had an impeccable sense for fashion and her grandfather John still does, at 86 years old!

Jillian has closed up shop for a bit, but you can still get one of her amazing little purses here!


One lucky winner will receive John Met Betty's adorable coin purse.


This one is easy peasy- just leave a comment below with your contact info!

For additional entries:

(5) Twitter this post
(5) Blog about this contest; linking to this post
(5) Follow my blog

Let me know if you have done these things so I can give you additional entries. This contest is open to everyone.


MIDNIGHT on Sunday, February 7th! Good luck!! CLOSED

Small Things = Big Difference or organic cotton weary makes me SCREAM

Most people think of cotton as an eco-friendly, natural fiber; it breathes, it's washable, it's a renewable resource, but cotton is actually one of the most toxic plants on the planet. And it's not the cotton's fault.

The problem is the boll weevil. Boll weevils are "virulent pests that infest the cotton plant." I thought we should all get a look at one in case it ends up in your t-shirt. <------

(just kidding, but it is kind of gross looking)

This is reminding me that hubby and I may or may not have a stinkbug infestation (check back on whining Wednesday for details).

So, anyhoo these little boll weevils are very hard to kill and the farmers have to use all kinds of pesticides to protect their cotton crops. Eventually these little critters become immune to the pesticide and mutate around it, like a cockroach, and then the farmers get themselves some brand new pesticides. And these are not highly targeted pesticides, so they also kill spiders and wasps and all kinds of other beneficial insects and throw the whole eco-system out of whack.

And when the cotton field gets watered and when it rains these pesticides end up in streams and our water tables. They are also highly toxic to farm workers. And even though your fancy new t-shirt has had the chemicals washed out (probably not all of them)- where does the wastewater from the cleaning process end up?

Bottom line think organic cotton. It's grown without synthetic pesticides and with attention to the ecosystem. By wearing organic cotton you won't be walking around in clothes laden with residual pesticides and you are not supporting the introduction of more toxic chemicals into our already overloaded ecosystem.

I am still left wondering though:

Why does everyone remember that Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin?

(does anyone have a clue what a cotton gin is)

And was Cotton Weary the worst name for a movie villain ever? Discuss .....
1. Infusion amazing organic cotton and hemp bag
2. Gaia Conceptions stunning long organic cotton and hemp skirt
3. Neena Creates soft and beautiful organic cotton t-shirt
4. Totally fun mustaches organic cotton dinner napkins by Parrishhw
5. The unforgettable Chakrapennywhistle's organic cotton pillow
6. Totally adorable animal collective tshirt for children by Xenotees
7. UndertheRoot's sexy and stunning organic cotton pantalette