BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 10th - creative action

collage by spiresburn

We have an independent and dynamic Aries Moon pushing us forward today (with Aries we always have to take a second look and make sure we are not pushing into a wall - the Aries ram's gotta ram after all) and in a big old T-Square. Uranus is creating excitement. Opposing Mercury in Libra is creating indecision. Mercury squaring Pluto is asking us to embrace new ideas. 

Things could still look better than they actually are. Mistakes can happen. Attractive Venus opposing kindhearted Neptune today may draw sob stories - we want to be practicing high levels of compassion now, but not be foolish or self-sacrificing.

Since Venus rules the 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't - hold onto our wallet and our values today (that smooth talking guy at the bar needs to go home alone, that broke-ass girlfriend can get a job, those boots you can't afford anyway will not fit right).

This is a good day for solid forward motion - an Aries moon makes us brave, a Virgo sun makes us detail oriented. If we are building our life on the solid ground of what we really want (this can be tricky, so take this part seriously), we cannot lose. We can always fail, but we cannot lose.

We have the grounded Virgo Sun sextiling Saturn in Scorpio (this won't happen again for decades) so our passions are really growing legs now. Creative people are thinking bigger and taking action. This is manifesting energy. That same Neptune / Venus opposition can create real beauty in the world now.

Some people may feel next month's eclipse this week with something important eclipsing out of our life. It's time (this doesn't make it any easier or hurt any less, I know). xo all

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 9th - after the storm

after the storm print by elly mckay

That Pisces full Moon continues until tonight - emotions could be and have been intense. Today is like the fog after a big rainstorm.

Pisces is a water sign so anything that makes us cry now is something to look at. The full moon always shows us what we are holding onto. There is a gift in letting go. Know that any emotional endings now are perfectly timed.

The Hindu Goddess Kali is the Goddess of Autumn and rules endings and beginnings. She represents Mother Nature and is an archetype of Scorpio - she helps things that are ready to die. Call on her if we need strength - she is an ass-kicker and gets things done.

The Moon moves into Aries tonight and things get back on track. If your natal Moon is in Aries (moon's position when you were born) this is a perfect night for some fun play - a sporting event, a bike ride with your stopwatch, a poker game, any kind of competitive play that has no meaning.

If you know someone with an Aries Moon who never gets to play aggressively it is safe to assume he (or she) is very, very angry.

This is more true for men than women. By being born a woman the elements of water and earth are in our physical bodies although this is not always automatic and can require an action to activate it - something like raising a child, tending a garden or growing a business.

Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune today so our projects and relationships are fluid and malleable. We have to balance the fantasy and reality here. Let's not get sidetracked. Things might not be fully developed - we may have a feeling that something has to be done right now that isn't quite ripe. Sit on it until at least tomorrow.

Mercury in Libra forms a challenging position to Pluto that could make us obsess a bit, sending us into an insecure space when it comes time to say what we need to say. Pluto wants us to get to the bottom line. Mercury wants accuracy. Libra wants diplomacy. There's also some secrecy aspects to this placement. Uranus opposing Mercury could upset even the best intended plans.

There's a cosmic adrenal exhaustion warning now - we need to get enough sleep, we need to eat whole healthy foods, we need to move our bodies away from the computer or work bench - we can't stay motivated when we are struggling with burnout and depression. If we have to step back, we can always step back, no one is keeping score - we can be human-kind or the human-race now, I guess - it's up to us.

Full Moon in Pisces - Monday, September 8th - radical compassion with ourselves and others

chalk wall pattern

We have a full moon tonight at 9:38 EST. This is a sensitive, powerful full moon and our 3rd super Moon of the summer! This full moon conjuncts Chiron (wounded healer), trines Saturn and trines Juno.

We could have life changing moments today and tomorrow.

This isn't about setting intentions for what we want (like new moon energy affirmations). This is release energy. So we take that thing we want and release what is blocking us from having it. For example we want excellent health so we release our attention from junk food. We want a strong, focused mind so we release our attention from distractions. Then we have this wonderful Virgo Sun to take the actions that set up the systems to support us to do this. The release is the big huge first step that supports all the baby steps that follow.

It feels like a good time to step out of development issues. This is the time to release any energies that are wounding us. With Mercury squaring Pluto some deep fears can be released. Mercury is in Libra so other people are involved here.

These fears are the self-sabotaging stuff that keeps us stuck and makes us more comfortable playing small.

With Venus opposite Neptune this will highlight projects, money and relationships. There are excellent aspects for physical healing now (releasing the emotional component of an illness).

Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, but really the opposite sides of the same coin. The balance of these two signs is where we bring God (life, the universe or whatever word you feel most comfortable using here) to earth through our actions of service.

Virgo/Pisces service is about the highest levels of service and compassion - it doesn't take on the burdens of others - compassion holds a higher vibration. It's not about removing the pain or suffering of another person which we literally can't do because the karma (ie energy attraction, cause and effect, our perfectly pre-planned, but not predestined life experiences) - that created it in the first place will just recreate it in another form.

Pisces is the last and final sign - the place where the buck stops - Pisces energy knows this.

Pisces compassion shows patience, lends an ear or a shoulder without the need for recognition - without the need for thanks - knowing the service is its own reward; the work is often invisible. 

It holds open doors and the spaces for others to be strong and courageous and confident. This is the power we hold now - we can see "who is doing without" and know what needs to be said or done. 

There are magical spaces for simple hospitality to create real change now. A stranger isn't really a stranger.

For more about the Full Moon the Mystic Mamas blog has a great post HERE
In my own life this healing is working through a long Saturn transit and since about 1 in 5 people have a difficult Saturn complex (although almost every human being born in patriarchy is subject to this feeling to some degree) on their natal chart, the healing energy now makes me think there is value in writing about it.

The smartest way to handle a Saturn transit (and my natal Saturn squaring my Sun makes me somewhat of an expert on this since my entire life is one long Saturn transit - imagine a stern father looking over your shoulder all the time!) is to know that often limitation has value.

A Saturn complex creates a feeling of things not being OK just as they are - this can give us high standards, drive and ambition, but also the feeling we have something to prove. In a natal chart these will simply be qualities of who we are - like having green eye and blond hair. Saturn's little inside joke is that we better enjoy what we are doing because there are no additional rewards for getting it right or being perfect.

The process is an end in itself and not a means to an end. Ultimately Saturn teaches us to love and value ourselves and not look for validation from outside sources. I think I will have to write a post about this.

For today - stay centered - let's choose our words carefully - they are powerful now and the less we speak today the stronger our words will be tonight when we need them. Get into water. Take a bath. Walk barefoot in that full moon tonight, even if you have cloudy skies, I can assure you the moon is still just as powerful. 

Set your intention to release what isn't working - be advised this is a very strong moon and this 'stuff that isn't working' will release. This may or may not feel good. If there are big things in our lives not working, a release intention at the full moon, can change everything. Let's be brave. Let's do what we came for.

BIZ Astrology for Friday, September 5th - changing where we are by loving what we do (not necessarily doing what we love)

We start the day with the Moon in steady, get the job done, Capricorn. Then she goes void just before lunch (EST) giving us a few hours to work through stuff already in motion. A void moon is a time to hold off on actions where we have high expectations - stuff tends to be unrealistic, stuff tends to be more fluid and hard to nail down.

There is a quincunx (150 degree aspect) this morning between Jupiter and Pluto. A quincunx requires us to make adjustments, which is maybe why the word sounds like a chiropractic term to me.

Maybe our chosen path (and yes, whatever path we are on was chosen by us, maybe consciously, maybe subconsciously or intuitively from the gazillions of little choices we have made over time) is not compatible with our best avenue for growth; maybe it doesn't best create the space for us to give what we are here to give.

The energies that are influencing us now allow us to feel the parts of ourselves that are out of alignment. People did not used to be made so uncomfortable by their lives. It used to be a person sitting in an unsatisfactory space, like a bad job or a bad relationship, was not caused the same amount of pain by that condition that we feel today.  

We have this agitation now - this major potential teasing us forward. 

The last time we had the current Pluto/Uranus square cycle (2012-2015) was during the great depression

(and the Gold Rush, which feels exactly like the internet to me - lots of money to be made, but not everyone will make money. How many people actually made money from mining gold vs selling mining equipment to people mining gold? I will have to research this. This feels like the internet to me, too - of course everyone had an ambitious adventure to tell their grandchildren).

When Pluto and Uranus were conjunct during the 1960's we set off a revolution. That revolution seeded much of what is happening now. The problem then was we were all still oriented toward pushing against what we didn't want which only empowers what we don't want!

Now by creating what we do want and pushing for that - real change can happen. This is not a linear journey though and we have Saturn in the mix making us work for it.

Work doesn't have to look like it used to though. When we work with our heart, work changes.

We've had Jupiter adjusting to Neptune (for the first time in our lives) since mid August and today we have Jupiter in Leo adjusting to Pluto. This creates some shifting sand with our creative work, children and relationships. There is money, authority figures and power involved. In the outer world this could show up as child abuse or child sex slavery in the news over the days and weeks ahead.

The immediate news for today is Venus enters Virgo - we have 25 days to get our asses organized! Venus is considered in 'her fall' in Virgo. She doesn't like it here. Venus wants the high heels that make her legs look long and beautiful, not the practical flats that Virgo knows won't make her feet hurt at the end of the day. It takes collaboration now. We can have form and function, but we need to work for it.

If we can not nitpick our way through the month and make ourselves and everyone else nuts, we can get a hell of a lot done now. Focus on organization and production this month.

This is the time when our ancestors brought in the harvest - we need to work now, too.

The Moon drops into Aquarius tonight and hangs out for much of the weekend. This will give us the chance to see things in new and unusual ways. Do something different this weekend! Make our body form new connections to what is familiar. This is a weekend to see where the magic can take us and where we are blocking that. This Aquarius Moon will make some hard squares this weekend - so don't get too critical. When Virgo is not critical, no one is more compassionate - let's use that energy now. Our new tribe is coming - hang on. xo all