why we might just need that tinfoil antenna - time is the means | part III

See Part I and Part II

So many times I've been the girl standing at the crossroads, getting sunburned and wrinkled, trying not to make a mistake. Sometimes a decision came quickly and I would move toward something I really wanted to do. But not often. Unless I stayed busy and let the decisions work themselves out (which works until it doesn't), I struggled.

I could never just relax.

As I get older I've started to embrace the thinking that we can't really get on the wrong road.

And this doesn't mean we can't get on a road littered with potholes and sticker bushes and maybe even fire breathing dragons - it just means the other road - the road not taken - very likely had its own kinds of roadblocks and setbacks and boulder slinging orcs!

Get Yourself a HELMET | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 9th

Just prepare yourself for heading into a demolition zone everytime you leave the house this week - scratch that - make it everytime you get out of bed - scratch that - just wear the damn helmet to bed, too!  

This week is BIG.

On a purely mundane level - we just stepped into Daylight Savings time which creates one of the most accident prone weeks of the year with millions of people dealing with insufficient sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms.

Astrologically this week is all about Mars (warrior, action) - he's in his home sign of Aries (forward movement, fast, impulsive energy) where he is uber comfortable, effective and, yes, sometimes quite dangerous.

(And he rules the head - I am not really kidding about the helmet - at least don't walk around in the snow with your hands in your pockets. I saw people doing this all weekend. I had to almost bite my own tongue off to resist screaming out "Protect Your Head People!". People really need to let me dress them. And yes, you'd all be wearing - warning shameless plug ahead - my magnetic Aromatherapy Locket which is almost as effective as a Swiss Army Knife in the event of an emergency, but maybe don't tell the Swiss Army people I said this)

FULL Moon in Virgo | March 5, 2015 | doing the right thing

We have an uber complicated Full Moon in Virgo on Thursday. So much is going on around this Full Moon I feel irresponsible writing just a Full Moon post! But I am a bit irresponsible, so here goes ..

First let's think about Virgo for a minute here. Virgo is all about doing the right thing. In Virgo we gain dignity and self respect from being good at something that is useful to other people.

If you were born with your sun in Virgo this is the basic way you process life, moon in Virgo; the basic way you experience your feelings about life and if your ascendant is in Virgo; the basic way you appear to others.

 (people who think Virgos are fussy or nitpicky are totally missing the point and also forgetting we all have Virgo in our charts - the Virgo message of things worth doing being worth doing well and the value of these things lying within their value to others is probably the exact paradigm that will get everyone who is out of work back to work now - it is no coincidence Virgo rules the 6th house of work and health)

maybe your feet hurt because your socks just need time to relax

I'm reading a book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by self proclaimed "tidy-er" Mari Kondo. By following her instructions you tidy up your home once and then it stays tidy forever. Yes, you heard me - forever. She has thousands of devoted fans and claims almost no one has ever relapsed after finishing her training.

When I stumbled upon this book Saturday night on my Kindle I was thinking - just like you are probably thinking now - how the hell is this possible? Tidying is like breathing, isn't it? We breathe in, we breathe out - we make a mess, we clean it up.

But I drink the kool-aid. I start thinking about all the things I will finally have time to do once this time wasting "tidying" thing has been taken off my hands.

I buy the book.