Happy Easter & Passover!

Wishing everyone a basketful of eggs this holiday - xo all

Saturday's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and Your Business

We have been in between eclipses since the New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 20th.

March's solar eclipse pushed us toward transformation. Roads not taken and potentials we never manifested have been shut down. Old options are in the past and out of reach. This is working its magic into all our lives in different ways. How quickly we realize this and what we do next is up to us, but any way you slice it - something's over.

So HOT .... | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 30th

If only it was the weather I was talking about (!) or Paris Hilton had stumbled back into the spotlight with one last "that's hot", but no, it's Aries and Leo and the Sun and we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse next weekend - yes, we can fry an egg ... or two ... or maybe breakfast for the Duggars.

This is our final week in between eclipses. I think it's just about doing what needs to be done now and what we have the strength for - personally I'm still craving that vacation!

We start the week with multiple ending energies even as we are feeling our Aries Sun pushing us to start. We have Mercury leaving Pisces, Mars leaving Aries and the Sun moves into the South Node (past/release) as he makes his way thru Aries. This is the Libra/Aries story we have been working through for the past year - our relationship to ourselves vs. our relationship with other people. We release Aries tendencies to go it alone and embrace Libra tendencies to move into alignment with our flock.

pulled by our visions : the Following - time is the means | part IV

See Part I, II and III.

If time is the means and always the means that takes us where we need to go, then being able to feel life's nudges and guidance takes on a whole new importance.

This doesn't mean we sit back and wait for some miraculous something or other to come our way (it's kind of the opposite of that actually although we always stay open to the miraculous something, of course!) - it means when we choose to move we make the conscious choice of action and we pursue it with an earnest steadiness of purpose

(earnest is my new favorite word by the way and yes, I realize it means I have been spending way too much time with Olive - I am always on the lookout for ways to work it into conversations so others will pick up on it - imagine a world full of people seeking earnestness!)

and then we make ourselves at home with what we have created, learned and attained.

(not obtained, outcomes are never guaranteed here on Planet Earth - only growth!).