noticing the energy we are channeling ....

my intuitive fragments by SeaFairy
Today's Pisces Moon trining Venus in Scorpio and sextiling Mercury is a good space to really "get" why we are doing/feeling/being what we're doing/feeling/being. Time spent meditating today will be worth the effort. Get extra sleep. Take a long walk. Pay attention to your dreams.

Our intuition can guide us now. We probably won't get different things to do, we'll just get to do the same things differently. 

Our mission, should we choose to accept it (cue the mission impossible music here) is to be aware of the energy/archetype we are working with without pushing for anything to happen with it.

Mercury is still out of bounds and not playing by the rules, so be prepared for Mercury things (communications, siblings, transportation, thoughts) to come out of nowhere. Choose your words carefully now, they have consequences.

Finished my busiest shipping day of the year yesterday - hope everyone is "getting in the spirit". xo all

your creative business and the astrological generations | feeding your customer's Pluto - Part I

paradise peak by plavi demon

If you have a creative business you have probably done an "imagining your ideal customer" exercise where you determine you are selling to "Sue from the city - a 42 year old childless exec who needs to look polished and professional, has no time to get herself looking polished and professional and really, really needs your thingamajig".

Or maybe your ideal customer is "Debbie from Dallas (no, not that Debbie from Dallas) - a mom who prioritizes her children's homeschooling, supplementing her family's income with minimal sacrifices to family time and yes, still having great Texas hair (and I'm from New Jersey and not judging, yes, hair still matters)."

Being a definite square peg, I have never been much for pigeon-holing people - on the other hand this type of exercise is often strangely effective. With everyone seeing different things now - gone are the days of three TV channels and one local newspaper where sellers/makers/businesses knew where they needed to be - we need to know who we are making our thingamajig for or selling our thingamajig to, so we can try and figure out where they will be looking. So we can be there.

One way astrology can help with this process is by allowing us to look at the generational needs of our customers. The three outer planets - Neptune, Uranus and Pluto - most greatly impact collective energy over time. I'm writing this with an eye on the United States since it's the country I am most familiar with, but the same energies apply everywhere.

We've all heard of the Greatest Generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X and Y - is there a Z or are they the Millennials? I'm not sure and I don't know exactly how they determine the birthday cut-offs with this stuff. The dates I've seen would make Obama a Baby Boomer and that doesn't feel right to me.

I think astrology is a good way of looking at generations if we analyze the natal placement of the planet Pluto. 

Pluto is a slow moving outer planet. The furthest planet from earth (yes, Pluto is a planet, don't get me started!) and represents karma and the "soul".

We experience a compulsive attention to matters related to the sign where Pluto resides when we are born.

NOTE - Pluto moves in and out of a sign as it retrogrades, stations and moves direct so a person born within the first couple years Pluto is in a sign may be more in tune with the previous sign and a person born in the last two years more represented by the following sign. And of course each person has their own individual chart with many aspects and placements including the energy of Pluto's house that may work against this collective energy - still, this way of looking at generations will be helpful when we think about our customers as a group.

nurture locket by polarity and shira sela
OK, let's start with the oldest generation alive today - the Pluto in Cancer generation (born 1914 - 1939) is ruled by the Moon. 

This is the 'Greatest Generation'. The United States is a Cancer Sun country so that name is probably pretty applicable. They fought for home and country and pretty much crafted the nuclear family and Norman Rockwell image of America.

Cancer is the sign of the mother, nurturing, fertility, security, patriotism, community, family. They are protective, moody, intuitive, secretive. Cancer is a cardinal sign ushering in a new season - think 'starting' here. Cancer is a water sign. A water sign needs to be balanced by rationality, groundedness and decisiveness.

Pluto in Cancer gives this generation a connection with the past, a strong sense of 'what was'. Change is/was hard for them. They like and honor history. They hold on to things. They gave up everything for their families. They are loyal and once they have 'bought into' something, it is hard for them to change. They might buy the same products they have always bought, even though things that are better for them are out there now. They do what they have to do.

If your creative business services this group - think about some of these Cancer buzzwords. Think about how this collective energy would feel merging with the energy at play today.

(today Pluto is in Capricorn - Cancer's polarity sign, so he is opposite this generation's natal Cancer - they can see things differently now - they can see both sides of the story and what they didn't want or couldn't hear before they can be more open to now)

What do they need/want now? Remember this is mature energy - they have worked through a lot of this stuff already, but their basic nature is still probably to hunker in; to protect. The best way to work with Pluto in Cancer people may be to offer nostalgia, a connection with something already familiar to them, security, less complex choices, etc. More than any other group, it is probably very hard for this generation to have the structures they have relied on their whole lives falling apart as they are now. Keep this in mind.

royal locket by polarity and solocosmo
The Pluto in Leo generation (mid 1939 - 1957) is ruled by the Sun. This is the hippie, rock 'n roll generation that brought us government protests, make love not war, women's rights, African American rights, basically turned everything on its ear.

They get blamed for mostly ending up conforming to society, but with the Leo archetype representing the "king", this was always more about "self realization" than group think. Lots of people were born during these years, so there was, and is, a lot of this energy for the universe to work with! Yes, they are self-absorbed (especially in comparison to the Pluto in Cancer generation), but also incredibly self-expressive. They were willful children, became willful parents and raised more willful children!

(in 2023 Pluto will move into Leo's polarity sign of Aquarius and the age of Aquarius begins)

They came here to be bigger than life (Sun) and make things better. They have the Leo lion's courage "We can do anything!". They took center stage. They took charge. They wanted/want to show the world what they can do. This energy is still running things, although the next generation, Pluto in Virgo, who is cleaning up Leo's mess (change is messy and wanting to be special has its drawbacks) is slowly taking over.

Ruled by the Sun and ruler of the 5th house - Leo is a fixed sign; stable and dependable. The energy is dramatic and creative. They are generous and proud. They are natural leaders. They are the most self-concerned generation, took therapy to new heights partly because they love to talk about themselves, but mostly because they are here to break through the barriers of the ego (Sun).

If your creative business services this age group - think about some of these Leo buzzwords. Think about how this collective energy would feel merging with the energy at play today. The structures they railed against in their youth are collapsing, but they have come to embrace these same structures - so what does that feel like for them? What do they need now?

Again this is mature energy - they have worked through a lot already, but their basic nature is still to "shine". The best way to work with Pluto in Leo people might be to offer them a feeling of being special, a way to be center stage, a place at the head of the table. They want thingamajigs that make them look and feel good. Think luxury, royalty, boldness, color. Think about "what's in it for them".

Next up what your Pluto in Virgo and Pluto in Libra customer needs :)

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 14th - the crossroads ...the price we are willing to pay

crossroads by xeneras

On Monday, our Sagittarius Sun squares Jupiter (in Virgo). This aspect could provide a "lucky" opportunity for success but comes with something like a test of character. Big head = big bust with this kind of thing.

The key to working with this energy is not to get too far ahead of ourselves. In its position square to our Sun, Jupiter is testing our ego. Too much of a good thing is still too much. Focus on the groundwork now. We'll channel grandma and let our mantra be "all things in moderation".

We'll plow toward Friday when the same Sagittarius Sun squares the North Node (in Virgo) as he prepares to exit Sagittarius (sniffle) - events will carry us toward a crossroads.

Let's allow this week to play itself out before we make any big decisions if we can.

This is really all about the dream we are building now. Virgo (north node) is our way forward which means we need to move from what is hazy, vague and general toward what is structured, grounded and precise (Virgo).

Mercury (in Capricorn) is out of bounds this week. There will be an element of a lack of control or things, particularly Mercury ruled things (like communications) will be out of our control. Some rules may go out the window. The inmates will be running the asylum. The cat will be away.

We might be able to get away with some rule breaking now, but we will still have to pay the price for our decisions. Our decisions (and dreams), yes, we're back to that crossroads, can go either way now. Boundaries are weakened. We can buckle down and do the work or we can walk away. And so can other people. There are no easy (or correct)  answers.

There is energy this week around "the cost" of what we want and "the price" we will have to pay. These words will probably be floating around us on multiple levels. This will be part of our crossroad/decision making as we decide what we really value now.

In the outer world we have the climate change talks - a decision made, a cost to be paid - we arrive at a crossroads. What do we really value?

The decisions we make in our own lives influence this energy. 

What do we value now? What path are we taking? Are we willing to do the hard work our dreams require? 

As we make the choices now about our own values we impact the same energy that influences worldly events. It can't not influence them. We really are that powerful!

At the end of the week, Venus (in Scorpio) is inconjunct Uranus (in Aries) this could bring a surprise or maybe some kind of pressure around Venus ruled stuff - money, love, women, art - (the things money can buy and the things it can't) - the things we value. The next day Venus trines Chiron (in Pisces) so probably whatever comes up will work itself out somehow or lead to some kind of healing or clearing of the air. We won't be able to have everything we want ... but when have we ever, right?

xo all - will try to do a few dailys as we move through this busy week!

UPCYCLED Christimas Ornaments | Wine Corks and Wire Hangers = Yoga Love | Tutorial

Here's an easy-peasy wine cork tutorial you will love.

You will need two wine corks

(yes, this will require you to drink the wine - you can thank me later .. or just fall asleep, that's what I do)

2 large eyehooks

(I used 1-15/16" - you can also use the wire hanger wire for the heads if you are feeling particularly strong - maybe do this before you drink the wine) and 1 wire hanger.

You'll need some tin snips or pliers to cut the wire, something to bend the wire around (I used a nail in a board clamped to a table), a hand drill and glue.

1. gather your supplies

2. mark a center hole and screw in your eyehooks - you will see when you do this why I love to work with this nice, soft wood (of course, my arms and shoulders are still a mess, so go figure)

3. cut corners of wire hangers for arms - the sizing isn't as important as consistency, so just make them both the same size - bend as needed around your nail using two sets of pliers, bend hands - work carefully the wire will be sharp

drill arm holes and glue in arms

4. cut straight wire for legs, bend as needed for knee and both feet, drill holes, glue in legs

My lotus pose (sitting) wine cork ornament's legs were a little wonky, but here is a closer look. I used the top folds of the wire hanger. Just make yours more consistent than mine! But you can see perfection is not needed with these little guys - have fun with it. ---->

NOW drop and give me ZEN :)