Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 3rd - a commitment to that new thing or what needs to happen to make space for it

commitment by smashed into you

"One of the strangest things about life is that it will chug on, blind and oblivious, even as your private world - your little carved-out sphere - is twisting and morphing, even breaking apart. One day you have parents; the next day you're an orphan. One day you have a place and a path. The next day you're lost in the wilderness. And still the sun rises and clouds mass and drift and people shop for groceries and toilets flush and blinds go up and down. That's when you realize that most of it - life, the relentless mechanism of existing - isn't about you. It doesn't include you at all. It will thrust onward even after you've jumped the edge."- Lauren Oliver

OK, we have the New Moon energy from last weekend pushing us forward into our next chapter where we will work with and through relationships (through October 2017).

Lone wolfs will find their flock (yes, I realize wolves and birds might be a precarious flock, but life can be precarious sometimes) and people who 'love/need to be around other people' will learn to pick and choose who they work and play with, probably through overwhelm, as Jupiter enlarges this sphere of our lives. We will also work with the concepts of balance and fairness in our individual stories and in the collective world. Buckle up buttercup!

On Monday, the Moon is in Scorpio. Our emotions can be extreme with whatever is happening. This is a good time to go deeper with our creative work. Deep conversations will bring us closer to others. If something needs to be said and you need to be the one to say it, this might be a good day (always with the utmost compassion) because when Scorpio cuts, it's deep. Read yesterday's post about saying something supportive, and conversation starting, without giving unsolicited advice. There can be new beginnings to old, toxic situations now. It's a day to go deep with love, income, women, beauty, art, spirituality, research, people, situations and things that have been 'put away' and our escape mechanisms.

On Tuesday, that same Scorpio Moon connects with Mercury (about to exit Virgo) so we hear news about whatever we were dealing with on Monday. The Sun (in Libra) connects us with Saturn (in Sagittarius) so we are dealing with a commitment to some relationship. It could be an equal partner kind of thing or something involving a Sagittarius theme (or our Sagittarius natal house theme) ie publishing, higher education, travel, something/someone at a distance or foreign, weddings, legal, political stuff, etc.

On Wednesday, (a good decision day) the Moon moves into Sagittarius and connects with Jupiter (in Libra) in an alignment of opportunity with the Sagittarius themes listed on Tuesday (or our Sagittarius natal house themes) and our partnerships. Mars (in Capricorn) squares Jupiter (in Libra) - the tension here will focus us on our ambitions. Confidence encourages success. Remember with all this Libra we need to be taking other people, balance and fairness into consideration here. The same old heartless ambition without cooperation isn't going to cut it for long.

On Thursday, Saturn (time, commitment, hard work) reminds us of what it is we are willing to work for. That Libra/Sagittarius situation (see all the house buzzwords I have used earlier in the week) is moving forward. Mercury finishes his shadow period - the degrees he walked 3 times in our Virgo houses - that chapter is finished!

On Friday, Mercury moves into Libra - so now we have the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury here. Balanced and diplomatic words and conversations have the best effect. But the shadow is we bend too far in compromise or sacrifice. Watch for that. It will throw this train off the track before we even get it out of the station. This can also bring new people into the mix. I will do a full post about this later in the week!

Also on Friday, Pluto (in Capricorn) squares the Sun (in Libra). This can be a power struggle or confrontation of egos. A light (the Sun) will shine on power (Pluto) - will we like what we see? The wise or unwise use of power will be spotlighted both in our personal lives and in the collective.

With Mercury freshly in Libra at the time of this square - a conversation could be challenging. There could be jealousy or obsession here or maybe an ambitious struggle. Keep things above board and honest. The Moon is headed into Capricorn for the weekend which means stuff will be serious and our work might carry into our playtime hours. Also on Saturday, Saturn squares the North and South Nodes of our collective fate. There is some tension blocking our way forward or making it difficult to release something that needs to go. If there is some Saturnian responsibility (think strict father energy here) we have ignored or are ignoring it could come up now.

The only Void Moon during work hours is Friday after 4:45pm EST.

xo all

Venus trine Neptune | Mercury opposing Chiron - acceptance of what will never be enough

compassion by renato54

We have Venus (in Scorpio) trine (brakes off) Neptune (in Pisces). This is a good time to reach out to someone with compassion and a good time to offer compassion to ourselves. This is sacred union energy and coming with a Libra Sun and Moon even more powerful!

The shadow of Venus in Scorpio is she is never satisfied. There is always more to be had. There is never enough. The space where we are never sated, where our cup is never full, is the red flag for us now. This is the energy that wants healing (this is the healing that will save the world).

The unsatisfied feeling is our way in.

The highest vibration of Venus in Scorpio is the healed warrior. Scorpio is considered a space where Venus is in her 'detriment' but that is a consideration that comes from patriarchy.

She just won't be controlled here. She won't be told what to do.

So, instead of us feeling threatened by this energy - there is a respect for the mystery.

What were once shameful secrets are seen as survival instincts. What was once jealousy is seen as fear that there is not enough for us (again a survival instinct ready to be dissolved) .. or the knowledge that enough is never enough.

This is also an excellent time to use our intuition and imagination. We are in the New Moon energy now and Venus trine Neptune enhances this in magical ways! What do we want to create? How do we want to connect?

We have Mercury (in Virgo) opposing Chiron (in Pisces). Mercury is our communication and our thought processes (also our dealing with siblings and neighbors). In Virgo, he likes to nitpick over the details and zeros in on mistakes. Chiron is our sacred woundedness that cannot be healed. In Pisces, he connects us to others who share the same wounding.

With them at cross purposes today probably the less that is said the better. Telling someone what we think they are doing wrong (Virgo will want to zero in on the problem), will not be as helpful as just being there and offering compassion.

Simply saying to a friend going through a hard time, "this must be so hard" will work more magic than offering up solutions.

xo all - have a nice weekend - it's our monthly affirmation time, don't miss it!

p.s. someone asked me yesterday why I didn't mention that yesterday's Moon was a Black Moon. A Black Moon is what they call a New Moon that happens twice in the same month. I'm not sure why they call it this - all New Moons are black. I'll have to Google it. This wasn't the second New Moon in Libra though - our New Moon in the beginning of September was in Virgo, so astrologically speaking this Moon wasn't a second New Moon of the sun cycle, so no biggie in that sense - it's still a wonderful New Moon though and I'm sure our ancestors would have thrown a couple extra goats on the pyre just to be safe! :)

New Moon in Libra | growth through grace - affirmation time!

recent excitements by kerem seker
The Moon conjuncts the Sun tonight at 8 degrees in balanced and beautiful Libra!

This closes out a very long and challenging Eclipse cycle.

This is a nice fresh start - particularly for our relationships. After weeks of drama and months of backtracking we finally have a New Moon with a bit less baggage.

With both the Sun and Moon conjunct Jupiter now - there is optimism and no small amount of 'expansion potential' attached to this one.

This would be a great time to study something new or to publish something. It would be a great time to travel somewhere or connect with someone new at a distance.

It would be a great time to get married (don't just grab some random guy and head to Vegas, of course, because you will probably be stuck with him for a long time).

It's an excellent time to take something, especially something that puts us in relationship with others, to the next level.

If you have been waiting for an "all systems go" you can stop waiting!

(and remember, if it felt like someone just yelled "ready or not here I come" and you aren't ready when I said this - you just need to take a step in a direction you want to go, you don't have to run off and join the circus this weekend)

Mars is in Capricorn and it is good to have him back on solid ground, even if he is not the most happy camper at a New Moon in Libra. He wants faster and bigger decisions than Libra likes to make, since Libra takes into consideration both sides and other people. His energy will be helpful now if an important or quick decision is needed.

Decisions can be challenging during Libra season. That doesn't mean we get to take a pass and not make them though (if we can comfortably wait until Mercury is out of shadow, we can go ahead and wait a week, but there is probably nothing to be gained by waiting). We can use this energy or it can use us. We can use the Sun and Moon in Libra to weigh decisions and take other people into consideration emotionally and we can use Mars in Capricorn to choose what is best for us and move forward decisively. Or the energy can use us - we can feel like we must do something but be unable to decide what to do. If that happens we can still use that North Node Virgo to do what is right in front of us.

After months of Saturn square Neptune putting up road blocks, this Moon has a nice sextile to Saturn promising advancement and recognition for hard work and stability and longevity for projects/relationships started now.

After all the self improvement projects we waded through in Virgo, Libra is the time we bring other people into the mix. We compromise. We negotiate. We collaborate. We make alliances. We make commitments. 

With the Sun and Moon squaring a studious and ambitious Capricornian Mars there is some work ahead, a need to be responsible and a need to dress the part.

There could be something now about justice or about being judged or maybe we need to pass a final judgement on something we have been back and forth with or maybe a judgement needs to be released.

The downside - there is always the potential with Jupiter so close-by to go over-board; to think something is bigger or better than it is. Keep this in mind. If something happens that brings the word 'over' into your head or to your ears or draws it from your own lips then pay attention.

(for example if you start thinking you mustn't over-promise, or over-do it, or over-spend, or over-commit - you probably shouldn't - dial it back a bit)

Also don't start something just to start some thing, if you know what I mean. You'll just end up not finishing and feel like you missed out or screwed up.

Today, we have this need for a fresh start that will give us more balance (more beauty, more love - think Venus ruled Libra here) in some area of our life and it is interacting with other people's fresh starts, too.

This Moon opens up all kinds of new opportunities involving  partners - both romantic and business, agents, clients, specialists and competitors - think "equals" over the next couple weeks. Who/what do we want to partner with?

It is also excellent re-balancing energy. What house holds 6-10 degrees Libra in our natal chart? This is our annual opportunity to restore balance, peace and harmony here. Also keep in mind that to stay in balance with something new coming in, something already in might have to go. Hasta la vista baby.

Libra's ruler Venus (in Scorpio) will trine (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Maybe some dream really can come true.

Now a New Moon is only a first step, a step taken in the dark, but there is real potential here for something to grow from this one over the next six months, so don't miss it. Set your intentions (within the next 2 days) and take some new action (within the next 2 weeks).

Libra is ruled by Venus. She is the ethereal force of love, attraction, kindred spirits, beauty and our aesthetic sensitivity.

(the opposite of aesthetic is anesthetic - there's a reason all our senses spring to life in autumn and spring - she also rules Taurus!)

She brings things and us into relationship.

(it was during the Libra Sun that our ancestors, finished with Virgo's harvest, settled back into their homes and local communities - back into balance with each other)

Venus attracts. The stuff we are attracted to are vital clues to our job here on planet Earth.

Libra rules marriage, negotiations, teamwork, harmony, sociability and diplomacy. It is an excellent time to have the best energetic support for new beginnings in these areas. Since the New Moon is late tonight and I like to wait a couple days to see what comes up for me to work with and give the Moon a little time to grow - I am going to do this on Sunday night.

Get grounded - we have moved from an earth sign into air so this is important - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning certain).

It is a good idea, since the New Moon is literally a blank sheet, to work in a clean, uncluttered space and maybe right after a bath or shower. Definitely when you are alone.

We are planting seeds in the dark here - think about the ultimate seed in the dark planting - making a baby. What would you do then? Do that (yes, maybe even that, Venus is in Scorpio it can't hurt - ha!)

I find affirmations are most effective if I speak less on New Moon days so my words will hold more weight when I need them to. I usually burn a white candle to help me focus and thin the veils between me and me. It also helps to channel ancestral energy a bit since I am always thinking as I move my story forward, their story moves forward with me.

Write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak the words out loud. 

I used to write my affirmations on strips of paper and put them into a bowl of rice so I could mix them around every now and then with my fingers if things got stagnant. Last year I decided to burn them. I have written them on rocks and buried them.

This month, I'm doing something I did a few weeks ago to line up with a specific thing that happened pretty effortlessly afterward -

I'm going to write my affirmations

(astrologer Jan Spiller recommends writing 10, but I have found myself stretching to do that or writing the same things every month which feels silly, so I have worked my way down to 3 which feels like a powerful number to me)

on my chalkboard while burning a white candle - when the candle burns out, all by itself - don't burn your house down - I erase the words first and then clean the blackboard with water.

Some people store them until the corresponding Full Moon (in this case during Aries season) and burn them then. Do what feels right.

I don't think it's terribly important what we do with our writings as long as we are not pulling them out and checking on them all the time. Setting intentions is like baking a cake - checking on how things are going just slows things down.

We are not handing a honey do list to the universe! We are lining up with the universal energies of creation here.

And I wouldn't be sharing them with other people, which also feels like it dilutes the process or pulls them into our story. I was writing them on my blog for a few months, as examples for people, and that definitely wasn't helpful.

Then - and this is the important part - release your attention from your words knowing your intention is known. 

Know these things are already yours. xo all

the stuff that can come back around and bite us .... an astrological update

please don't flow so fast by njurur

So, let's see where we are - Mars has finally moved into Capricorn. Mars usually spends just a few weeks in each sign, but due to his 2016 retrograde, he spent the first nine months of the year in just two signs - Scorpio and Sagittarius, so his move into Capricorn (an earth sign) is a very big deal.

Except for Scorpio and Aries, Capricorn is Mars favorite sign to visit. He (and we) can get alot done now. We also have Pluto (retrograde for 5 months) finally direct again. He is also in Capricorn (2008-2024) where he has been and will be upsetting all kinds of Capricornian applecarts (ie business, banking, structure, government, authority).

We might be, or will be, feeling more ambitious here.

We want to reach higher and achieve more. There is a certain angst with this energy if it is thwarted and keep in mind we are also in Libra season (the Sun through October 22nd) and also have Jupiter recently moved into Libra (until October 10, 2017) which makes it harder to make decisions. 

Maybe we are uncertain about which road to take. We can hesitate. We can frustrate ourselves. Outside situations and people can frustrate us, too. We can't please everyone. We have Saturn in Sagittarius (through the end of 2017) limiting our options which should make it easier to focus, but somehow just makes it harder to see how to get to where we want to be.

There is alot of energy around our relationships.

We have a New Moon in Libra tomorrow night (early Saturday if you are in Europe) and Libra rules relationships. We have Jupiter - the planet of expansion and good luck - working with us through the next year within the structure of our relationships (and natal Libra houses!).

The last month and a half have been up and down with the Eclipse Season, lots of karmic releases and lots of stuff that paved the way for our next chapter. We have Neptune now retrograded back to the degree in Pisces where it went direct last year so lots of emotional groundhog days for people as well as situations involving compassion, losses and boundaries.

The theme of shifting back inside our own frame continues. Where are we trying to be or do too much? What feels comfortable? What is most sustainable? Can we feel the relief when we just take a deep breath and relax into our own space and let the rest go?

Feeling where we are and holding our space is a part of the very big process of re-inventing our relationships. Relationships and our 'flock' will be a strong focus over the next 12 and a half months. Jupiter will expand everything that is right about them and everything that is not so right. We will see the way the people in our lives reflect us back to us. We will be accountable for our relationships and our boundaries. People, projects - the things we need to get us where we need to go will expand. This is a very good thing, but this does not mean it will be an easy thing.

Uranus is in Aries (so will be opposing Jupiter in Libra) - negotiations will not be easy and things will be unpredictable.

But this is a new way to live (cooperation vs competition) and we are on this journey ... together.

By the end of next week Jupiter will begin to square Mars and this can bring us courage and determination (also situations and people who bring this out in us). This energy can be kind of impulsive and make us more accident prone (meaning maybe physical accidents, but really just more liable to take actions that bring us unintended consequences, not necessarily bad consequences), so to get the most from this 'tension' (tension can really get things unstuck and moving) we might want to take a few moments now to get clear on where we really want to go and what we really want to do.

Now the reason I am writing about all of this in a separate post is that after the next few weeks of Mars in Capricorn (through November 9th when he heads into Aquarius) he will not return to Capricorn for 2 years, and when he does, Saturn will also be in Capricorn and Pluto will still be in Capricorn (and Jupiter will be following them)!

So these next 2 years could be alot about our next 6 weeks.

Mercury is out of retrograde now (although still retracing steps until late next week), Mars is out of retrograde, Pluto is out of retrograde - we had a year filled with lots of retrograde and they have all ended and we are moving ahead. Neptune is still retrograde but for most left brained people this might actually help with decision making and staying grounded.

We need to draw our boundaries now - and stick to them. Stuff will challenge this. That's OK, it just makes us stronger. Oxygen mask on our own face ... first. We can't compromise ourselves here.

We need to focus on what our heart wants (if it's in your heart it's in your chart!) and we need to be realistic (yes, there is work and right timing involved here) and take the steps that are right in front of us (Virgo North Node/ Saturn in Sagittarius).

With all this Capricornian stuff (the sign doesn't rule some of the harshest days of winter for nothing) now and in the future we know there will be challenges. Let's get our ducks in a row now.  Look ahead with this. Are we doing something that can come back and bite us in the ass? Or something that is wearing us out? Or something that is pie in the sky? Are we giving away the store? Where is our money going? Are we eating junk all day? What are we procrastinating? How are we self-sabotaging? What are we relying on so heavily that if it disappeared we would be in deep trouble?

What is the irresponsible/too much thing that will bite us in the ass later - let's get on with changing that.

My own list is pretty long :)

xo all

New Moon tomorrow! Post to follow.