Mercury into Pisces | this is our brain on drugs

otwarte, zsiniale granice ... by narva

Today, Mercury (communication, conversations, ideas, thinking) moves into Pisces (intuition, imagination, addiction, escape, deception, secrets, healing, clandestine situations, things and people put away) until March 13th.

Our thinking gets more fluid. Details are harder to pin down. There are distractions. As our mental focus widens and blurs it gets easier to see the big picture but also easier to lose sight of the specifics. Goals become more elusive because the target is moving.  

And where the hell did we put our car keys?

Our emotions/intuition will tend to rule our logical mind now and so will everyone else's so keep this in mind. This can be an expansive exercise for our practical intellect - it can also be very frustrating.

Mercury in Pisces is great energy for creative, imaginative work and fanciful words and language. It's not a time to worry about perfection though or saying just the right thing, the beauty will be in the imperfection now. We will all be more psychic.

This transit breeds indecision.

(not Libran style indecision - where we can see both sides of a situation which makes choices challenging - of course Libran energy isn't really here to decide anyway, the energy is here to discriminate) 

With Pisces, decision making is challenging because our thoughts are constantly morphing (think water here - I am picturing the bad guy in Terminator II forming from that puddle). We might find ourselves thinking/communicating one way when we are around certain people or situations and then another way under different circumstances. Our communications blend into the environment we are exposed to. Boundaries shift. Let's give ourselves a break with this - wishy-washy thinking will probably prevail for awhile.

It is easier to get lost in "groupthink" since the boundaries between our minds and other people's minds, which are certainly imaginative to begin with and only necessary to keep us sane - are very, very porous.

Empaths (and everyone else!) will need to meditate and spend time alone or we will be totally bogged down in other people's junk.

Those Aquarius 'alternative facts' evolve into plain old fashioned lies. The don't become any easier to spot though. Reality is foggy.

This is a great transit to listen to other people, especially those we tend to disagree with, because it will be easier to feel what they are saying instead of just hearing it.  

We might be tempted to feel sorry for ourselves during this transit or focus in on the ways we have been victimized. Our Pisces South Node is asking us to release all that. The way through everything (until May) is still Virgo - one step in front of the other, doing what is right in front of us, embracing what is healthy, releasing what hurts.

Tomorrow is the big Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces - a fresh start for our Pisces natal house and all those Pisces themes - post coming - have a wonderful weekend.

xo all

Mercury Sextile Saturn | an opportunity for new ideas to create stability

self portrait with self portrait by ikai-zixie

So we have two themes this week that are marching us toward Sunday's eclipse - one is the fiery Mars energy I wrote about yesterday and the other is Mercury's connection with the other planets during his last few days in Aquarius.

After his conversation with Jupiter earlier in the week, Mercury (mind, communication, ideas) is now sextile (opportunity) Saturn (time, work, structure, stability, authority).

This is good energy for unusual, cutting-edge, new and even revolutionary communications and conversations to work within existing structures - to be taken seriously.

Ideas about new ways of doing things can be discussed with authority figures. This is excellent energy for new ideas to solve long term problems. It's a time to organize our most unorthodox ideas to give them the legs they need to grow.

Organize your ideas and thoughts. Write them down. 

No one else will take us seriously until we take ourselves seriously, so what do we need to do to treat that new "whatever it is" with respect. There may be more questions than answers now and that's OK.

The opportunities here come simply through working with the energies - combining the new and unusual with the old and tested. It is the meshing (sextile) of these two energies that makes the magic happen.

If we have been over-working Aquarius rebelliousness or looking a little too far into the future or been a bit too detached from a situation, Saturn can sober us up now. We could also have contact with an older or more experienced or more stable person (Saturn) who has just the info or guidance we need. Maybe more self-discipline with our words and communication is needed.

On the flips-side if we have been over-working the old sober Saturnian stuff that just doesn't cut it anymore we could have contact with a newer, younger, maybe less-experienced, but more progressive thinker who could lighten our load. The opportunity comes from opening ourselves to something else now.

With Saturn in Sagittarius, Sagittarian themes (and the themes of our natal Sagittarius house) are in play - travel, foreign, politics, media, education, wedding, philosophy, marketing, publicity.

It will be important to present new ideas with respect to the person we are speaking with. And equally important to be open to new ideas. The space where these two energies intersect is where that pot of gold is waiting for us.

xo all

(see the weekly for more info on the energies at play this week)

Mars Square Pluto | danger and opportunity - be brave

danger by tfavretto
Powerful energies conflict today as Mars (in Aries) squares Pluto (in Capricorn).


Remember the Chinese character for crisis represents both danger and opportunity. 

There is opportunity here to move that mountain

(yes, the one you were assigned to show others it can be moved)

and to push through a limit. Imagine a red flower bursting through a rotted concrete sidewalk.

This energy is being supercharged by the positions of Jupiter, Uranus and the Capricorn Moon.

Remember we are in a five month long Cardinal T-Square. It dominates today.

Wear safety equipment. Drive cautiously. And if you have a fender bender keep your cool, because the other person probably won't. Take care with fire. I'm setting my torch down for the day.

This is the energy to start a war, so let's not start a war. We won't be able to make someone do something they don't want to do. We could win the battle and lose the war here by making a powerful enemy, so tread smartly, but bravely. Yes, some things are worth fighting for, but please don't use this energy for any type of revenge. It won't be sweet.

Collectively, the world has too many people who are angry and powerless. Something has reached a tipping point. One way these collective tipping points get re-balanced is through crazy weather events, other times wars or violence, other times a million small but contentious points of interaction between individual people.

Keep this in mind now.

If you have planets or points from 18-20 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn - you will feel this energy most directly.

Remember we have the Sun hanging out with that South Node and we are releasing the stuff that no longer serves us - a push now toward something empowering could be life-changing/saving.

Evolving that rage into passion would change everything. xo all

(see the weekly for more info on the energies at play this week)

Sun Conjunct North Node, Mercury Trine Jupiter | use different words

The Wind and the Sea by ChrissieCool

Today we have Mercury (in rebellious, eccentric Aquarius) trine (brakes off) a retrograde Jupiter in Libra at the same time the Sun (in Pisces) conjuncts the South Node of what we are releasing.

Changes are afoot and the more open we are to different ideas (especially those that are new and unusual) the smoother things will go. A little distance, and a step back, from the way we have always done it could be needed. Try another approach. Use different words. Ask different questions.

The Sun is shining a light or bringing to light something from the past - maybe an old dream or an old wounding. With all this happening in illusory Pisces, it's hard to get a grip on the situation and know what is real. The thing that is pushing our button isn't really the thing that is pushing our button. The best course of action is to release (Pisces) what is unhealthy, un-boundaried and undisciplined. Our North Node (collective way forward) is still in discriminating Virgo.

And with Virgo ruled by Mercury and Mercury aspecting Uranus (change) yesterday and Jupiter retrograde (focused expansion) today - it's probably best to let go of any restricting idea about what is possible. 

We are in between eclipses (karmic portals) now - ANYTHING is possible.

See the weekly forecast for more info on the energies this week. xo all