Today's Astrology Forecast | July 30, 2019 - emotional stress, getting some extra rest, going with the flow, lying low, miscommunications more likely, a devotion to the dream

Today the dark Moon in emotional Cancer is kind of stressed out and challenged as she (as us) faces that Cappy line-up. She...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 29, 2019 - shake, rattle and roll, disruption, changes, clarity and answers, changing our mind, no more looking backward we turn our attention to something new and innovative and near and dear to our heart

Some disruptions, shake-ups and surprises this week as change-maker/revolutionary Uranus squares the Sun, Moon and Venus! We...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 29, 2019 - our pride takes an unexpected hit, the hit lands on an already sore spot which is somehow healing if we own up to it, freak flags fly, how far will we go to get attention, is it time for a radical solution to a chronic problem

There is LOTS of Uranus action this week which means - change, disruptions, surprises. Today we have the Moon (in lunar-ruled...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 26, 2019 - feeling nurtured by our resources, good for business, socializing, nice date night, an instinctual knowing, meeting some kind of reality check

The Moon continues through Taurus - we are nurtured through, and likely focused on - what we own, our money, how we love, what...